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A remodeling WWYD for fun...


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We have a few things we'd like to do this spring before summer and before graduation.


While we would love to go all out on our kitchen it is NOT going to happen.  

We have oak cabinets ( that, I know, I know, are terribly out of fashion but I actually love them and love the wood grain) as well as soffits; these are not something I love.


So demo is cheap.  We have this weird peninsula/breakfast bar thing that takes up half of our not terribly big kitchen.  It's all being removed.  

The stove is being moved, cabinets moved, fridge moved, pantry cuboard moved to make it far more open.
We opened up one wall for a large pass through and it opens to a wall with four huge windows so now we have a LOT of natural light.

Linoleum is going and we're putting in tile (approx $500 with 1/4" hardibacker)  This is a DIY job - we've done it before.
New laminate in a dark faux granite ($560 - got the quote last night.)  

Essentially the colors look like this: link  
(I am a neutral girl.  Wish I wasn't but there it is.)

And I feel *really* good about all of this - totally on budget, will solve some short sightedness (like tearing out a wall willy nilly for the pass through and now there is no linoleum where that pantry cupboard WAS and I want that cupboard back...)


This should eliminate all the problem areas.  The problem?  The soffits and the lighting.
Could we demo the soffits?  We could.  But we would have to completely redo the ceiling.  We are installing recessed lighting and probably a fixture for attractiveness (see link:  )  but redoing the ceiling is a pain.  We'd have to drywall. We are remarkably sick of drywalling and drywalling a ceiling is a particular pain.  We are removing the popcorn (non asbestos) and retexturing.  

So I'm open to ideas.  In the link above - also HERE they painted a warm neutral and added white crown molding.

I've seen others make the soffit look like an extension of the cabinet but I've only seen it look good (genuine) when the cabinets are PAINTED not a natural stain like I have.  Plus, that much more wood grain is a little much, kwim?

I'm open to thoughts on what I linked and/or solutions you've seen, done, etc.  



ALSO - do you have an undermount sink?  Love it? Hate it?  I have a perfectly good sink and am debating if I want the undermount.  They seem cleaner to me with less stuff seeping under that edge, kwim?  But I'd love to hear from anyone who has it.  That's a relatively small expense in the scheme of this that needs to be done when we do counters if it is something we really want, kwim?

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Soffits. I disliked them but an open space above cabinets is worse for cleaning. We removed them when we did a complete r model.


I do have an undercount sink and I love it!mits easier to clean with no bumps to clean around and it feels,like more counter space. I don't have undercount in my bathrooms anymore and I wish I did.

I have the Koehler smart sink. The center divide is low.


Sounds like you are doing some fabulous stuff and your kitchen will be wonderful!

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Soffits. I disliked them but an open space above cabinets is worse for cleaning. We removed them when we did a complete r model.


I do have an undercount sink and I love it!mits easier to clean with no bumps to clean around and it feels,like more counter space. I don't have undercount in my bathrooms anymore and I wish I did.

I have the Koehler smart sink. The center divide is low.


Sounds like you are doing some fabulous stuff and your kitchen will be wonderful!


Talk to me about why I would want the center divide low?  


I like my kitchen mostly... DH DESPISES the breakfast counter.  The two little ones climb up on top and sit there while I cook.  He is certain it's an accident waiting to happen and I am equally certain we're all having a grand time.  He wants it open. I love being surrounded by counters.  I can flip back and forth between cutting and cooking.  


My only hill to die on was cutting out the wall for natural light.  It was done within a few months of living there.  If he will cut down my wall, I will give him anything else he wants in that kitchen, lol! :D


('Cept I really do hate the soffits.  But not enough to make him work 100xs harder.  Ugh, the compromise.) :P :D

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Removing the soffits does add a whole lot of area that collects dust and other things.  I don't particularly like soffits but I would rather have those than layers and layers of dust build up (allergies here) that get stirred every time the AC kicks in.  I did replace the soffit over the sink by adding a small, decorative cabinet with built in lights at the bottom on a separate switch specifically for the sink area.  DH thought I was crazy and that it would look odd but it has been great for displaying some antiques and a statue GMIL gave us and it actually looks really nice.  Our cabinets are all wood and we love them.  No painted cabinets for me.  I love a wood look.  Of course we had to replace all of our old cabinets so it was easy to make everything match.


