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2017--2018 --8th Grade Planning

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I need some help with this too. So far, we're set up to do math U See algebra, (working through prealgebra over the summer as we just switched back to this program), CLE Langauge arts 8th grade, and I'm something along the lines of American History. I think I'll probably use the Beautiful Feet spine for group learning in our home, but I need to tailor each reader and the read alouds a bit. We live on a small farmstead, so agriculture is an elective he wants to do, and I need him to do.


But that's all I have so far :( My rising 8th grader is coming out of CC, has learning hurdles (dyslexia for one), and after a year of Lost Tools of Writing, he's just getting the process. I really hate the LTW program though. I'm struggling the most with writing. I'm wondering if IEW essays would be a better route for him at this point.


I'd appreciate everyone's thoughts on this.

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I just read over my umbrella school's high school guidelines and am feeling a good deal less stressed about that. For 8th grade, I am thinking:


English/Geography/Art: The Good & the Beautiful Level 7

Math - high school credit: Forester Algebra I with Math without Borders Lessons

PE: Swim Team

History/Social Studies: The Story of US DVDs, Moving Beyond the Page

Science: Some subscription science kits and Ellen McHenry The Elements, Protozoa Poseidon Adventure, Cells

Music: Homeschool band saxophone





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May update:


Math: Mr. D Geometry

Science: Derek Owens Physical Science

Language Arts: maybe Life Pack English 8, BraveWriter Kidswrite Intermediate and one more class

History: Notgrass US History

Literature: Notgrass as well as books picked by me. To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies others TBD

Electives TBD

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After much thinking and mulling it over, I think I have a plan.


Literature - Bookshark lit pkg 8

Science - BJU dlo life science and local homeschool classes for labs and projects

Math - Teaching textbooks prealgebra

History - BJU dlo world studies

Art - weekly outsourced lessons

Homeschool band and choir

Equine activities - lessons and volunteering

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I need some help with this too. So far, we're set up to do math U See algebra, (working through prealgebra over the summer as we just switched back to this program), CLE Langauge arts 8th grade, and I'm something along the lines of American History. I think I'll probably use the Beautiful Feet spine for group learning in our home, but I need to tailor each reader and the read alouds a bit. We live on a small farmstead, so agriculture is an elective he wants to do, and I need him to do.


But that's all I have so far :( My rising 8th grader is coming out of CC, has learning hurdles (dyslexia for one), and after a year of Lost Tools of Writing, he's just getting the process. I really hate the LTW program though. I'm struggling the most with writing. I'm wondering if IEW essays would be a better route for him at this point.


I'd appreciate everyone's thoughts on this.

Writing has been a struggle for my 2e kids. We have had some minor successes, some major fails, and some "this is good enough" experiences. What about LTW isn't working for your student? With dyslexia being a factor, what are your writing goals for your student?
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  • 2 weeks later...

After a year and a half at a classical education school we are done with the school thing and returning to homeschooling. I am trying to fight the "squeeeze in the stuff we missed for 6th and 7th" and just be a normal person and start 8th grade. haha 


My plans:


Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (he was doing Saxon at the school and hated it - he begged for TT because we used it before)


English- Great Courses Building a Better Vocabulary, Wordly Wise, Sonlight Core F lit and writing, spelling (planning to use WW words for this, but also going to review rules of spelling all year), Grammar Sonlight LA and Keys to Good Language 6


History/Geography- Sonlight Core F Eastern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere Map Skills, Great Courses Foundations of Eastern Civilization


Texas History - Switched on Schoolhouse (just wanted a get it done thing he could do on his own)


Science- Elemental Science Chemistry and Great Courses History of Science


Logic- undecided but probably something from Classical Academic Press

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Finalized (maybe :) ) 


Math- Finish 2nd half of AoPS pre-A; Arbor School- Crocodiles & Coconuts & Chuckles the Rocket Dog

Spelling( MegaWords 1&2

Grammar- Grammar Revolution  

Vocab-- Finish CE1 

Literature & Composition -- Mix of OM8+ LL8; Writing in English & other resources

History- Japanese History- GC Understanding Japan, Illustrated History of Japan, lots of books, & docos

Science- Unit Studies- evolution, survival skills, McHenry Elements

Extras-- PE w/ Mom, Family Nature & MP Poetry study, Philosophy-- his request- will start out with Philosophy for Children just for discussion and go from there; Figuratively Speaking--- discussion w/ sister

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Here's what I've got for DS and DD twins for 8th grade:


Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2

Science: Elemental Science Physics for Logic Stage

History: WTM Modern History

Grammar: Rod & Staff 8

Writing: WWS2

Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A/B

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Logic: Art of Argument and Argument Builder

Foreign Language: Arabic

Literature: Reading List from WTM


Hope it is not too much- just the right amount for them to be challenged, yet thrive!


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These are my plans for my 13yo dd who will be in 8th this fall.


Math: Thinkwell 8th grade math (just decided on this one!)

