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Grade 2; How long is your school day


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My 2nd Grader is 7 years old...total time: required work: 2 hours 15-30 minutes; busy work an additional 30-45 minutes


LA (spelling, reading, FLL3, writing) & History & Science: 8am-9:45am

Math: 9:45am-10:15am (occasionally 10:30am, but not often)

Independent work (Wordly Wise, computer-critical thinking, computer-math games): 30-45 minutes



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What subjects do you do and how long is your school day for Grade 2? I'm trying to see where to pare down or if I'm right in there for time. Seems to be taking us a while. Thanks!


Actually diligently applying himself to the task at hand? Three hours tops. Dawdling, taking breaks, sharpening pencils, sipping water, complaining and daydreaming? One to two hours.


Some qualifiers...


My kid is slow. Verdi's just really, really slow about everything, not just schoolwork. Some times I think V.'s intentionally doing everything as slowly as humanly possible. There's even a seven second delay between saying something to V. and seeing it register on V.'s face. Don't take me the wrong way; my child is brilliant. Verdi comes up with amazing ideas on a regular basis. It just takes V. a long time to interact with the world, like V.'s actually on another continent and there's a long time delay because the connection is weak.


Also, Verdi's eight, which is third in NY but 2nd in many other states.

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My oldest is in 2nd and we typically school into the afternoon but the primary reason for that is that I'm juggling 3 young kids schooling (and 1 very needy non-schooling 2yo!). If just he and I were working together gung ho, we could finish much earlier in the day. Also, the after lunch stuff tends to be more less of the hard core academics and more of the fun learning things we do just cause we like to.....we don't watch any tv or do any video games/computer time during the school week so we tend to fill our days with more activities that could be called school but in fact are just fun for us. That being said we typically do:




Math + math drill time

Spelling and Handwriting

Grammar or Writing (alternate days usually, sometimes we do both)

History reading plus coloring page / activity page and narration

Science - reading science books and working on activities

picture study OR composer study (1-2 times a week each, these are short)

read aloud (me reading to all the kids)

art project or craft or free art time

Reading to himself (1/2 hour history, 1/2 hour guided by mom free reading choice)


Edited to add: My son's day can go quick or it can go slow, depending on his own choices and focus. He's a serious dawdler and it's hard for me to reign that in sometimes because if he's "working" on something independently chances are I'm tied up doing something with one of the other 3 kids (or hiding in the bathroom eating the last cookie...;))

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Our 2nd Grade takes about 2 hours for book work (it can be much less - depending on effort!), which includes


* First Language Lessons 2

* Horizons Math 2

* Rod and Staff Bible 2

* Rod and Staff Spelling 2

* Voyages in English 2

* Writing With Ease

* Proverbs People


Then later in the day we alternate -

* Rod and Staff Science 2 and

* Story of the World 1 cds with AG

We do these M-Th and the history takes an hour twice a week, science an hour a week, plus some fun thrown in as I feel like it. I aim to nature walk or do something interesting outside once a week.


I also try and get the kids to watch their Spanish dvd (20 minutes) every day, usually while I shower...

* Las Clase Divertida - Spanish


I also have the kids read for about an hour a day, usually some in the morning (lounge time) and then some before bed. I do a read aloud either on cd or a chapter or a few every night (well, as every as I can pull off, LOL!!).


ETA - And piano practice - about 15-20 minutes a day.

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Last year we spent 1 hour a day four days a week on schoolwork.


Singapore Math

SWR Phonograms linked to Aesop's Fables

Rewriting of a fable and copied in best penmanship (1 fable every week)

Story of the World

Singapore Science

Minimus Latin


Good luck. We started this year out with TOG and dropped it because our days were 2-3 hours and really overkill so switched to a lighter schedule which got the job done and left everyone happy.:001_smile:

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My seven year old does:


Writing With Ease

Growing With Grammar

The Fun Spanish

Singapore math

Spelling practice from teacherfilebox

critical thinking some days


and then together with his younger brother we do:


Winterpromise AS 1





We spend 2 1/2 to 3 hours on an average day on all of this. And then he reads quietly for at least 30 minutes a day and we do fiction (not for history) read alouds for another 30-40 minutes.

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My dd attends a cottage school one day a week, and I work on Friday, and we do a co-op science and girl scout one day a week so our schedule is probably different than many.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Math - 20 minutes (one lesson each day normally 20 minutes but some days much longer)

Writing with Ease - 10 - 20 minutes

Just Write - 10 minutes

Can Do Print - 10 minutes



Math - 20 minutes (one lesson)

Writing with Ease 10-20 minutes

helper in preschool co-op class I teach her sister - 1 hour

music 1 hour

earth science - 1 hour

girl scouts - 2 hours on alternate tuesdays

swimming 2 hours on alternate tuesdays



cottage school 9am - 3:30pm

literature unit study







Untimed but daily

Reading - at least an hour of me reading and an hour of her reading subject varies from fiction to history and science

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We are spending about 12 hours/week on schoolwork, including the following:

Horizons math 4 lessons/week

WWE 4 days/week

FLL2 2 lessons/week

Prima Latina 1 full lesson/week

Explode the Code - 12 pages/week (currently in book 5)

Zaner-bloser handwriting, cursive - 4 pages/week

Explorer's Bible Study - 8 pages/week

OPG - finishing this up next week, will probably add spelling in January

SSR - 30 minutes/minimum per day 7 days/week

SOTW - 2-3 hours/week

Science - 2 hours/week

art/music - 1-2 hours/week

In addition to this work she has piano each week and choir and sports as the seasons come and go; we just finished soccer and will start basketball next year. HTH

Edited by iquilt
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My 2nd grader has the following schedule:


Math- about 45 minutes to 1 hour. That includes fact drill.

then she's off while I work with her big sister for an hour or so.

