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The Be Our Guest Teachers Lounge 10-10-2017


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Good morning!


This morning I had a gal come over for coffee. Had never met her except through FB. We wound up talking for two hours!

It was so nice to sit out by the pool in the morning breeze. We had talked about meeting elsewhere for coffee, but since I started

ordering a specific brand of coffee online, I find I really don't like anyone else's coffee! LOL


Anyone having company over today or this week? Here: we don't often because I'm a terrible housekeeper (seriously) and being able

to sit outside makes a huge difference! So when people come over, whether inside or outside, I call it "rough hospitality."  ;)


Anyone want to come over for coffee and refreshments today? Here: I still have several gluten-free double chocolate muffins available, some

croissants (not gf), apple juice, coffee, and tea. Come on over!


What's your best method from keeping your sink filling up with dirty dishes? Here: please don't say "dishwasher" as ours doesn't work.

I probably need to purge a massive amount of dishes to help with this.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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I'm that way with coffee too, but the brand we found that we really prefer over shops is just the organic one at our costco.  We have tried ordering various coffee online but they are never better than the big bag of organic beans we get at our Costco for some reason.  


I need to invite someone over because that's always such a great motivation for me to clean up the house LOL.


My sink is usually full of dishes so I have no advice.  There have been times I've thought of just dumping them in a hefty bag and being done with them so I'm no help to you there LOL.  

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Hiya, Scrap!


No company today - it's P.E. day here.  Dh went out first and rode through neighborhoods.  I took my bike over to the trail for a quick 10 miles, and the 7yo is currently at organized p.e. at the gym.  We're too wiped to do anything this afternoon! :laugh:   The rest of our week will have us out of the house a lot, too.


I'd love to drop by your place, though!  Those goodies sound yummy! :)  And I'm an awesome dishwasher.  I honestly don't mind doing them after each meal.  I get 10 minutes of quiet while I stand at the sink with no one to bother me.  I'd rather do dishes than laundry any day!

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Good afternoon. No guests are expected this week. My aunt is watching the kids Thursday evening but she'll be in babysitter mode not house guest. We have friends over for boardgames about once every 2 months. Other than that only family visits.


I would love to come visit for coffee. I'm currently sitting here finishing my second cup of coffee before I tackle a dishwasher installation.


Funny you mention dishes on the day we finally hooked the kitchen sink back up. We haven't had a dishwasher in over 5 years. I keep dishes under control by doing them after every meal. If there are any stragglers left in the morning they get done before I start breakfast.

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I have no wisdom on the sink thing. We have a dishwasher and plenty of people do it but so busy we meet ourselves coming and going. I think I chased my own tail last night!


No company. Yay for that. I am not in the mood to entertain.


I would come to see you and bring homemade whipped cream to put in our coffee.

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We have company often! Today a friend stopped over without warning. Thankfully we were dressed and going! We also have a language teacher come over several days a week. So today he came over for lesson.


Dishes around here just pile up. So I started ds doing the non glass ones. We have lost two bowls and a plate already so I am not saying it is a good plan........

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You know, thinking about it more, I think the main reason I don't like doing dishes is that it hurts my back.  I wonder if when we redo the kitchen I need to raise that counter height or something.  I'm only 5'6" which I think should be fine for standard counter height but maybe not.  

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No guests I hope. My house is a wreck.


No coffe and refreshments for me, the baby seems to be giving me heartburn no matter what I eat ugh.


Dishes are always piled up here. I suppose I could quit serving food. :lol: Im countind down until I can buy a dishwasher with our tax money next year. I never had one.

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Well, whenever any of you are in Phoenix, let me know and stop on by! That said, when we hit the road in our new rig (whenever that may be - we need a rig first! LOL),

we'll be coming to visit you! But I'll bring the coffee, deal?

I was in Phoenix in April and May be there again in March. I have relatives who live in Chandler and other surrounding areas. I love that place so much.

