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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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We must be synchronizing our colds.

I felt okay today but still a little off. Should have skipped the Costco trip. We are evidently not Costco people...


  • Appointment in morning lasting to early afternoon
  • Home
  • Prep chicken pot pie or something
  • Walk dog
  • Laundry or rather LAUNDRY
  • Sit in chair and sip tea and wait for this cold to pass
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Good morning

- coffee!!!!

- tidy living room- done enough

- crochet

- tidy kitchen

- laundry- load in dryer

- dishes

- read?

- start master bedroom.... ok I really need to do this, it looks like a tornado struck in there and there is wayyyy too much stuff in there, besides one of my new year resolutions is to be more active and I can’t get to my treadmill right now- I’ve made the bed, cleaned off little desk and posted to online yard sale sites. Treadmill repositioned so that it can be used (if I move little desk and small bookshelf, which is why I’m trying to sell little desk), reorganized a lot of stuff. Dh can do his own side of the room

- plan rest of new year resolutions

- get Christmas boxes out of shed- dh got them out for me- done

- take down tree and put Christmas stuff back in shed- done

- dinner- fish pulled to thaw

- baths/showers- I took my shower (need all the energy I can get)

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- cleaned litter box, completely cleaned off big desk (and putting a few things back on it)

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Trying Jean's trick she mentioned on Dec. 19th (list 3 things, update as I get them done, not allowed to visit other threads until I get those 3 things done):


  • girls' bedding washed (not me doing it, me making the girls do it) -- second girl's bedding is now in the wash and first girl's bedding is drying (sheets dry, comforter drying)
  • whole-house trash round-up, in preparation for tomorrow's holiday trash and bulk pick-up -- done
  • clear the kitchen table (so I can have horizontal space on which to work on Dad Project papers) -- done.

Now I get a cup of tea.



After my tea triad:

  • dirty dishes into the dishwasher -- done
  • clean pots and pans put up (this includes wiping down the food processor base and putting it away, too) -- done
  • dirty sharp knives and pots washed and set to dry -- done

​Now I get a pear.  The pear was from my stocking at ILs' house, so I must be sure to wash the glitter off of it.




Edited by AMJ
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My Friday is already over here, but it started at 2am when I somehow woke up despite the alarm not ringing.  I was late joining a conference call and sending an important work report.  Needless to say the next several hours were very stressful.  I got the reports out, packed quickly and rushed to the airport.  Had to run and work up a sweat as they were holding up the shuttle to our plane.  Worked on the plane. 


Landed in New Zealand (Queenstown) and we rented a car, which is interesting since we are not used to driving on the left etc.  Thankfully most of the rest of the day involved walking.  This is a really beautiful place.


Now everyone is sleeping except for me (it's 4am) and I have 2 hours more to get a load of work done.  I'm also doing some laundry, since we have a washer and dryer in this apartment (we're only here one night - so unfortunately I will not get to enjoy the bed that was reserved for me).


It's been that kind of vacation so far.  We've done some fun things, but every day I'm working long hours or at least stressing about work.  Today is the last day to complete certain important year-end transactions and I'm supposed to be advising my clients about them.  I'm behind because a big project that closed today monopolized most of my available time.  I also didn't feel well for several days.  Not a great way to finish off the year.


So far on this trip we've been to Boston (layover), Dubai (layover), India, Singapore (layover), Melbourne, Sydney, and now Queenstown.  We've done a lot of cool stuff in between the work.  I just wish I had a little more time to breathe.

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I need to go to Wally World today. After that, medicine and sleep. I feel awful.


I went to bed in my usual sleep shirt, comforter, and small fleece blanket. I woke up at 130 this morning and didn't get back to sleep until around 330/4. Around 230, I decided I was done being freezing and put on thermalized leggings, two pairs of socks, a fleecey jacket, a second small fleece blanket, and a light blanket to hold it all together. Also, why did no one warn me about the "woke up in the middle of the night, hit the ladies, took a sip of water, had to go again" that starts around 30?


Hope everyone is doing okay.

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My Friday is already over here, but it started at 2am when I somehow woke up despite the alarm not ringing.  I was late joining a conference call and sending an important work report.  Needless to say the next several hours were very stressful.  I got the reports out, packed quickly and rushed to the airport.  Had to run and work up a sweat as they were holding up the shuttle to our plane.  Worked on the plane. 


Landed in New Zealand (Queenstown) and we rented a car, which is interesting since we are not used to driving on the left etc.  Thankfully most of the rest of the day involved walking.  This is a really beautiful place.


Now everyone is sleeping except for me (it's 4am) and I have 2 hours more to get a load of work done.  I'm also doing some laundry, since we have a washer and dryer in this apartment (we're only here one night - so unfortunately I will not get to enjoy the bed that was reserved for me).


It's been that kind of vacation so far.  We've done some fun things, but every day I'm working long hours or at least stressing about work.  Today is the last day to complete certain important year-end transactions and I'm supposed to be advising my clients about them.  I'm behind because a big project that closed today monopolized most of my available time.  I also didn't feel well for several days.  Not a great way to finish off the year.


