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Not ready for this year

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I'm usually so excited to plan out the next year. I order in the spring and have everything ready to go by now. This year I've been completely unmotivated. The only reason I've even ordered anything is because our charter got math and most of LA for us so I had to order through them the day they asked what I wanted. I ordered one e-curriculum and started printing what I needed, but never finished and I haven't placed any other orders.


Anyone else struggling to get things ready for this year?

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I had such a great year this past year. Everything fell into place - great read alouds, projects, field trips and each boy made great progress.  Now the summer is half over and while I have the textbooks and stuff picked out, I am not motivated yet to do the usual pre-year planning. And we start August 8th!!  To be fair, we had been gone on a week long vacation, 2 weeks watching younger cousins as we dealt with a family illness and subsequent death, and just got back Saturday from a week-long Scout camp (yes, I was there in a tent in 98 degree heat, too).  So, yeah, I just want to watch Netflix before dealing with the upcoming school year. Hope i can kick it into gear in a couple of weeks...

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Yes, I'm a mess. I have quite a bit of curriculum already, but I'm missing some key parts. I have exactly 3 weeks to get my butt in gear. During that time I also have my oldest's birthday, a trip, and saying goodbye to my best friends who are moving. On top of all the usual driving kids around and running the household. :svengo:

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I'm so there with you.  Usually I am in super, hyper planning mode. It drives my DH nuts.  Part of the reason is that I design ALL of DD's classes. We've tried many "boxed" and "planned" curricula, but nothing has ever fit for very long.  So, we do our own thing.


This summer, however, has been a wreck.  First, I was under a lot of stress planning a visit to my mother's and brothers' houses in VA.  I hadn't been on a plane in 15 years!  DD had never met her uncles because they distanced themselves from me when I became a Christian in 2000.  I've tried to keep in touch with them by baking homemade goods and sending packages to them every Christmas.  Well, we finally got an invitation, and we weren't going to pass it up, but it was emotionally stressful on all of us.  (Mom usually flies to us every summer.)


Anyway, we got back from that visit (went better than we thought) and then my BP started to spike dangerously and wouldn't come down despite everything I tried naturally.  Since we have a family history of hypertension on both sides, I went to the doctor.  Well, I ended up having to go on a low-dose medication.  This really depressed me, as I was the last in the family to succumb to high BP. I had been determined to beat it through diet, exercise and natural methods, which I had done for the last 4 years.  The doctor told me, in my case, it's probably genetic.  In any case, that caused me stress as well.


Now, I haven't been sick in 5-6 years; no flu (or flu shots), no colds, nothing.  With that one visit to the doctor's office, I picked up a whopper of a virus two days later. The only thing I can think of is that the stress of the visit to my family and my BP have taken a toll on my usually excellent immune system.  I've been sick since June 6!  Now I have a nasty, wracking cough which aggravates my old back injury.  I just can't win this summer.  Thankfully, the cough is gradually lessening, and I'm hoping I can get back to exercising and working on school stuff.

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I'm having a hard time planning. I know what we are doing. I don't know how we are going to get it all done. Dd13 may be doing high school this fall, so I want her classes to be credit worthy. I'm not sure how she is going to get to everything and remain competitive in her extracurriculars. When I plan out what each kid is supposed to do each day, it looks impossible. Figuring out how to do my part looks even more impossible. So I haven't been planning. Which solves exactly nothing.

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I haven't had time to think about it. Between the Family Reunion, which I was partially in charge of a day's worth of meals for 120 people and being director for our church's VBS next week... school is the last thing from my mind. But, after next week I will be free to plan. I am kind of excited about it. We'll be trying some new stuff, MoH for history, going back to R&S for grammar.... Yeah, I think this will be a good year, once I get around to thinking about it.

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I'm waiting for the new edition of WTM to finish planning. Less than a month to go! I have some things figured out and ready on the shelves (after 23 years homeschooling, I do know what I like) but I'm excited to try some new things after reading that new edition. My plan is to retreat to my room as soon as it arrives to do some binge reading and planning. My family may not see me for days. :-)

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