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Book a Week 2017 - BW20: Happy Mother's Day

Robin M

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We had a lovely day with a large group of friends from our early days of living in England. Dh has seen many of them through his work but I haven't. The gathering took place a couple of hours away so I was able to catch up on my reading for The Razor's Edge. I am really enjoying it.


I am also reading my Murakami very slowly, one story at a time. I read one of those this afternoon also. One of the friend's is hosting a Japanese student so I spent part of my afternoon having English practiced upon me. I think my not overly British accent was seen as a challenge! :lol: Murakami feels appropriate today.....


All my books are finally checked out to finish my Emerald challenge. I need to start reading but am not feeling overly motivated. I have the next Lee Child's thriller in my series read which just happens to start with an E and D.E. Stevenson's Music in the Hills.

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Congratulations to all of the 52 books readers and bingo achievers! Admittedly my book reading has slowed down as I attempt to stay abreast of the news these days. Yowsers.


I know what you mean. I'm amazed that Sturgeon has pushed for another independence referendum to the point that the Tories are making a comeback. And what were those Labour councillors in Aberdeen thinking?


In more bookish news, I made some nice finds in Edinburgh: Selected Poems of James Hogg; Listen to the Voice, short fiction by Iain Crichton Smith; and selections from the writings of (non-Scot) Max Beerbohm. Time for some local reading.

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From James Hogg's "The Witch of Fife" (local interest!):


"Quhare haif ye been, ye ill womyne,

These three lang nightis fra hame?

Quhat garris the sweit drap fra yer brow,

Like clotis of the saut sea faem?"


"The first leet night, quhan the new moon set,

Quhan all was douffe and mirk,

We saddled ouir naigis wi' the moon-fern leif,

And rode fra Kilmerrin kirk."

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Do you have an idea which one? If not,  I suggest either The Way We Live Now or one of the Baretshire books - either The Warden or Doctor Thorne. There's one in between those two but they really don't need to be read in order. Some of the characters overlap but the stories can be followed regardless of the order in which they're read.

He's reading the Palliser Novels. Currently on Eustace Diamonds and also recommended Barchester Towers.  I'll check out your recommendations as well as see which one sparks.  Thanks!

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He's reading the Palliser Novels. Currently on Eustace Diamonds and also recommended Barchester Towers. I'll check out your recommendations as well as see which one sparks. Thanks!

Another vote for The Way We Live Now, possibly Trollope's best novel. The 5th Palliser novel, The Prime Minister, was praised by Tolstoy, and is excellent, but very different from TWWLN: quite dark.

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Well, my friends, I may be offline for a week or two. My father is in the hospital, my mother can't function independently, so I am going down to try and sort things out. It's a long drive, which I'll start tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so I'll probably get a few audio books listened to. I hope you all have a lovely week.

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Well, my friends, I may be offline for a week or two. My father is in the hospital, my mother can't function independently, so I am going down to try and sort things out. It's a long drive, which I'll start tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so I'll probably get a few audio books listened to. I hope you all have a lovely week.

Safe travels, Rose. And hugs to you.
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Thank you!

And thanks to all the help I got here!


I think I found a way to make BaW, Goodreads and the Library work for me.

I entered a lot of undiscovered shelves, corners, and paths of our library :)

The only con is that the Librarians don't like it, I ask that much from the back ground collection and the depository. I'm afraid they had a lot to walk for me...

Please pm your email address as I seem to have misplaced it. Thanks!  

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Well, my friends, I may be offline for a week or two. My father is in the hospital, my mother can't function independently, so I am going down to try and sort things out. It's a long drive, which I'll start tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so I'll probably get a few audio books listened to. I hope you all have a lovely week.

Hugs and good thoughts winging your way for you and your parents. 

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He's reading the Palliser Novels. Currently on Eustace Diamonds 


Those are next on my list after I finish the Barchester novels.


Well, my friends, I may be offline for a week or two. My father is in the hospital, my mother can't function independently, so I am going down to try and sort things out. It's a long drive, which I'll start tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so I'll probably get a few audio books listened to. I hope you all have a lovely week.


Hugs and safe travels, Rose  :grouphug:

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I know what you mean. I'm amazed that Sturgeon has pushed for another independence referendum to the point that the Tories are making a comeback. And what were those Labour councillors in Aberdeen thinking?






I prefer reading about foreign politics these days. It seems just overall happier because no one I know is getting their feelings hurt about them. Then again ... I should have my adult card revoked because I've always been the type to avoid politics and heated discussions as much as possible.

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Well, my friends, I may be offline for a week or two. My father is in the hospital, my mother can't function independently, so I am going down to try and sort things out. It's a long drive, which I'll start tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so I'll probably get a few audio books listened to. I hope you all have a lovely week.


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Please pm your email address as I seem to have misplaced it. Thanks!

My WTM PM function is disfunctional for several years now, and it seems Another John can't repair it.

But we could pm trough Goodreads, I'm loesje there too:


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I've been avoiding this thread as I am ashamed at my lack of fun reading. The semester is over, though, and I am forcing myself not to read anything related to work for awhile. I have a stack of books on my nightstand and a bunch of books on my Kindle that deserve my attention. I have been and will be doing some traveling by car again soon so I also have audiobooks to listen to.


This weekend I listened to The Shark by Mary Burton. The story was engaging but I did not enjoy this reader. Why does it seem like audiobooks are hit or miss? Does anyone else struggle with some of the readers?

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I've been avoiding this thread as I am ashamed at my lack of fun reading. The semester is over, though, and I am forcing myself not to read anything related to work for awhile. I have a stack of books on my nightstand and a bunch of books on my Kindle that deserve my attention. I have been and will be doing some traveling by car again soon so I also have audiobooks to listen to.


This weekend I listened to The Shark by Mary Burton. The story was engaging but I did not enjoy this reader. Why does it seem like audiobooks are hit or miss? Does anyone else struggle with some of the readers?

I know I struggle with some of the readers. I find it hardest when it's a book or series that I am somehow familiar with and the reader does not sound like they should in my opinion. Also it can be irritating when the reader does voices, Elizabeth Peter's books became very hard to listen to when the son started talking. Drove me nuts! I love the series but ......

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