So far on this trip we've been to Boston (layover), Dubai (layover), India, Singapore (layover), Melbourne, Sydney, and now Queenstown.  We've done a lot of cool stuff in between the work.  I just wish I had a little more time to breathe.



Wow, that is a LOT!  I hope you get a breather soon.

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Good morning! Dd1 is off to her training trip, ds1 and dd2 are at practice and the other boys are sleeping. I am loving my new (cheap-but comfortable) headphones and cleaning the kitchen.

Dd2 and I will go out couch shopping later, a Christmas gift from my mom. Lots of picky people in the house have requirements for couches, so this is just the first trip of many.


To do:

Laundry (started)

Finish kitchen

Another cup of coffee

General clean up

Couch shopping and lunch with dd2

Dd2 to practice

Leftovers for dinner


Have a great day!

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Good morning!


Another snowy day here, with 4-6" expected today. I'm glad I got my kitty into the vet yesterday because he is feeling much better already.



•2 younger kids will continue working on cleaning their rooms (it's like an episode of Hoarders...)

•clean hay steamer

•repot two houseplants

•order parchment paper

•straighten up my closet

•read some of the three books I'm working on (Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, The Horse: Its Nature Revealed, and Remodelista: The Organized Home) I am trying to get better about only reading a few books at a time instead of a huge pile of them - so I will actually finish them instead of getting distracted.

•give Linus medicine (not sure how cooperative he will be)

•dinner: white bean crostini with roasted cauliflower and arugula salad

•watch hockey tonight

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Trying Jean's trick she mentioned on Dec. 19th (list 3 things, update as I get them done, not allowed to visit other threads until I get those 3 things done):


  • girls' bedding washed (not me doing it, me making the girls do it) -- second girl's bedding is now in the wash and first girl's bedding is drying (sheets dry, comforter drying)
  • whole-house trash round-up, in preparation for tomorrow's holiday trash and bulk pick-up -- done
  • clear the kitchen table (so I can have horizontal space on which to work on Dad Project papers) -- done.

Now I get a cup of tea.



After my tea triad:

  • dirty dishes into the dishwasher -- done
  • clean pots and pans put up (this includes wiping down the food processor base and putting it away, too) -- done
  • dirty sharp knives and pots washed and set to dry -- done

​Now I get a pear.  The pear was from my stocking at ILs' house, so I must be sure to wash the glitter off of it.



Okay, now for big stuff.  This might take the rest of the day or longer.  Breaks allowed, but must keep moving forward.


  • Assign each kid a bathroom for them to Swish & Swipe.  Enforce as needed.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes cleaning up email.  Really, I need to make this a daily task.
  • Exercise, dang it.  Just go do some for today.  Daily self-nagging to commence on this front.
  • Sort through MY papers, mail, etc. to see what needs tending to.  Commence tending.
  • Sort through Dad Project papers and such to determine what needs tending to, and deadlines for each.  Start making a plan.
  • CALENDARS!  Get out the 2018 calendars and start filling them in and coordinating with kids, DH, ILs, Dad Project, etc.
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I coffee'd and took dd to swim this morning and ran a couple errands while she was there.  Then we came home - lunch - reload d/w.  Dh started a fire and laundry.  :001_tt1:   Enjoying a cuppa decaf before the next project...


I need to work with 16yo ds on his application for summer program - it is not for the faint of heart.  :willy_nilly:   


(My master bedroom is also on my list for major attention, but probably not for another day or two....)



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First list done!



Dishwasher unloaded (Ds' job, but he's elsewhere til tomorrow.)


Next up:

budget update

thrift store drop


gas? Check with dh first. We might take both cars. Huge number of Kroger gas points to use b/c my mom bought gift cards there for Christmas. 




dinner - chx cordon bleu casserole, green beans, sweet potatoes or winter squash

after dinner - watch 6th HP movie with dd 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I coffee'd and took dd to swim this morning and ran a couple errands while she was there.  Then we came home - lunch - reload d/w.  Dh started a fire and laundry.  :001_tt1:   Enjoying a cuppa decaf before the next project...


I need to work with 16yo ds on his application for summer program - it is not for the faint of heart.  :willy_nilly:   


(My master bedroom is also on my list for major attention, but probably not for another day or two....)


I emailed ds the application so he could work in his room without distraction.  Looks like I'm off the hook for now!  

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Neko has been fed.  And I nagged ds into taking his meds.  I don't care what he does with the rest of his time once those two are done.  One for the well being of the cat.  And one for the well being of the son.  (His boss cares about what he does with the rest of his work time but that's not my concern!)


Kitchen - rebooted the dishwasher.


Laundry - folded and put away two loads of laundry


Paperwork - Put up dd's latest two pieces of artwork in the dining room.  (It's on paper so that should count as paperwork, right?)

Filed some bills

Made a new file

Shredded some stuff

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Morning (afternoon) all!


Very late start today...woke up early, went back to sleep.  I hate that...feels like I've wasted the day.


Done:  coffee, breakfast, kitchen


To do:


Taking ds and dd clothes shopping and lunch, planning to stop by Toys R Us to see if they have some of the single player games listed on the game thread.  Thinking about Onirim.  


Finish master bedroom declutter (round 1), put bags with donation pile for pick up


Bbq steak tonight, watch football game(s)


Have a great day, all!

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