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attempting to go off PPIs


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I hope it goes well for you.  My GI doc suggested Gaviscon for an antacid as it has something that protects the esophagus.  Or something like that.  Anyway, that was recommended to me instead of tums. But as Jean said, baking soda can be great too.  If I have a flare (I've been off PPIs for a while now) and Gaviscon doesn't cut it, I do a little baking soda in water.   

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I hope it goes well for you.  My GI doc suggested Gaviscon for an antacid as it has something that protects the esophagus.  Or something like that.  Anyway, that was recommended to me instead of tums. But as Jean said, baking soda can be great too.  If I have a flare (I've been off PPIs for a while now) and Gaviscon doesn't cut it, I do a little baking soda in water.   


Yeah that stuff all gives me the runs. TMI  I usually take Zantac.


But eh..what's a couple of weeks with the runs.  :lol:


I'm crossing everything this won't be too bad.  I didn't know the stomach acid thing would calm down.  So other times I tried I gave up after 2 days figuring it just was not going to work.

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You might try good old fashioned Pepto Bismal (they have chewables instead of the gross liquid) and see if that helps. Just don't take too much as it will turn you tongue, amongst other things, black. But sometimes, with my reflux and IBS stuff, I switch it up and Pepto really helps faster than Tums or Zantac can. 

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A couple things that helped me were to raise the head of my bed. (DH put like a block of wood or something under each foot at the head of the bed.  Also, keeping a glass of really cold water handy and taking a sip whenever I had some burn. 


Yeah all stuff I've done for years already. Except the water.  That makes it worse for me.


I did go from having to sleep like that to being able to sleep flat without issue though.  Which in and of itself is amazing. Prior, even with the PPIs I could not do that.

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Is Zantac supposed to have fewer side effects?  I keep trying to wean off, but have no luck.  I really like having the ability to swallow, and that kind of goes away without my PPI.  


It's not a PPI.  It doesn't reduce acid production.  It's an antacid. 


So basically, it's a different type of drug. 

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My mom went cold turkey off for hers and a week or so after ended up with C. diff. I know PPIs are associated with c. diff but I'm not sure if quitting them contributed to it or even how it could be but something to think about.


Had to look that one up.  Supposedly that's easily treatable and not very long lasting.  Doesn't sound pleasant though.

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Had to look that one up.  Supposedly that's easily treatable and not very long lasting.  Doesn't sound pleasant though.

I've not heard that. It has a high rate of recurrence and can be very difficult to get rid of. 


Either way, I hope your weaning is successful without too many bumps in the road and that you feel better quickly. :)

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My dh did this a few years ago.  He did notice a difference in his joint pain when he went off them.  He does still deal with heartburn on occasion.

For the unsolicited advice portion of this post, things that help him when things aren't going well:

Drink kefir

an apple cider vinegar shot

Milk of Magnesia (last resort-he hates this stuff)

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My dh did this a few years ago.  He did notice a difference in his joint pain when he went off them.  He does still deal with heartburn on occasion.

For the unsolicited advice portion of this post, things that help him when things aren't going well:

Drink kefir

an apple cider vinegar shot

Milk of Magnesia (last resort-he hates this stuff)


I tried the apple cider vinegar before.  OH NO.  LOL  That made me cough and sputter and choke.  And that was only a tiny bit in a large glass of water.  Vinegar seems to be a trigger for me.  I have the same problem with some brands of pickles. 

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I tried the apple cider vinegar before.  OH NO.  LOL  That made me cough and sputter and choke.  And that was only a tiny bit in a large glass of water.  Vinegar seems to be a trigger for me.  I have the same problem with some brands of pickles. 


I talked about ACV with my docs (GI and primary care). They said to try it, and if it works, great, but if it doesn't, don't try it again.  It doesn't work for me.  


If your body is producing too much acid, adding acid isn't going to help.  It would help if the body isn't producing enough, which apparently can also cause heartburn - at least that's my understanding. 


If ACV helps the heartburn but is hard to get down, eat something pickled.   (Not talking specifically to you, Sparkly, as I get that it doesn't help you.)  

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I tried the apple cider vinegar before. OH NO. LOL That made me cough and sputter and choke. And that was only a tiny bit in a large glass of water. Vinegar seems to be a trigger for me. I have the same problem with some brands of pickles.

And this is so funny, how we are all different, because a "dose" of kosher dill pickle can often avert trouble for me!
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I tried the apple cider vinegar before.  OH NO.  LOL  That made me cough and sputter and choke.  And that was only a tiny bit in a large glass of water.  Vinegar seems to be a trigger for me.  I have the same problem with some brands of pickles. 


I use Braggs ACV, just a teaspoon in a large mug of kettle-hot water.   I don't use it for heartburn though - sore throat or UTI, yes. 

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I use Braggs ACV, just a teaspoon in a large mug of kettle-hot water.   I don't use it for heartburn though - sore throat or UTI, yes. 


That's what I used.


Did not agree with me.  BTW, do you need a bottle of Braggs?  :laugh:


Night two...no coughing in bed.  No heart burn.  I did take a Zantac as a precaution, BUT prior to trying to go off the Zantac did not cut it either.  So I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY excited about this.

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