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If you've gone through this (canine lymphoma)...


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Please tell me what to expect, how we can get through this?


Our 7 yr old catahoula has all the signs of lymphoma. We have preliminary tests and blood work - there seems to be bone marrow involvement, and his kidneys aren't functioning well, heart murmur, and so much more. We are waiting on the lymph node aspiration tests, but the vet is fairly certain. We haven't discussed treatment options in depth, but the vet didn't sound optimistic re: treatment outcomes. (Oddly, I am grateful for his honesty, and that he's not going to give us false hope.)


Whatever our boy has, it's fast moving. His annual was in July and he was fine. Since Oct, he's lost 20% of his body weight and in the last week alone he's developed huge lymph nodes everywhere.


I am just so sad.


He's not eating, and today I called the vet again - who suggested boiled chicken and rice. Doggy ate it up, and I was so happy to see that - I cried.


I just hate this, and want to make him comfortable.

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We lost two golden retrievers to this. It's so sad. 


Give treats. Take him on lots of walks if he wants to go. If he's too weak to walk much, just put on the leash and take him outside for a walk around the yard. Spoil him. Take lots of pictures with him. 


One of our dogs went blind because the tumor moved into his eyes. But before his blindness, we had several months of unexpected remission, with no treatment other than prednisone.


Our other dog developed a large mass on his neck that blocked his breathing when he tried to sleep. I stayed up with him his final night and knew I had to make the difficult decision the next morning. I stayed with him, talking to him, when the vet put him down. 


I think you'll know when his suffering outweighs his enjoyment of life. Be at peace knowing that you're giving him the best life a dog can have - he's in a pack that loves him. You are his people, and he trusts you and loves you. You've already fulfilled the greatest desire of a dog's heart. 


I hope you have some special time with him. After he passes, print out one of the pictures you took with him and frame it and put it someplace special. 


I'm sorry you're having to go through this.

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We, sadly, went through this a few years ago with a 3yr old dog (AWESOME-- SMART...still miss him!)


He went pretty quickly-- we did one surgery to see what it was.  There were treatment options-- starting at $10,000 and would only give another year or two at best.  We decided to keep him comfortable.


Our ordeal lasted less than one month.  I think we should have had him put down sooner-- his last week was not good...


I'm so sorry you are going through this.



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I have more info and more questions.


It's a fast moving, high grade lymphoma. He has swollen lymph nodes everywhere, so it's spread.


The vet said with chemo, we might get another 6 months with him. But wouldn't he be miserable? And the cost - we haven't seen the oncologist yet but we heard $2800 - $4500 per month. That is really out of our comfort range, to buy another 6 mos.


My heart is breaking. DD5 and DS12 were almost hysterical tonight. DH is out of town.


I'm just ... heart broken.


I don't even know what I'm asking. I'm just sad, and lonely.

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I have more info and more questions.


It's a fast moving, high grade lymphoma. He has swollen lymph nodes everywhere, so it's spread.


The vet said with chemo, we might get another 6 months with him. But wouldn't he be miserable? And the cost - we haven't seen the oncologist yet but we heard $2800 - $4500 per month. That is really out of our comfort range, to buy another 6 mos.


My heart is breaking. DD5 and DS12 were almost hysterical tonight. DH is out of town.


I'm just ... heart broken.


I don't even know what I'm asking. I'm just sad, and lonely.

We just went through this. Our dog had a very painful cancer that had spread. For us, I could not justify the cost for a few more months. I wanted our dog to enjoy the rest of her life without being miserable. Our vet said he would do chemo if it brought a quality amount of life not just a few months. Instead, we decided to spend some money on her favorite treats, go places she loved and we let her eat her beloved cake (dog had a serious love for all cake). I have no regrets looking back and would do it the same way. Edited by itsheresomewhere
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I wanted to thank everyone again for responding here, and sharing your stories, and your losses. I wish none of us had to (have to) go through this. It's so very painful.


I'm especially hanging onto the wise words that we are his pack, and he trusts and loves us. I move his bed with us from room to room, and he just stays close.


We just went through this. Our dog had a very painful cancer that had spread. For us, I could not justify the cost for a few more months. I wanted our dog to enjoy the rest of her life without being miserable. Our vet said he would do chemo if it brought a quality amount of life not just a few months. Instead, we decided to spend some money on her favorite treats, go places she loved and we let her eat her beloved cake (dog had a serious love for all cake). I have no regrets looking back and would do it the same way.

I'm so sorry you went through this, but thank you for sharing with me this evening. I needed to hear from you tonight. It was easier, somehow, when DH was home. With him out of town, I'm struggling.

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I wanted to thank everyone again for responding here, and sharing your stories, and your losses. I wish none of us had to (have to) go through this. It's so very painful.


I'm especially hanging onto the wise words that we are his pack, and he trusts and loves us. I move his bed with us from room to room, and he just stays close.



I'm so sorry you went through this, but thank you for sharing with me this evening. I needed to hear from you tonight. It was easier, somehow, when DH was home. With him out of town, I'm struggling.

Thank you. I know the struggle and if you need to talk, I am here.

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I think you are doing the right thing.  Several of our dogs have had cancer over the years and we have never chosen to do chemo.  Regardless of cost, I just could never stand the thought of making a dog suffer through that.  


With our dogs, my personal belief has always been that the minute they stop enjoying life, it is time to put them to sleep.  It is such a hard thing to do, but having them linger on in pain is much worse, IMO.


Your dog is very blessed to have an owner who obviously loves him very much.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  

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