Undermount sink.  Yes DH talked me into one.  It works well but what I love even more is the metal racks that sit inside.  Here are some examples.  I got one for each side (two sided deep sink so I could separate out my work areas).  I LOVE the racks.





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Talk to me about why I would want the center divide low?




('Cept I really do hate the soffits. But not enough to make him work 100xs harder. Ugh, the compromise.) :P :D

I thought I wanted a single bowl sink. But then what do you do when you are cooking, and you have your sink filled with dishwater for that "clean as you go" thing, and you have to drain your pasta, or broccoli or cup of coffee. Pour it into your dishwater?


Bit still there are times you need to soak a pan, like after you've made wings for the super bowl party and the tin foil ripped and your jelly roll pan is nasty.


With the low center divide you can fill one side with water, or put both drains into and fill to the top and soak the entire pan.



Do a search for Koehler smart sink video. Seeing is better than trying to explain it.

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I don't have soffits in this house; honestly, I never even though about them. However, I don't like the space above the cabinets. I feel it's an area that needs decorating, which I don't like to do, and cleaning to keep the decorations dust free, which I like even less. 


I have an undermount sink and really like it.  I have something like this. I like the smaller sink because I can rest my colander on the sides of the sink and the big side is large enough for all my large casserole dishes to sit in when they need to soak. There are also times when I need to thaw something, which is easy to do in the smaller side. I don't have the low center divide; we have a higher center divide. I like being able to completely fill up the sink if I need to (like when I need to soak my dutch oven because dinner boiled over the top and cooked on the sides of it.) 


I have a sprayer faucet similar to the one in the picture and don't like it at all. After 4 years, it no longer pulls completely back into the faucet and we've had problems with the nut loosening so the water drips straight under the sink. Our sink is very deep, so it will be a hassle to switch it out.

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Removing the soffits does add a whole lot of area that collects dust and other things.  I don't particularly like soffits but I would rather have those than layers and layers of dust build up (allergies here) that get stirred every time the AC kicks in.  I did replace the soffit over the sink by adding a small, decorative cabinet with built in lights at the bottom on a separate switch specifically for the sink area.  DH thought I was crazy and that it would look odd but it has been great for displaying some antiques and a statue GMIL gave us and it actually looks really nice.  Our cabinets are all wood and we love them.  No painted cabinets for me.  I love a wood look.  Of course we had to replace all of our old cabinets so it was easy to make everything match.


Undermount sink.  Yes DH talked me into one.  It works well but what I love even more is the metal racks that sit inside.  Here are some examples.  I got one for each side (two sided deep sink so I could separate out my work areas).  I LOVE the racks.






Thank you for the link to these! I would love, love, love to have them in my sink!! 

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I have a large, deep, single bowl sink that I chose specifically because I disliked the divided sinks I had always had before. I know I'm weird, but I HATE picking debris out of a drain area that does not have a garbage disposal attached, so I never used the side of the sink that didn't have a disposal. Never. So it was wasted space for me. I realize that others don't have this issue, but it was a big deal for me. I LOVE my big sink. I can fit two 9x13 pans in there, side by side, when I am washing. Or my crockpot and a 12" frying pan at the same time.


However, I do not stack dirty dishes in my sink while I am waiting for them to be washed. I rinse and stack on the counter beside the sink. If something needs to be soaked, I start it soaking while I'm doing the other dishes, then I do that item last. My sink is big enough that I can have one item soaking in there, while I wash the other things.


I do have a mesh colander that I can hang over one side of my sink. If I am rinsing vegetables or something and want it to sit there and drain, I can still use the other part of the sink for anything I might need it for.


The only thing I dislike about not having the divider is that I used to hang my dishcloth on the hump in between. I had to come up with a new place for the wet dishcloth.


Sorry, I don't have an opinion about the soffits, other than to say that if you do plan to replace your cabinetry one day, it might make sense to wait and do it along with that project.. I don't like them, either.

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What are your soffits like now? Do they match your cabinets or are they drywall? 


I loved the hardware, warm neutral paint and white crown moulding in your link. I don't love the tiffany light over the island; we had them for years and they were so dark, particularly in the evening when windows weren't much help. YMMV, of course.

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What are your soffits like now? Do they match your cabinets or are they drywall? 


