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School has been rough today! Oh my word. Screech. Scream!


Gouge my eyes out with a fork.


Yes, you have to do this.


No it's not fun fun fun all the time.


No, staring into space, falling in the floor, whining, pretending to be asleep, "losing" your pencil, losing your place in the book or wrinkling your page will not make the work go away.


So far, I have spoken sternly once or twice but most of it I've been quietly persistent.


But boys howdy, how I want to scream and yell and throw things and be insulting and hateful.


But I won't. My stiff smile is still in place.


When will this day end?

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I don't think this ever ends.


DD17 is not homeschooling this year.  I asked her to completely clean the cat box: empty all litter, spray down and clean the box, put fresh litter in, vacuum the cat box area.  She said, "That will take me hours.  Last time I did that it took me hours."  I said, "Okay, I'll stay along with you and we will figure out why it is taking so long."


She starts to empty cat litter... "Ow, I've got a horrible hangnail, hold on while I clip it."  I wait while she looks around aimlessly in the living room for nail utensils.  Several minutes go by.  "DD?"  "hold on, I'm coming."   :confused1:


She gets back to the box.  Empties out the litter.  I walk away for few minutes, then see her in the living room on her phone.   :confused1:   "I sprayed the box, but some of it is stuck and I had to let it sit."  Um, I'm sure it's ready now.


She goes back.  Then I see her roaming in the den, again, looking aimless.  "What are you doing?"  "Looking for the dustbuster."   :confused1:  The dustbuster is where it has always been, child, in the entry closet.  "Oh yeah."  She gets the dustbuster and I hear her vacuuming.


After all is quiet, I go upstairs to see the catbox cleaned... with Windex, paper towels, and a dustbuster sitting beside it.  Knock on DD's door, "You need to put away the supplies you used."  "Oh yeah."  She did go put them away.


And this is with me watching and hounding her.  No wonder the last time took hours.


I was torn between screaming like a banshee or possibly beating my head on the wall until passing out.


:grouphug:  to all of you.

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Here too, except for the one who medicates for this--he's GOLDEN, a powerhouse even. The one not medicated is driving me crazy. Unfortunately, the jury is out whether it's ADHD or normal, lol! (Not remotely a question for the other one!) Waiting not so patiently to figure it out...


We had a long and sometimes tearful (but heartfelt and productive) discussion today about how at the end of last year, the kiddo in question was outperforming older kids in co-op attention-wise (both of whom have or likely have ADHD, and one of whom is medicated for it) and how not paying attention all summer has let those habits die. The afternoon went much better, and I think he is actually inspired to get back to a better footing (he can be really competitive!). Crossing my fingers...

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