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Rescue dog


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We just adopted a Maltese dog. He's from a puppy mill. Since he's 7 and just neutered by the shelter I assume he was a stud. He has no teeth :( He also doesn't make a sound.


He is the sweetest dog. He follows us everywhere. It's impossible to not love him â¤


ETA: you can see the tip of his tongue in the pic. It hangs out due to lack of teeth. I think it adds to his charm :)




Edited by SquirrellyMama
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Ahhh, so sweet.  Thanks for bringing a furry friend "in need" home to join your family!  There is such a need out there.


Our cat was in a kill shelter in CA.  Through a series of events and contacts, she was flown to the east coast for us to adopt her.  I can't imagine if we didn't seek her out!

Your addition is cute!!!

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