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Happy ASD Christmas!


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For the second time I took two of my kids on an overnight trip and left dh with young adult 2e ds.


I do my best to make it a fun adventure. It was fun. DD commented at dinner about why we do this last night. I agreed it was a bummer, but we could still enjoy what we were doing. And we did have fun.


Anyway, it's not a family holiday as seen on TV, but this approach is working for us. I'm working on ideas for a nearby overnight trip next year.

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Why couldn't anyone warn me sooner? I don't think I can obtain the ingredients for a mimosa today...



Actually, my kids have been pretty good today, thus far. That said, it's not like we have a large family gathering or anything... today is pretty much like other days, except with presents. 

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ASD X 2 here.


This isn't the worst year, but it hasn't been exactly happy or merry.  Just another year on "the island of misfit toys." 


My brother called a little while ago which makes me feel worse.    You see, he and sil decided years ago, back when my mom became terminally ill,  that from then on we should all do our own things on Christmas Eve, Day, etc.    Instead of wasting their Christmas Day at my house when my mom would be here, they took my mom to sil's family Christmas Eve with them, allowing them to ditch us forever.   


Other than to twist the knife, I don't know why he still bothers to call here on Christmas and tell me all about their great Christmas festivities.   It just stinks.  (Before the Christmas ditching, they had also decided for everyone that we'd no longer have any family birthday parties together either.) 


Theoretically, I could invite others to our house today,  but then it would be difficult to get my daughter to come out.  It's very odd here, because when he was little it was my son who would go into hiding when someone came over, and now it's my daughter.  


(And just for the record, my kids have never hurt anyone or broken anything at their house.  And I never asked or expected anyone to serve special foods that they could/would eat.  Most gatherings were at our house anyway...)


Thanks for letting me whine...

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I prefer a spiked hot chocolate at this time of year. :001_smile: (Butterscotch schnapps is really good in hot chocolate!)


Ds didn't have the anticipation anxiety that he usually has, probably because he's too busy being miserable with the flu. Thankfully, aside from anxiety leading up to Christmas, it was always one of the better holidays for him. This year he really enjoyed buying gifts for people with his own money, and he's always been good with receiving gifts. We always do holidays at home since my mother died so that he can retreat to his room, and if the crowd is too large we let him eat his dinner at his desk and come down for dessert. When he was younger, most other holidays and birthday parties were hell and family didn't understand at all. He was basically labeled a spoiled brat, although not to my face. I once walked in on my family discussing it when I went in to retrieve a forgotten item. :glare: My mom was the only one who really understood.


What used to get me the most was any behavior issue was focused on when other NT kids could be doing the same or worse. It was kids being kids for them, but it was just another instance of how difficult ds was if he did something minor. Yes, he was a very difficult kid at times, but I didn't appreciate the hyper focus on his behavior. I felt at times we had to hold him to a higher standard of behavior than NT kids were held to. I specifically remember a few days after Christmas dh and I went out for a few hours. We came home to his family upset with ds because he was crying and getting annoyed at his cousin. I took a good look at the situation - cousin was taking the pool balls from ds's new game table and throwing them across the room, almost hitting him a few times, while ds was trying to play. Why was her behavior acceptable and ds's was not?!? That happened so long ago, but it still makes me mad when I think about it, lol. 

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My kid doesn't have the asd diagnosis, but they have a neurological condition that overlaps. They spend most days in head phones. Today the kid went with their dad to visit relatives, spent 30 minutes in the house saying hello, etc, then retreated to the car for the remainder of the evening. At least people no longer try to insist that the kid should be at the table, or whatever else they "should be" doing!

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Mimosas help a lot.

I am going to have to plan this for next year!😂


Our day went well over all. It was one year ago tonight when I first began to suspect that my daughter was on the spectrum because she was so over the top - especially while opening presents. A year later we have a diagnosis, & I have realistic expectations. But yes, a mimosa would have been nice!

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