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Happy Friday! Which crazy family member do you love?


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Mine is my cousin.  


I have approximately sixty FIRST cousins.  But one is my particular favorite.  She is one of the greatest joys about moving back to the Midwest.  


She works, I don't.  We homeschool, she doesn't.  Not a whole lot in common but there is no one I enjoy being around more.


She called me this week to tell me she had a kid - a goat kid.  I got tickets to her daughter's play this AM.


I am so grateful to have her in the family.  It's extra special when not only are you related to someone but you REALLY like them and have that shared childhood.

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That is so fun!  I only have 4 cousins.


My dh's sisters are much older than him, leaving some generational gaps that have been odd at times.  BUT.  My oldest sister-in-law has a child that is 5 years younger than me.  That child has children my childrens' age.  Which means that that SIL is totally in grandma mode around my kids.  And I love that!  My MIL is not the most involved grandparent.  She never has been--even when younger, it just wasn't her style.  But because of Aunt Kathy, my kids get the fun of a young, really energetic and excited grandma figure.  I love that.  

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He's gone, now, but I loved my great uncle.  He was tough, not a pushover, but he was so funny and active and he was always coming up with new things to do when we would visit him out on his ranch.  He was a bachelor (his mom broke up his engagement and he never sought out another relationship...too painful).    He loved having his siblings' kids come hang out.

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My brother!


He is about 6'4", at least 300 lbs, and has no concept of an indoor voice. He is very good-natured, but will go where he wants, when he wants because no one really wants to try to take him on and stop him. He's just too huge.


That means he will ski down the closed trail, poke around inside an abandoned house, talk to the person on the street corner who is yelling about the end of the world..... it's all just one great experience to him!


He is also a HUGE history buff, especially the Civil War and World War II. He has a real talent for making history very interesting. One time we were out in public and my sister asked him a history question about Hitler. My brother started giving her the information and talking about the Nazis, only in his loud, booming voice. My sister told him "shhhhh" because we were in public and he just looks around and yells "Nazis Nazis Nazis!!" He never cares who is looking at him.


Another time we were in a restaurant and he was telling a story about a car accident he saw, and he was telling how someone yelled "Call 911!" -- only he actually yells that phrase with his hands in the air. The whole restaurant came to a complete halt. He just looked around and said "Telling a story folks, go back to eating!"


My kids love their Uncle. They never know what adventure he will get them into but they know it will be a crazy ride.


Nothing phases him.

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While I love all of my FOO, I have one sister whom I usually enjoy talking to.  We blab forever until one of us just has to hang up for some reason.  Luckily this only happens about once a month, or neither of us would get any work done.  :p


ETA:  I said "usually enjoy" because sometimes I just can't take the drama.  Old and crotchety I guess.  :P

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My nephew's wife. Our entire family is quiet, reserved, and generally very much introverted.  We wear neutral colors and aren't flashy at all. But Courtney is loud, flashy, loves wearing glitter eyeshadow, tons of jewelry, and has a mouth like a sailor.  Everything I am not. But we have so much fun together.  We live more than 850 miles from our nearest family members so it really means a lot to us when Courtney and her husband come visit us, like they did this year for Thanksgiving. 


Here's what makes her (and my nephew) so awesome: they don't just SAY they want to get together- they actually do what it takes to make that happen. Last week we were going through Atlanta on a Sunday morning and they got up and drove 40 minutes just to have breakfast with us- at 8 AM. 


I like people who make an effort to maintain a relationship. 

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My husband's step-mother. She says the same things/stories over and over; she has the opinion of the last person who spoke to her; she voted for ick; she can talk the longest about nothing of anyone I've ever met; she drives my husband insane. I adore her.


She has always been nothing but good, kind and supportive to me and the kids. That covers over all the rest for me.

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We have the good, the bad, and the ugly, just as most families do, I suspect. My favorite is a 1st cousin. While I am the oldest female in our brood of 34, she is the youngest, separated by 18 years. And while I didn't have kids until late 30's, she got pregnant at 16, so her oldest is older than my oldest. She married her boyfriend, and against all odds, they are still together and extremely happy. After dropping out to have her baby, she completed her high school diploma while her kids were in elementary school, then went on to earn bachelor's and master's degrees and is now working on a Ph.D. in sociology!! She, her dh and I have all transitioned out of the religion we grew up with, and that, among other things, makes me feel a special bond to her.

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