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Anyone have a cheap, non-alcoholic, but nice punch recipe?

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My favorite punch is equal amounts of cranberry juice and pineapple juice - say about 1 quart each, and then add the ginger ale or sprite-type soda. If it needs to look "fancy", you can thinly slice an orange or strawberries (more expensive) or put in little sherbert balls made with a melon baller.

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We served this at my sister's wedding reception and the guests actually tipped over the punch bowl to get the last of it out. I've never seen that before (except for a wine fountain at my wedding, but that's a different story!) It's good and not very expensive.


Mix together

2 envelope packs of Kool-aid, the unsweetened kind (I use strawberry, but you choose your flavor)

2 cups of sugar

2 quarts of water

1 large can of pineapple juice


Freeze this mixture.


Before serving, add the frozen mix to the punch bowl and pour 2 liters of ginger ale over it. Serve slushy.


For sister's reception I froze the mixture into heart shaped ice cubes and added those before serving. They were melted enough to taste good but you could see small hearts floating in the punch.



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We used this at my wedding and it was a hit--not too sweet.


6 cups water

4 cups sugar

1 2-qt. can pineapple juice

1 cup lemon juice

1 cup orange juice


Boil and cool the water and sugar; add lemon and pineapple juices and freeze. At serving, mash frozen stuff and add the OJ and 2 liters lemon-lime soda.

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My favorite punch is equal amounts of cranberry juice and pineapple juice - say about 1 quart each, and then add the ginger ale or sprite-type soda. If it needs to look "fancy", you can thinly slice an orange or strawberries (more expensive) or put in little sherbert balls made with a melon baller.


:iagree::iagree: This is the recipe both my mom and I use whenever we need punch for an occasion. I think Mom sometimes puts some grapefruit juice in hers for a little extra zing; I prefer it as-is.


What I really like about this recipe, especially when done without sherbet, is that it's very refreshing and thirst-quenching to serve with food. I love a sherbet punch, but it tastes like it should be dessert all on its own.

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1 liter of cold ginger ale

1/2 gallon of orange juice

1 carton of orange sherbet

1 carton of vanilla ice cream (the nonfat works fine)


This is balanced just right--refreshing, sweet enough but not too sweet.


You can cross-slice mandarin oranges and limes in the skins (cleaned very well first) and float them in the punch to look more festive.


If you want an alcoholic punch, this hides either vodka or rum pretty well. The vodka is pretty neutral in flavor, and rum makes it somewhat sweeter and richer tasting.

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