Science: Glencoe Physical Science as a spine with Thames & Kosmos lab kits (Physics Workshop, Chem 2000, Happy Atoms)

History: A History of US

Grammar: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind 

Writing: WWS3, Creative Writer 3

Literature: my own customized curriculum for classic literature with coordinating author biography projects

Foreign Language: Getting Started with Latin

Art: taking at the public school 

Music: local youth symphony (this will be her first year, I think she's officially chosen the violin)

PE: homeschool PE at the YMCA


We haven't done much of extracurriculars/outsourcing in the past beyond swim classes and an informal homeschool nature group, so it will be interesting to have 3 actual extras outside the home. *Edited with final (haha!) choices*




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Ds (13) will be 14 in September and in eighth grade. I signed him up for five Virtual School classes:

  1. Language Arts 3
  2. Comprehensive Science 3
  3. Beginning Spanish (he should progress through this quickly as he's been taking Spanish for a long time)
  4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Learning Strategies
  5. Comprehensive PE - Health, Nutrition, and Fitness

The rest of his courses he's taking with me:

  1. Pre-Algebra: An Accelerated Course (1985 edition) by Mary P. Dolciani - he's finishing the latter part of this book, plus 

  2. History using K12 The Human Odyssey Vol. 2, K12 Intermediate World History B workbook and supplementary books: Pirates, The Renaissance, and Slavery

  3. Writing With Skill Level 2

  4. Evan-Moor 7 Continents: South America (ds loves this, and learns about both physical and political geography)

  5. Poetry w/ A Harp and The Laurel Wreath

  6. Living science and biography books 

Religious Education: Understanding the Scriptures w/ Scott Hahn through MyCatholicFaithDelivered.com


As for extracurriculars, ds is in:

  1. Band (he's auditioning for Honors clarinet)
  2. Taekwondo (he's working on his red-black belt)
  3. Boy Scouts (currently, he's working on his camping, geology, Indian lore, and forestry merit badges)

He also goes sailing, kayaking, swimming, and fishing every few Saturdays with his friend and just passed the boating exam and received our state's boating license.  He also is learning programming through Khan Academy: JavaScript.

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I have the start of a plan here....


English - Megawords 3&4, mythology class (Empowered Online Academy), Writing Basics (Empowered Online Academy), W&R 7(finish) &8

Math - finish Horizons 6, undecided for pre-algebra

Science - Acellus

History - Acellus

French - Acellus

Latin - Visual Latin

Classical Studies - Book of the Ancient World

Bible - undecided

Art - the girl loves art; I should really come up with something for her :001_unsure:


extras - choir and piano


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School year starts in feb in Australia

This is what we are currently doing. Keep in mind that ds 13 has profound dyslexia and we have had a completely messed up first half of the year with a troubled foster child here for 5 months.


Math just on finished Saxon 76 will go onto algebra1/2


Writing just switched from WWS toWriting strands book4


Grammar Abecka level 8 will shift over to Susan's new books as soon as they come out


Spelling just switched to AAS book 3 and seeing rapid results.


Reading - we need to get back to WTM reading list


Science just finished the last readers digest science book as per TWTM 2 nd ed. just started Apologia Biology


History internet linked Usborne encyclopedia Ancients


Logic detective



Because of the dyslexia ds does writing on the iPad or computer with spell check on. He needs all the help he can get.and does spelling / dictation on a white board. i need to actively teach him every subject


After typing it all out we are doing bettter than I thought we were.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I've answered on this thread before, but I think I finally, finally have everything nailed down. Unless DD decides she HATES something I picked...


Doing a semester of 8th grade, then re-evaluating. DD may be ready for 9th at that point.


Math: Pre Algebra (Horizons)

English: The One Year Adventure Novel, MCT Lit: Fog, MCT Vocabulary of Literature, Spelling You See

History: World History Detective (Critical Thinking Company)

Science: Environmental Science (Oak Meadow)

Art: The Secrets to Drawing (The Virtual Instructor)

Other: Dyslexia Games C (The Thinking Tree)

PE: Competitive tumbling & trampoline - trying out for the Junior Olympic team this year, recreational gymnastics, horseback riding when she has time


I was actually looking at Cover Story for English, but DD saw OYAN and went "That, that, that!" and it was the first curriculum she's been really excited about so we'll do that instead of my original plan. I want to use this semester (or year) to really shore up DD's writing and math skills for high school, but she's generally been advanced academically, despite her dyslexia and loathing for math.

Edited by Aurelia
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Thanks so much to everyone! This thread was a huge help to me as I finalized our curriculum this week. Here is what my DS will be doing this year:


Math - Mr. D - Algebra 1

Latin - Lone Pine - Latin 100 

History - Pandia - Middle Ages

Science - Mr. Q Earth Science and continue reading Story of Science books, Mosa Mack for fun

Langauge Arts - Writing - Denim Beret (so happy to have found this resource - don't know who on the forum mentioned it, but thanks!!), EIC for grammar review, BW book clubs for literary analysis


Other stuff:


Khan Academy - Coding (he really enjoys this)

Thimble kits (electronics)

Art of Argument


Prep for National Mythology Exam


I really struggled with the math and writing pieces the most. Used Khan last year for math, but he needs something a bit more hands on (monitored?) for Algebra - that I don't teach. :)


Would love to add Geography, but History will have plenty of that. 


