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I just created an "Ask the Vet" social group.

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I did this because many of you pm me, which is great because I see the pm right away. But often I will miss a post directed to me on the board. In this group I will try to answer questions twice a day or as they come when I am on the board. No specific diagnoses or treatment protocols will be given, however I usually try to give a list of top rule-outs given the case at hand, likely tests that your vet may want to do, and a heads-up on prognosis and cost. This can also be a group where those of you who are wrestling with or grieving over euthanasia issues can come and commiserate with one another.


So please come and join the group, it is open to all.

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I did this because many of you pm me, which is great because I see the pm right away. But often I will miss a post directed to me on the board. In this group I will try to answer questions twice a day or as they come when I am on the board. No specific diagnoses or treatment protocols will be given, however I usually try to give a list of top rule-outs given the case at hand, likely tests that your vet may want to do, and a heads-up on prognosis and cost. This can also be a group where those of you who are wrestling with or grieving over euthanasia issues can come and commiserate with one another.


So please come and join the group, it is open to all.


You are so sweet, Soph! Thanks!



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