Then she reads aloud about 20 minutes, I read to her about 10 minutes (usually a Aesop story or a poem or 2), and she does copywork. Then SL LA, SWO, Mindbender(s), handwriting, PP. That takes about 45 minutes. Then she does EWTC on her own while I make lunch, about 15 minutes.


I read history during lunch, after lunch she gets a break while sis does Latin, then depending on day we usually do another hour to hour and a half of science, geography, music, art, Korean. But they do thsoe together and they are "fun", so its not so much work as the morning is.


Total is about 4 hours, but spread outish.

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Wow. It seems our day takes us much longer than many. Ds7 has severe ADHD and for now we are choosing (for now) not to medicate. He works very slowly and is very distracted. We have a puppy, a 4yo and a 2yo so natural distractions are common. Ds7 can be distracted by a speck of dust in the air so you can imagine when the puppy starts barking or little brothers start fighting...:001_huh:


As for our day -

Math/Logic - 1 hour (can be up to 3 if I do not stay on him non-stop)

Language Block - FLL3/Classically Cursive/Spelling Wisdom- 1 hour

Reading-30 min (20 he reads to me and I finish out whatever part of the chapter that is left and we discuss)

Spanish - 30 min per day - T/Th video and M/W Spanish games

History/Science - 30 min per day - M/T history and W/Th Science


Friday - Drawing lessons/art appreciation and music appreciation


That is our schedule in a perfect world but that rarely happens like that. Something always takes longer than it should and probably average 5 hours of school per day when you add in distractions and interruptions. Sigh!

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My oldest is almost 7. We don't do more than 3 hours per day, including about 60 minutes of history read-aloud. A full day takes about 5 hours including breaks and lunch.

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We are really relaxed. No more than 1 hour of formal schooling such as Math, Explode the Code, handwriting, AO readings...(mine is officially a 3rd grader but he is more on a 2nd grade level because of our homeschooling beliefs).


Anyhoo...he often spends time doing other schooly things like drawing, animal related things, educational games, listening to audio books, etc.

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It's hard to say since I have mix his younger sister and brother in also, it takes 3-4 hours to work with the 3 of them, but his work alone would probably be only 2 hours.


He does:



Rod and Staff spelling

We were doing MUS but we're taking a break and just reviewing math facts atm.

SL reader

SL Core 1 history

read alouds

Most days we draw and do some creative writing; totally not necessary, he just enjoys it

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I have an 8-year-old second grader. School probably takes us around 2 hours per day, 4 days per week. Sometimes I imagine it would be closer to 3 hours, depending on his mood--I don't really keep track. My signature shows what our day entails. It's a good pace for him, and second grade is going ever so much better than first!

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I have a 7 year old 2nd grader and an accelerated 6 year old 2nd grader. Their work takes about 2.5 hours a day as others have said, that's days where we do everything on the list. I think an hour per grade is a good benchmark in general.


Here are our subjects and general timeframe:


Rod and Staff Math--30-45 min.

Language Arts--WWE, FLL, The Natural Speller, New American Cursive handwriting practice, current literature study (we take turns reading and this is our source for WWE material)--45-60 min.

Prima Latina--10-15 min.

Memory work--10-15 min.

History/Science/Bible--VP History spine, various books--30-45 min.

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My 2nd grader is 8. Here's the time (approximately) that we spend on our subjects:


Phonics (ETC) 10-20 min a day - which is about 3 pages a day

Math (Saxon) 45-55 min a day

English (Scott Foresman online) - 5-10 min 2-3x a week

History (Sonlight w/older sis) - 30-60 min a day

Handwriting (HWT) - 5 min whenever we fit it in

Five in a Row unit studies - 30-90 min a day depending on what we are doing and if there are hands on activities

Reading - 15-30 min a day


Most of these are usually on the lower end of the minutes. She doesn't putz around (usually) and likes doing work (so far:tongue_smilie:)

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In terms of actual academic stuff that people would consider schoolwork, my 7yo's school day is probably about 1 to 2 hours.


A couple of notes... He's a struggling reader and isn't ready for written composition or spelling. So I read his history, science and literature to him. He's also very, very good at math, so he can do his math work in 10 minutes. So the bulk of our academic time is spent on phonics and reading practice.

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My current 2nd grader has...


7:45 Bible

8:00 math

9:00 break

9:30 spelling or critical thinking

9:45 memory work, narration of assigned reading, handwriting, and math drill or grammar

10:30 history or science

11:30 reading

12:00 piano


I don't count Bible or piano, so at most she's scheduled for 3 1/2 hours a day. Most days she finishes earlier and has more free time. She usually does at least 30 minutes of free reading in the afternoons. HTH

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