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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!



-workout (the cardio I have been putting off for days)


-stick to Whole30 and drink a ton of water

-post office to drop off stitch fix returns

-library to pick up books

-pick up oldest from beach

-finalize cruise clothes for kids

-make sure youngest reads and does math

-make sure oldest reads and does writing


-dinner (the chicken and cauliflower rice that I didn't make yesterday)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Morning all!


•office stuff (filing, bills, straighten up receipts folders)

•dust main floor

•clean upstairs bathrooms


•make chicken, rice, and carrots for my old dog w/ a fussy digestive system

•order envelopes

•clean 2 more hay boxes

•roast spaghetti squash


•ride horses (hopefully, if I can find the time)

•dinner: clam spaghetti

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Good morning! Another day and I find myself waiting at a Starbucks for dd2. Lots of driving today and it is supposed to be really, really hot.


To do:

Pick dd2 (soon, I sure hope she is in a happier mood than last night)

Home to chores

Errands? Bank, grocery, pack?

Pick up ds3 from tennis (he biked this morning)

More lists, chores

Ds1 and ds3 to practice

Ds2 to judo

Figure out some sort of dinner


Have a great day!

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Good morning! It's pouring rain here. 




fed cats

took ds to morning swim and he went home with a friend

took the car to have the recheck done on transmission as they asked; they had to put in some fluid and want us back in two weeks! Ugghh!


To Do:



tidy house

tutor a student here at home

tutor one of my GED students and then go to graduation for the other one I've been working with (She's been in a year long program for her addictions.)

get ds this evening



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Morning, all!




groceries...I started early due to heat warning.  You know how you go in and they are stocking store early in the morning?  The meat case was pretty bare, so I asked for some chicken breasts at the counter.  I was told, "Sorry, if you don't see it, we're sold out."  Sure.  


To do:



vacuum/mop floors

clean out dd's room, purge some clothing, books

take dd to practice

lesson plan

library to return books

something for dinner, obviously not chicken!  :laugh:


Have a great day!

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Good morning!





Woke up dd



Answering math questions while dd is working on her review sheet




Load of laundry

Get meat loaf fixings together

Nag dd about getting together with her friend

Brood about when to visit my parents

Watch Jurassic Park 3 (I'm doing a Jurassic Park marathon, a movie a day)

But first finish watching the Real Housewives of OC reunion



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  • Slept a few hours, probably shouldn't have.

Got some work out.

Kids up & off to camp.

Work work work.

Work work.


Maybe a tiny bit of other human behavior.  Maybe.

May get to drive my kids to gym tonight, if my work has progressed enough.  Otherwise they will miss gym.

If I get to drive them, we will pick up a new audiobook (or 2) and listen to the last one we started.

Kids to bed.


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•kitchen is clean

•cooked dog's food

•roasted spaghetti squash and made a big salad for tonight

•2 loads of laundry done

•cleaned out 2 more hay boxes, cleaned stalls

•school is in progress

•watched over a little bird that flew into our window and was stunned (he revived and flew away after a half hour or so  :) )

•placed an online order


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•finally got main floor dusted (hallelujah)

•thought we were running low on printed envelopes so ordered 1000 of them, then discovered that I actually have two boxes of 500 each sitting on a shelf in my office  :tongue_smilie:

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