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The OPENING NIGHT Teachers Lounge! 5-5-2017


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Happy Friday! Welcome to the Lounge!

It may be Cinco de Mayo to others, but here it's Opening Night!

My son is in a production of The Adventures of Peter Rabbit and His Friends

and it starts tonight at 7pm! One show tonight, one tomorrow afternoon.

I just need to wake up first! LOL


What's on your schedule today? Here: see above.


What's on your schedule tomorrow? Here: one more show, plus I also work at a Farmers Market in the morning.

Sunday I think we'll all just crash after church!


Someone want to cook breakfast for me? I looked at today's menu and I'm nowhere near prepared for it. Breakfast is a homestead breakfast: country potatoes, eggs, and bacon. Maybe if the coffee kicks in before the kids wake up . . . 

I may change lunch to fast food as I have to get dd to her theater rehearsal by noon, then go from there to pick up my supplies for tomorrow, to come home, turn around and go get her, drop her off at home, then take ds to his call time for his performance. :auto: Yep, Sunday looks like a good time to REST! :svengo:


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Opening Night of the spring ballet put on by dd's dance school. Ds is participating with backstage stuff. One show tonight, two tomorrow.


So, today... go through the winter/summer switch of dd clothes, prepare bags for consignment, make refreshment for intermission, hair and makeup, and then the big show! At dress rehearsal last night they really looked like they could use one more rehearsal day, so fingers crossed.

Edited by Amy in NH
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Amy, we often find in theater that even though the last dress rehearsal almost always looks like they're not quite ready,

when opening night comes around, it somehow all pulls together!


I love ballet! Would love to see that performance!


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Scrap and Amy, here's hoping opening nights go well! 


Today is just school and taking ds to homeschool skating. Tonight could end up movies/games, etc.


I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow yet. Ds' birthday is Sunday, but we have church, and he has a practice at church. We might find stuff to do tomorrow to celebrate it. 


I like cooking breakfast food, so I wouldn't mind cooking it for you.




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Good luck to your kids on their opening nights.  How exciting! 


Today we are watching a movie for school about the Salem Witch Trials and tonight I'm going out with DH.  Saturday we are going furniture shopping, and Sunday is church.  I'm sure I'll work on household and yard stuff as time permits. 

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Today: School, Ani had PT, Cameron works and has Demo Team tonight.


Tomorrow: Ani and Cameron work.  Ummm... That may actually be it.  Sunday is church and Cameron has Demo, the final practice before competition.


Cook breakfast for you: No.  I don't think I will lol

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Tania, Fiddler on the Roof is one of my favorites! 


Butter, whatever. I cooked my own breakfast, so there.  :p


HeWillSoar, where are you going on your date night?


We are going to an Asian restaurant that offers gluten free food.  Well, I say that's where we are going but I haven't talked to him yet!  He usually doesn't care where we go.  Lucky me he's really easy going. 

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Break a leg!


Today, all I had to do was take Bear to the vet.  Annual check up plus ask about the sudden animosity toward all mail carriers.  He hates being on the exam table.  Bear does not like heights much (hates those metal grate stairs where he can see below).  I wish I could find out who the substitute vet was who just sat on the floor and got to know him before examining him.  I'd switch to her in a second.  Bear liked her.  I was going to have to pick up dd from her AP exam, but dh decided to pick her up and take her out to lunch. I just realized that he doesn't get to do that very often.


Since dd is sick, we are not going to climbing today, which means 6 hours to do something different.  If I feel up to it, I might insist on dh accompanying me to a movie.  If not, I may go by myself.


Tomorrow, I get to climb with some old friends who are coming into town.  I've missed them.  Sunday, I am working a craft fair, selling my books.  I hope I can put on the extrovert suit to make it a profitable day. 


Breakfast was my usual - eggs, toast with pepper jelly and some tea.  I did get up early to help dd get her breakfast and make her some tea.  Her throat hurt too much to eat her sausages and I had to help her get a few other things together.  I had planned on having those sausages myself, but when I got back into the kitchen, I noticed they were not on the plate.  But I did notice the dog licking his lips.  Stinker pup!

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Today Dd, grandson, and I went to a gourmet gluten free bakery and bought macrons - French confection not macaroons - for dessert and breadsticks for our chicken parmesan tonight. I have not had a breadstick in many years.


It rained us out of park day with grandson, so we stayed inside, played, and read books. No agenda. It was nice.


We had hash browns with red pepper and mushrooms for breakfast.


Opening night for my eldest ds is the 13th. He is singing Beethoven's 9th with a professional choir. $58.00 a ticket so ouch, but we splurged for my mom and sister as well. Sis is not going back to France until June in order to help mom with the adjustment and sale of the business. Is it really wrong that I am glad my father figure passed away so my mom can move forward and will be able to attend the concert which is something she has not done in years?

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Break a leg, all the theatre people! Do you also wish this to dancers? We are not a dancing family at all. All the best!


We have opening night in a month for ds 15 and  and ds 11. So lots of room to breath still. 


Today it's raining like crazy and lots of areas are flooding from the rivers. 

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