Yay! Happy to have the plan fleshed out - now I can get signed up and place our orders.

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Finalized (maybe :) )

Math- Finish 2nd half of AoPS pre-A; Arbor School- Crocodiles & Coconuts & Chuckles the Rocket Dog

Spelling( MegaWords 1&2

Grammar- Grammar Revolution

Vocab-- Finish CE1

Literature & Composition -- Mix of OM8+ LL8; Writing in English & other resources

History- Japanese History- GC Understanding Japan, Illustrated History of Japan, lots of books, & docos

Science- Unit Studies- evolution, survival skills, McHenry Elements

Extras-- PE w/ Mom, Family Nature & MP Poetry study, Philosophy-- his request- will start out with Philosophy for Children just for discussion and go from there; Figuratively Speaking--- discussion w/ sister

Please do let me know what, of all your Japan materials you end up loving. We are spending about a month in the country next summer and while we won't have time for a full blown class, a crash course is feasible :)
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I still have no clue, y'all.


I did start making a book list for BalletBoy. But I don't like it. It needs a theme or something. And at least one or two fun books. He told me he wanted to study chemistry, so I might get him that MEL science kits because I don't have it in me to totally run chemistry again until high school. Or maybe not. We'll see.


I asked Mushroom what he wants to study - he said he wanted to wait until after the eclipse to pick. I said, "That's actually the first day of school for kids here, you know. I might need a *little* planning time." Mushroom responded belligerently, "No you don't. Why do I have to pick now? Leave me alone!" Middle schoolers, guys. Middle schoolers. I told him he'd be stuck with whatever topics I picked if he didn't give me some input.


ETA: We're not starting until the end of September, so there's that...

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I still have no clue, y'all.


I did start making a book list for BalletBoy. But I don't like it. It needs a theme or something. And at least one or two fun books. He told me he wanted to study chemistry, so I might get him that MEL science kits because I don't have it in me to totally run chemistry again until high school. Or maybe not. We'll see.


I asked Mushroom what he wants to study - he said he wanted to wait until after the eclipse to pick. I said, "That's actually the first day of school for kids here, you know. I might need a *little* planning time." Mushroom responded belligerently, "No you don't. Why do I have to pick now? Leave me alone!" Middle schoolers, guys. Middle schoolers. I told him he'd be stuck with whatever topics I picked if he didn't give me some input.


ETA: We're not starting until the end of September, so there's that...


I am totally there with you -- my 11 year olds have become so unpredictable.  I never know what I will say that sets them off.  Today my son went from beaming excitement about the Improv camp he's been attending, to complete depression because I told him I couldn't wait to see their show tomorrow.  "Its going to be awful, I didn't get the part I wanted, I'm no good and we are going to let everyone down".  And then we listened to the Moana soundtrack and he was beaming again. The roller coaster!

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I am totally there with you -- my 11 year olds have become so unpredictable.  I never know what I will say that sets them off.  Today my son went from beaming excitement about the Improv camp he's been attending, to complete depression because I told him I couldn't wait to see their show tomorrow.  "Its going to be awful, I didn't get the part I wanted, I'm no good and we are going to let everyone down".  And then we listened to the Moana soundtrack and he was beaming again. The roller coaster!


Yeah...13 isn't a whole lot better. I'm still getting flak because a few months ago I told DD she probably wouldn't be an Olympic gymnast (in artistic gymnastics - I said if she worked hard she could probably be one on trampoline) since most of those girls are at an elite level by now and she is nowhere close (she started gymnastics at 10). I have "crushed her dreams" as she likes to tell me when she is the slightest bit frustrated. (I guess that's better than "I hate you", which my friends seem to get from their kids). Frustrated with a math problem? Dream crusher. Mad at the dog? I have broken her dreams and stomped on them. 


Honestly, if there was a drama contest in my area, DD would be a STRONG contender.

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I still have no clue, y'all.


I did start making a book list for BalletBoy. But I don't like it. It needs a theme or something. And at least one or two fun books. He told me he wanted to study chemistry, so I might get him that MEL science kits because I don't have it in me to totally run chemistry again until high school. Or maybe not. We'll see.


I asked Mushroom what he wants to study - he said he wanted to wait until after the eclipse to pick. I said, "That's actually the first day of school for kids here, you know. I might need a *little* planning time." Mushroom responded belligerently, "No you don't. Why do I have to pick now? Leave me alone!" Middle schoolers, guys. Middle schoolers. I told him he'd be stuck with whatever topics I picked if he didn't give me some input.


ETA: We're not starting until the end of September, so there's that...

So he's astronomically inclined. Can't fault the kid. 😠Edited by madteaparty
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