I loved the hardware, warm neutral paint and white crown moulding in your link. I don't love the tiffany light over the island; we had them for years and they were so dark, particularly in the evening when windows weren't much help. YMMV, of course.


Currently drywall.


I love the light in the picture - HOWEVER, I noticed the same thing you just said - that it seems dark.  We are planning on putting in recessed lighting so I think the fixture will be more for looks than actual lighting.  We also have separate lights above our sink and by the overpass because that is the counter i do the most prep work at. :)  Thanks for the tip though!

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I like the soffit in my kitchen - it does fit in though, as its a '60 kitchen with painted cupboards, and the soffits are very charachteristic of the period.  I agree that wood to the top might be overwhelming.


That being said, I hate the open space at the top.


I wonder if you could find a paint solution that would make them seem like a asset to you?  What is it, specifically, that you don't like about them?

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Hare-brained idea on the cabinets and soffit - remove the soffit and re-install the cabinets at the ceiling, then put an open shelf under the cabinets - like this https://www.google.com/search?q=open+shelf+under+upper+cabinets&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS657US657&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXq8aun_zRAhUrwFQKHREOCtgQ_AUICCgC&biw=375&bih=591#imgrc=n9kgEAsr3kdrpM:

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I'd leave the soffits and get an undermount, one-bowl sink. Also, if you do most of the cooking and like being surrounded by counters and having your littles perched nearby, you should get to keep your breakfast counter. "Open" is a nice idea aesthetically (maybe) but a kitchen is first of all practical. There's no way I'd let go of that if you like it. However, if dh does most of the cooking, that's a different story!

I don't like the second photo. It's dark and that gold color is dated. I'd go for a lighter neutral like in your first one. 

If you DO take out the soffits, I don't think you HAVE to decorate the tops of your cabinets. I like how they look bare (easier to clean too).

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Explain to me the concept of a single basin.  I get why bigger is better.  What I don't understand is how do you wash on one side and rinse on the other?  I can't fathom choosing a single sink.  Now a TRIPLE sink, that I get. ;)


I wash with a soapy sponge and then rinse, all in one step. If stuff needs to soak, I soak it by itself (fill a mixing bowl with hot water and soap) or in something else (mug of soapy water and dirty utensils). I love having a big open sink for washing cookie sheets, stock pots, roasting pans, etc. 

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Your kitchen sounds so much like mine!  oak cabinets with soffits and all.  Are you sure that the soffits aren't there for a reason?  I hate the soffits too and I thought about taking them out and even installing the larger cabinets.  However, after giving it some thought, we realized that the soffits probably hold some ductwork.  We aren't 100 % sure, but I don't hate the kitchen enough to make holes in the sofftit to check.  I HATE doing drywall repairs even more than the soffits.

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We did a complete kitchen remodel last summer. Kept our soffit since DH didn't want to remove it (extra work, etc) so we kept our same layout. I would have ditched the soffit to open it up, but it wasn't worth it. Installed shaker style natural cherry cabinets and honed black granite countertops. Pushed out the counter a bit to have an arc to sit at for meals. Have a big single bowl undermount sink now. Will hang some pendant lights over our eat at counter sometime.

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Explain to me the concept of a single basin.  I get why bigger is better.  What I don't understand is how do you wash on one side and rinse on the other?  I can't fathom choosing a single sink.  Now a TRIPLE sink, that I get. ;)


I have a huge single basin cast iron sink.  I do very little hand washing of everyday dishes. If I need too, I fill a small bowl with soapy water and use that.  I love the big sink because I can fit full cooking sheets, huge roasting pans, even my oven racks in it.

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I wash with a soapy sponge and then rinse, all in one step. If stuff needs to soak, I soak it by itself (fill a mixing bowl with hot water and soap) or in something else (mug of soapy water and dirty utensils). I love having a big open sink for washing cookie sheets, stock pots, roasting pans, etc. 



I like the idea of having a big space for washing big things.  But if I get that single big sink I feel certain I will have a small plastic wash pan under my sink that I can use to wash as I go.


I like to keep a pan of hot soapy water while I cook.

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I am not a huge fan of a soffit.....but I would not remove it just because...not if it meant sheetrocking a ceiling and matching up to the rest of the ceiling.  But dh said, 'heck yes, get rid of it.  And heck yes it is a pain to re do the sheetrock!'  


LOL...so there ya go.


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