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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


I did not get to housework or Latin yesterday.  




clean kitchen

take 18 yo to flute lessons

Check out fancy cheese shop nearby to see if I can get plastic free cheese!

this p.m. teens and I are going to do a long study session with Latin for the NLE


Dinner?  Oops.  Gotta think on this one!

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Buy Groceries



And wait for it.......more laundry



Will also be cleaning the kitchen and walking the dog while waiting on laundry




I hate laundry. We need disposable clothing. (Biodegradable and earth-friendly of course!)

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Hello everyone!  Cold cold cold here on the Cape this morning!

Have to do a big grocery shop, waiting for dh to get home to go together

empty cat boxes

go to feed and grain store for pet supplies

keep woodstove going and bring in more wood

have to empty out the bathroom/closet/storage space because we are finally turning it back into a functioning bathroom.  The shower has been dh's closet for years now, original plan was to combine the bathrooms into one big one and it never happened, and we really need two bathrooms.

Been busy with wedding plans these days!

And youngest has her first actual date tonight!

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Morning all!


•give dogs heartworm preventatives

•clean kitchen

•plan out what flowers I want in my front bed this year and order seeds

•have kids work on their rooms

•farrier appt. (this has been rescheduled twice & I'm hoping I can cross it off my list today) 


•dinner ?? something that involves no cooking


Hop everyone has a good weekend!  :001_smile:

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning!  Oldest is on IR for travel baseball so no tournament for us this weekend.  Not sure what I will do with myself.  LOL.


-get oldest to and from conditioning gym

-shower and get ready

-pick up a few areas that have become filled with clutter

-prepare history lesson for next week

-host youngest son's friend for a few hours

-a gajillion loads of laundry (grrrrrr, and I think we may have a leak somewhere ugh)


-prepare dinner and feed family (London broil grilled outside (hope DH remembered to pick up new propane tank), baked potatoes and vegetables)

-get oldest to and from his social event with friends this evening

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Morning, all!


To do today:

library for book returns 

visit with my mom


get started on my water regimen...I have definitely let this lapse and I can tell the difference

if i'm feeling industrious, tackle the dressers and closet for clothing donations


Have a great day!

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Keep oldest on track with some homework he needs to get done (because he stayed up too late during the week and was too tired to focus during school last week.)


Clean out the schoolroom that had become the "junk drawer" of the house. Everything had made its way to that room and the room was a big ball of clutter. BUT, the boy wants to have friends over to watch some old Doctor Who eps on the projector in the schoolroom. He's happy to help me declutter the room so it's not embarrassing when his friends walk in. :).

Edited by Garga
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We have lots to do!!


Prep items for consignment sale

Laundry (and lots of it!)



I'd really love some time to do some reading. I'm doing a local book group reading Charlotte Mason's Vol 1 on homeschooling and haven't had a chance to start.


There's probably some other stuff to do but I'm drawing a blank...

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human care done well enough for Saturday's standards


Pet care done


Nagging of the teens done


Medical care done


Early morning walk done


Dd to her activities


Practiced giving my speech.  Still too long.  Reworked my speech for about the fourth time.


Dh is working on the kitchen.


I need to start the first laundry load of the day. 

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