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Dh's grandma died last night.

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Grandma was 103, and up until 3 months ago was in excellent health. She had a fall at the end of June, and has gone downhill quickly since then. She was a spitfire, and I loved her dearly. Dh's family used to treat me horribly (and even these days it's obvious that I'm merely tolerated) but Grandma always loved me and let me know. She was always there for me, and I'm feeling very sad.


She was ready, and I know she's happy, but I sure will miss her.




Edited to add: She was my number one fan when we were homeschooling! She just loved the fact that I taught the kids at home, and always wanted to know what we were studying. :)

Edited by Ria
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Grandma was 103, and up until 3 months ago was in excellent health. She had a fall at the end of June, and has gone downhill quickly since then. She was a spitfire, and I loved her dearly. Dh's family used to treat me horribly (and even these days it's obvious that I'm merely tolerated) but Grandma always loved me and let me know. She was always there for me, and I'm feeling very sad.


She was ready, and I know she's happy, but I sure will miss her.




So sorry, Ria, especially for the particular bond that you had with her.


I underlined part that reminds me of my great aunt. A fabulous woman who will always have a special place in my heart. Her last months were so like this, though.



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Grandma was 103, and up until 3 months ago was in excellent health. She had a fall at the end of June, and has gone downhill quickly since then. She was a spitfire, and I loved her dearly. Dh's family used to treat me horribly (and even these days it's obvious that I'm merely tolerated) but Grandma always loved me and let me know. She was always there for me, and I'm feeling very sad.


She was ready, and I know she's happy, but I sure will miss her.




Edited to add: She was my number one fan when we were homeschooling! She just loved the fact that I taught the kids at home, and always wanted to know what we were studying. :)


Ria, I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a real pal for you when you needed one. I can't imagine anyone treating you horribly!





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Grandma was 103, and up until 3 months ago was in excellent health. She had a fall at the end of June, and has gone downhill quickly since then. She was a spitfire, and I loved her dearly. Dh's family used to treat me horribly (and even these days it's obvious that I'm merely tolerated) but Grandma always loved me and let me know. She was always there for me, and I'm feeling very sad.


She was ready, and I know she's happy, but I sure will miss her.




Edited to add: She was my number one fan when we were homeschooling! She just loved the fact that I taught the kids at home, and always wanted to know what we were studying. :)


I am sorry that she is not here with you. She sounds like a lovely person.


I felt the same when my great-grandmother died. The women in my family all had their babies at a young age (18-20yo) so my great-grandmother was someone I knew well, who was energetic and spunky. For most of my childhood she lived alone in Chicago and took public transportation all over the city, hauling her shopping cart. She was also someone who was always loving and accepting of me, even when most of the others in my dysfuctional family were too caught up in their own unhappiness to show kindness.


I still miss her, and I will pray for your family's grief today.



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