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Florence Henderson......NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


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Carol Brady has passed away.


Another part of my childhood is gone.


Same here - and no matter how much I forget now due to age or other issues, I can still remember the Brady family names/people.  It's kind of amazing when one thinks about how much unforgettable influence they had on our generation. 


With so many different channels and shows on now (and lately), I'm not sure that my kids' generation has any similar show that so many watched and remembered.  All will remember their individual favorites, of course, but (almost) the whole generation?  I don't see that in school.  I see a pretty big variety there.

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I grew up in a pretty strict home. Very religious, not quite Duggars, but close enough in some respects.


When we were in the US, this is one show I was actually allowed to watch.....this, Little House, and the Waltons. Yup, that was about it other than cartoon types.


I wasn't allowed to watch the Partridge Family because of the secular music and the mom being divorced (I wish I were kidding.). And I never understood the lumping of the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family together since my reality was that one was bad and one was good.

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I grew up in a pretty strict home. Very religious, not quite Duggars, but close enough in some respects.


When we were in the US, this is one show I was actually allowed to watch.....this, Little House, and the Waltons. Yup, that was about it other than cartoon types.


I wasn't allowed to watch the Partridge Family because of the secular music and the mom being divorced (I wish I were kidding.). And I never understood the lumping of the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family together since my reality was that one was bad and one was good.

I always thought the Partridge Family was "bad" too, because of the secular music! And the Brady Bunch was good. It's strange to look back at one's childhood with adult eyes. Edited by Garga
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I always thought the Partridge Family was "bad" too, because of the secular music! And the Brady Bunch was good. It's strange to look back at one's childhood with adult eyes.

And the funny part is that the Brady Bunch DID have some secular music!


Sunshine Day anyone?

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I saw it on my FB feed too.  Very sad.


Not only do I remember the names and many episodes.. I can still remember the layout of the house.  I haven't been there watched it for years, but it's little like going home to my childhood.


I thought this quote from her was on-point:  




"It represents what people always wanted: a loving family. It's such a gentle, innocent, sweet show, and I guess it proved there's always an audience for that," Henderson said in 1999.


May she rest in peace.

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