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crutches are hard work!!!


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Commiserate with me. Tell me stories about dumb injuries or send kitty pics, or something.


I was walking through a garage the other day, tripped, and injured myself. I have a crack in the outer layer of my heel bone and the fat pad that is supposed to cushion it. So I am on rest and crutches for a few days unless it doesn't go away in which case we have to do more work. 


I have plans, dangit!! There's stuff I need to do! And crutching around is a workout!

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They are THE WORST.


I've had 3 hip surgeries in the last 22 months and been on crutches for much of that time.  It isn't so much the not using the leg, it's having NO HANDS!  Gah!!!!


If anyone is going to be on crutches long term, invest in some like this.  If I would have had to use the typical crutches all this time I think I would have cried daily.  I also highly recommend an apron with pockets.   ;)


Hang in there!  Hope this is a very temporary issue and you heal up quickly!

Edited by rutamattatt
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I broke my ankle a couple of years ago and was on crutches--I was warned not rest my armpits on them because it could do nerve damage--I am an obedient patient and was SOOO careful but was having an awful time; come to find out I had a very bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists that was intensified by the crutches.

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I'm so sorry - crutches are not fun st all. My son also had several hip surgeries and was on crutches for a long time. He used Mobilegs and they were a lifesaver. They're definitely spendy, but have spring-loaded tops that move with your arms, ergonomic handles to prevent carpal tunnel, and rocking bottoms so the crutch moves with you when you walk. Well worth the investment for the amount of time he spent on those things!

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See if there’s anyone you can borrow a knee scooter from. I had foot surgery ten days ago and I’ve been on crutches since then. I asked on Facebook and someone had a knee scooter i borrowed. Way easier than crutches.

Me too! I was bitten by a copperhead snake and was not able to walk. I borrowed a knee scooter. I did use crutches on short distances but it was great for standing and cooking dinner, or things where I needed my hands. And have no shame in using the grocery store scooter things.

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Me too! I was bitten by a copperhead snake and was not able to walk. I borrowed a knee scooter. I did use crutches on short distances but it was great for standing and cooking dinner, or things where I needed my hands. And have no shame in using the grocery store scooter things.

Not to hijack the thread, but I've been wondering how you're doing. I still can't imagine having been bitten twice by a copperhead! :svengo: I'm so thankful that you got to the hospital right away, because even having gotten there so quickly, you were still so sick and in the ICU!


I remember when I read about it, all I could think was what might have happened if you couldn't have gotten to a phone and no one realized what had happened for a long time. :eek:

Edited by Catwoman
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I took a tumble in September and broke my ankle. I hated the crutches, but finally got pretty good with them. The key for me was not hurrying. I tend to walk and move fast, so this was a difficult lesson. 


I third or fourth the suggestion to borrow a knee scooter. My friend had one and it made SUCH a difference! 

Eventually I was in a boot and that gave me lots of freedom of movement. 


Rest a lot so you can heal fast! 


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Thank you all for your sympathy and suggestions! :grouphug: I am trying to be very good and take it slow (ughhh)!


I am only supposed to be on them for the next few days, so I will make do for the time being... but if it turns out I have to do more, then I will pursue the knee scooter and things.


At least I will have plenty of time this weekend to finish school work!

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I bent over to pick up a baby blanket that had fallen between by dd's bed and her dresser-- Yep, I twisted when I bent... AND I was barefoot...DD had just turned 2 years old and I was not able to carry her for nearly one year!


I blew a disk in my back AND tore the plantar fascia in my left foot nearly in half.  I was on crutches/wheelchair for 10 months (TEN months!!!)

without being able to put my foot down at all!!  During this time I also had PT for my back and eventually had back surgery (a few years later).


My middle dd had a tumor removed from her plantar fascia today-- she has a wheelchair, scooter and crutches-- depending on where she needs to go in the house!  She has at least 4 weeks without pressure on her foot...



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Sympathy from here too. I tore my calf muscle a few weeks ago, and my hands are still sore from using crutches for the first week or two. I've got a boot now, so i'm not using the crutches anymore - hooray! My dh wanted to get me a knee scooter but it so happened that I also deeply bruised the knee on that leg, and couldn't bear to put weight on it. 


Hope you feel better really soon!

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