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We never have company.  Small, dilapidated house that I find embarrassing, combined with my absolutely lousy housekeeping and it doesn't happen very often.  Like we have non-family over maybe once a year.   One of my best friends has not ever seen my house and she lives 10 minutes away.  Although, I think people that live farther are more likely to see it because if they drive all this way, it would only make sense.  But, mostly we get together with friends in public places, at activities, or occasionally at their houses.


My mother comes over more than anyone, maybe once or twice a month for dinner.


Dishes - we have a dishwasher and the sink still always seems full.  The kids now have the job to empty and put away in the morning, then I fill it with the dinner dishes from the night before and the breakfast dishes (yep, lousy housekeeper I don't do the dinner dishes until the next day).  But then there are dishes from lunch before it's done running, so they sit in the sink.  And we're running around in the afternoon, then dh is home and cooking dinner, and there's no way for two people to work at the same time in my very small poorly arranged kitchen.  And after dinner we watch tv together or I'm reading.  So it all sits until the next morning.


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Good morning!


This morning I had a gal come over for coffee. Had never met her except through FB. We wound up talking for two hours!

It was so nice to sit out by the pool in the morning breeze. We had talked about meeting elsewhere for coffee, but since I started

ordering a specific brand of coffee online, I find I really don't like anyone else's coffee! LOL


Anyone having company over today or this week? Here: we don't often because I'm a terrible housekeeper (seriously) and being able

to sit outside makes a huge difference! So when people come over, whether inside or outside, I call it "rough hospitality."  ;)


Anyone want to come over for coffee and refreshments today? Here: I still have several gluten-free double chocolate muffins available, some

croissants (not gf), apple juice, coffee, and tea. Come on over!


What's your best method from keeping your sink filling up with dirty dishes? Here: please don't say "dishwasher" as ours doesn't work.

I probably need to purge a massive amount of dishes to help with this.


Talk to me! :bigear:

We hosted our Community Group from church on Sunday.  We do this twice a month for lunch.  We have had anywhere from a small handful of people to around 40 (including kids).  I keep thinking when I get caught up I'll invite friends over for coffee, but I'm always behind....


I'm trying to lose a couple of pounds, so I'll skip the yummy food, but I don't seem to be able to say no to coffee.  My current favorite is Seattle's Best Dark Roast (it used to be called #4, but they changed the name).  It's at Sam's Club, and since 5 of us drink coffee here (I'm the worst offender), it keeps our coffee budget within reasonable.  And I think it's delicious.


Uh, if I can't say dishwasher, I'll go with paper plates or eating out.

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No company today. We too have a small, dilapidated house which I do not keep super clean. We have company 5-6x a year. We did school and I am at swim practice with Ds.


I'd love a cup of strong decaf right now! Cream, no sugar.


Oooh, dishes in the sink are my pet peeve! Almost never happens in my house. I am Not a stellar housekeeper, but I detest waking up to a dirty kitchen. No, nope, no how.

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Hey Scrap! (and everyone else in the lounge.)


I am so glad I happened across this today.  Having a bad mental health day and this was a great pick me up.  I will be singing "Be our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast for the rest of the day!!  :laugh:


I'm pretty much a "rough hospitality" person.  I wish I could be a "company ready" person all the time, but clutter just builds up.  


No company today, but we have friends from out of town coming this weekend.  And I am having my usual cry before I declutter in a panic day.  The people who are coming are minimalists with no crap lying around ever. I a trying to push that unhelpful thought out of my head as I tackle the mountains of paper I have out since I have to finish my taxes this week as well.  And the studying so that I am done with my schoolwork before Saturday morning (my quizzes are due at midnight on Saturday and I have been getting them done at about 11:50pm.)  I am so excited to share some lovely tea with my friend.  She has been suffering from GERD and it has gotten bad.  So I have been on the look out for things she can have.  I need to do some research on what she can eat so I can plan the menu for the weekend.  She has been doing the specific carb diet to try to deal with her issues and I want to support her.  


