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Should we go to Quebec in December?

Harriet Vane

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I have been itching to go to Quebec for years. Dd is proposing we go in December. Her idea is that Dh and Ds will mostly go skiing, and Dd and I will mostly go to museums and tea shops. 


I was a little concerned it will be cold and nasty. We're originally from Chicago, so we're used to weather, but I am still a little concerned. 


Will it be cute and wonderful, or will it be crowded and cold? Or something else?


Any recommendations?



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I respectfully suggest you ladies join the boys on the snow hill!! Lol ;) darn... Not what you meant...


Believe me, I wish I could. My knees are shot, though. Dd will likely join them for a day or perhaps two half days. And the boys will likely see some town stuff with us too.

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Where would you be skiing? I will say Mt Tremblant was absolutely charming and really awesome family-friendly skiing. We want to go back every year! I don't ski but I snowshoed uphill, totally impressing everyone that needed the lift to get up ;) the rest of my family skiis.

That said, we drove home in a snowstorm and it was fairly nerve wracking even for people used to driving in such conditions like DH.

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Believe me, I wish I could. My knees are shot, though. Dd will likely join them for a day or perhaps two half days. And the boys will likely see some town stuff with us too.

Good enough! Lots of older (50+) skiers with bad knees are beginner snowboarders these days, believe it or not!!

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We went to Quebéc City this past February and thought it was wonderful overall. We live in FL so were scared that it would be too cold, but it wasn't too bad. The first day we were there it was bitterly cold with gusting wind so that it too cold for outdoor activities for the kids. Then it warmed up to a balmy 14 degrees F or so. :) It snowed and was so beautiful. We ice skated, tubed, and snow shoed over the next couple days. Then the weather warmed up further and it was rainy and then icy. It was both funny and scary to try to walk up the icy sidewalks in the old town area at night. The kids thought it was great fun and want to go back this winter.

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Good enough! Lots of older (50+) skiers with bad knees are beginner snowboarders these days, believe it or not!!

Total aside but I saw so many older skiers in Mt Tremblant, much more than say Switzerland. It's kind of nice to see. I tried to learn last couple of years (mid 30s) and it was a disaster. I think it's so much better to start young, my then 4 year old was a little wonder and we saw 2 years old and such zipping right down.
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Montreal is beautiful when all the Christmas lights are up.  If you wait until just before Lent, a trip to Montreal and Ottawa (for Winterlude) are both winter fun.


ETA: actually think winter is more bitterly cold in Chicago.  Montreal is more humid-cold.  Like, it might snow almost daily, but most of the time it gets above freezing in the afternoon at least a few times a week.

Edited by Katy
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Ottawa is really nice, too, and you can cross the river over to Quebec very easily. You get a national capital with French cultural opportunities all in one area. There are a lot of ski hills and nordic ski trails (snowshoe, too) in the area in Gatineau Park as well as. And the Rideau Canal is wonderful for skating. In December there is the lighting of Christmas lights of the Parliament buildings, but if you hold off until Feb there is the Winterlude Festival.


One thing about travelling to Quebec, and Ottawa, in December is that you may not have the snow you'd expect. Jan and Feb are actually better for snow fall. However, if there is snow on the ground, Gatineau Park has some of the best cross-country ski conditions I've ever experienced, and they groom their trails to keep the snow usable for as early as possible.



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