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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Happy Valentine's Day!


•make breakfast for dh, he has a meeting today and will be gone most of the day

•remember where I stashed Valentine's gifts for kids

•school - need to get lots done

•a little housework & a little officework

•refill dog food bins



•dinner=tomato soup & grilled cheese


Edited by Selkie
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Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day!


-get oldest to school

-work with youngest

-figure out what youngest will wear to home school dance this weekend

-doctor's appointment

-phone calls:  allergist, optometrist, new high school DS1 was accepted to (he was accepted into an engineering program at a public school, not sure I am on board with this)

-pick oldest up from school

-baseball practice 5-7

-dinner (crock pot dinner I made last night; we picked up Chinese food last night instead of the "delicious" crockpot meal I made - I hate crockpot cooking)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Happy Valentine's Day!  (though I am not really feeling it myself this year!)


Yesterday, my stupid IBS really flared horribly (I'd been ignoring it for a month or so).  Today I am going to take responsibility for eating well.



Got a good bit of reading done

Cleaned kitchen

15 yo is up

Ate my oatmeal for breakfast (nice and gentle on the ole tummy!)

Take 15 yo to Bio

Shop at Trader Joe's for the week's food (I have to resist eating out)

take 18 yo to gov't class

Maybe walk if weather permits

15 yo has consult with orthidontist at 2:30

At some point try to get lots of Latin done with teens

Dinner (depends on shopping)

Babysit for friend





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Good morning and Happy Valentines Day! I woke up to a card and candy from dh (he enlisted dd2 to surprise me). Regular busy day here.


To do:

school for boys

ds2 to aikido

post office for return


get gas

figure out dinner and make ahead

PM practice swim/swim/judo

pick up in reverse order -Good thing I am listening to a great audiobook!


Have a great day!


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Not a bad start so far ....

  • Got some work done before the kids got up.
  • Kid ready, drove them to school early for a math review.
  • Cleaned the kitchen and some clutter.
  • Fed the critters.
  • Caught up with messages and such.
  • Checked some personal legal stuff.

To do:

  • Work.
  • A little reading, exercise, laundry, cleaning.
  • Pay some bills, file some papers.
  • Practice TKD form.
  • Would like to go to TKD today after a very long break.  (Kids' basketball practice is cancelled.)
  • Kids' work.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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I wanted to get on here quickly and let you know that my nephew passed away last night. His passing was peaceful, and he will have no more headaches and no more seizures. Thank you for your prayers! My sister, Anita, will need them most of all.


I pray those who are sick and feeling badly will be better soon!

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Slow start here today. Dh is working at home amd I have to go with him to drop his car at the mechanic's shop. We will go to my mom's after lunch to deliver her valentines.

Drop off car
Go to see my mom   She's going out to lunch with friends, so we'll check in with her tomorrow.
More school

dinner - chx taco salad
Out to see The Sound of Music

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I wanted to get on here quickly and let you know that my nephew passed away last night. His passing was peaceful, and he will have no more headaches and no more seizures. Thank you for your prayers! My sister, Anita, will need them most of all.


I pray those who are sick and feeling badly will be better soon!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




Daughter to school- DONE


Youngest to enrichment


Drop off taxes

Pick up youngest

Oldest to work?

Pick up daughter

Clean kitchen

Must. Hang. Laundry.

Call doctor's nurse for med change


Something else I can't remember right now

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I'm not feeling the love right now ... need to pull my head out of my butt and get a life ....


ETA - well a visit from my Friend explains why I am not feeling the love ....


So there will be no TKD today, although I will try to watch the videos of our form to try to remember it mentally.  Maybe I'll let the kids go swimming instead - and get some other stuff done.

Edited by SKL
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Note: if you are "helping " me with my overwhelming laundry load, it helps if you actually make sure that the two loads are completely dry before piling them in a laundry basket to wait for two days until I can fold them.


Human care done [emoji736]

Pet care done [emoji736]

Medical care done [emoji736]

Laundry not done.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Daughter to school- DONE

School DONE

Youngest to enrichment DONE


Drop off taxes

Pick up youngest DONE

Oldest to work?

Pick up daughter

Clean kitchen DONE

Must. Hang. Laundry.

Call doctor's nurse for med change


Something else I can't remember right now

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I took a nap.  This old body.  I hope I get my mojo back someday.


Kids don't have any homework, but they need to get to school a half hour early tomorrow (again) to make math test corrections.  I told the kids I have things for them to do this evening (I was expecting them to have a bunch of "free time" tonight).  Oh the long faces.  LOL.  Girl drama is the best.

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Algebra done, graded and recorded.

  Logic - done, graded and recorded.

Literature - done, graded and recorded.

Geography - only reading today

Grammar- done, graded and recorded

Japanese - done together to mastery

Biology - will grade in a bit because this subject doesn't have an answer guide and takes me a lot longer to grade 

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I wanted to get on here quickly and let you know that my nephew passed away last night. His passing was peaceful, and he will have no more headaches and no more seizures. Thank you for your prayers! My sister, Anita, will need them most of all.


I pray those who are sick and feeling badly will be better soon!


I am so sorry for your loss.


Sending prayers to your sister

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