My sink doesn't fill up with dishes (because I can't stand to have dirty dishes there.)  But my counter does.  I try to have a policy that dishes that go in the dishwasher need to get put in there, and dishes that don't go in there need to get put in the dishpan I have sitting on the counter for those types of things.  Our problem is that nobody (including me) empties the dishwasher or the drainer so the dirty dishes don't have a place to go.  

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Hey Scrap! (and everyone else in the lounge.)


I am so glad I happened across this today.  Having a bad mental health day and this was a great pick me up.  I will be singing "Be our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast for the rest of the day!!  :laugh:


I'm pretty much a "rough hospitality" person.  I wish I could be a "company ready" person all the time, but clutter just builds up.  


No company today, but we have friends from out of town coming this weekend.  And I am having my usual cry before I declutter in a panic day.  The people who are coming are minimalists with no crap lying around ever. I a trying to push that unhelpful thought out of my head as I tackle the mountains of paper I have out since I have to finish my taxes this week as well.  And the studying so that I am done with my schoolwork before Saturday morning (my quizzes are due at midnight on Saturday and I have been getting them done at about 11:50pm.)  I am so excited to share some lovely tea with my friend.  She has been suffering from GERD and it has gotten bad.  So I have been on the look out for things she can have.  I need to do some research on what she can eat so I can plan the menu for the weekend.  She has been doing the specific carb diet to try to deal with her issues and I want to support her.  


My sink doesn't fill up with dishes (because I can't stand to have dirty dishes there.)  But my counter does.  I try to have a policy that dishes that go in the dishwasher need to get put in there, and dishes that don't go in there need to get put in the dishpan I have sitting on the counter for those types of things.  Our problem is that nobody (including me) empties the dishwasher or the drainer so the dirty dishes don't have a place to go.  


That's funny, I hate dishes on the counter because I want the space open to use so I insist on them being in the sink, buy my husband wants them on the counter and not in the sink at all, so we end up with dishes in both places LOL :)

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I generally have dishes. Dishwasher ones are ok though even they get behind occasionally but anything that needs hand washing tends to sit around.


No guests planned. I feel bad because I keep promising the kids we will have their friends over in school holidays but by the time I make it to holidays I just want to slump in a heap of madly clean the house. I really need to get it together to have people around. Feeling the challenges of socialisation a bit here. Not that I think school does a great job but at least it's a bit more outsourced.

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Guests: I had a friend over yesterday for tea and banana bread. It was the perfect reason to tidy up and vacuum - which was much needed.  The dc are getting really good at doing this, too. They organize each other, and even remind me of my own junk that needs to be put away.  :laugh:


Dishes:  My strategy is to leave them until the morning, and then I wash them while my coffee is being made. I can usually time it just right, so that I'm finished washing just as the coffee is ready. I have no problem leaving my kitchen a mess at night. I used to stress about it, then I discovered that I had a lot more energy to do it in the morning. 


I've seen a system of on-going dish washing at a house with 10 children. There was always water in the sink, and each person would wash their own things right after using them. That wouldn't work for us, as we all wash our hands in the kitchen sink throughout the day.

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Yeah, my house is a wreck right now. I had started a deep clean a few weeks ago. Then got sick. Now still sick, that low-grade sick where you can't really get out of doing stuff but don't have the energy to do it, either. DH has broken down over the past few days and is doing more and more house stuff, since it's getting to him. It's getting to me too...but I'd rather move slowly and drink tea, lol.


So, no guests. Not only because of the house though, I just never invite people over.


I'd gladly come over for refreshments but doubt there is any left now :) I'd come just for the company too, of course!


As for the sink, that's what kids are for, right? lol IDK, it's good some weeks, bad some days, and we just do what we can. I find tying the finishing of dishes to chocolate is a good motivator. 

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