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Homeschooling coming to an end! Oh my heart...

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Is your son going to do a combined masters? My husband opt for a PhD program that skip masters and it was another roller coaster season choosing PhD programs then. He chose based on scholarship money.


We get crap time to time from my in-laws until my husband feels the strain so now he doesn't tell them anything.


Good luck on your work, freelance and otherwise.

Edited by Arcadia
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I can feel the bittersweet happiness. I can't even imagine when I get there in 3 short years. I feel fortunate I have 3 more years, as I know it will break my heart. At least he's in CA - so he'll be close enough!!!! And you can continue to be his sounding board, edit his papers and be a part of his everything!! College doesn't mean the end - just the beginning of something new and wonderful!!

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You two are both amazing!  You've been there together through all of it, and you will still be there for him even moving forward!  I share your bittersweet feelings and the loneliness of having no one around here, even family to support (and they live here).  This board and moms like you have inspired me and encouraged me, and, though I am far from done with more kiddos here, I share your feelings. I am so grateful to moms like you who make me realize it can be done and encourage me when I am falling on my face.  And this is the one place I can agree with you and say for all of my happiness for DD, my heart is breaking because it feels like I am losing my best friend soon!   Time to practice my "happy face" for a few more months.


Seriously, though you two are awesome and inspirational to many others. :)



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Thank you all so much. I am crying reading your lovely, supportive thoughts. I wish I could say I've known what to do at every step but truly, I have second guessed so much, made so many planning spreadsheets only to change everything minutes later till I finally gave up about 3 years ago. But through all that angst, I had you guys. These were very very clearly the best 10 years of my life. Made all the pain of delivering an oversized babe completely worth it lol.


I also wish I can say my sweet kid lets me edit his papers. Sadly, that stopped years ago. Now I can only suggest but of course the sweet compliant nods are not as compliant as they used to be. Still, I will take whatever I get. Thank you again.

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And this is the one place I can agree with you and say for all of my happiness for DD, my heart is breaking because it feels like I am losing my best friend soon! Time to practice my "happy face" for a few more months.


Seriously, though you two are awesome and inspirational to many others. :)

Gratia, thank you. You have taught me so much. I am so honored to share this forum with you!

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Arcadia, I wish I knew the future. For now I hope the kiddo continues to follow his bliss. We are not discussing anything about masters etc. Just making sure the kid remembers to seek out his advisor regularly. The rest is up to him. I have a very strong feeling that given multiple interests, he might end up teaching math, making Japanese films and involving himself in various literary circles in the next 5 years. Whether or not grad school happens will depend on the direction those interests take.

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Congrats to you both - and best of luck for what comes next.

I will be done in a few weeks, too.

Do you have a plan yet for what is to fill the hole his departure will leave?

:grouphug: and the same to you. Have learned so much from you regentrude.


I found some contract work about a year ago that allows me a lot of flexibility and I have been steadily increasing hours over the last few months. Am also sending out resumes for work that has more regular hours!

Edited by quark
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Good luck and hope you get flexible full time employment with great health insurance and coverage soon. A friend used to work as a sub-editor mostly from home full time for a regional leisure magazine.


Some employers are still willing to sponsor further education relevant to job positions so keep a lookout.



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