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Anyone remember the Army Slogan, "We do more before 9am than most people do all day?"


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It might date me, but that phrase ran through my mind this morning as I just finished breakfast at 8:30am, and that's after getting ponies fed, the garden weeded, a huge load of broccoli picked, a walk in, the morning news watched, some online tasks done, and small talk with roofers who are redoing our roof.


I love it when it's light early in the morning and stuff can get done!  School being out helps too.


What to do next...


ps  I always thought that was an Army slogan that would turn more OFF to joining than ON.   :lol:  My 20 year old youngest is still in bed... 



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I have never heard of the slogan - but yes, this describes my reality on many days. Just not today: it is grey and drizzling, I have the day off, and at 7:42 I am still sitting at the breakfast table wasting time on  the boards. Not a big accomplishment.


ETA: By 9am, I will have done dishes, laundry, and been to the Farmers Market. Still not very impressive. But your thread motivates me to get off my butt.

Edited by regentrude
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I have never heard of the slogan - but yes, this describes my reality on many days. Just not today: it is grey and drizzling, I have the day off, and at 7:42 I am still sitting at the breakfast table wasting time on  the boards. Not a big accomplishment.


ETA: By 9am, I will have done dishes, laundry, and been to the Farmers Market. Still not very impressive. But your thread motivates me to get off my butt.


Hey, I've enjoyed the posts of yours I've read!


Many mornings I'm on the computer first (after showering and breakfast on school days), then get to work.  That changes in the summer with the early daylight, no school, and the heat of the day coming later.


On rainy days I skip most outside stuff (ponies still expect to be fed, but I can use different pastures requiring less time outside supervising).


I'll head to our grocery store later today - around 10-11 am.  It's not a 24 hour place and they don't stock up until around then.

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It might date me, but that phrase ran through my mind this morning as I just finished breakfast at 8:30am, and that's after getting ponies fed, the garden weeded, a huge load of broccoli picked, a walk in, the morning news watched, some online tasks done, and small talk with roofers who are redoing our roof.


I love it when it's light early in the morning and stuff can get done!  School being out helps too.


What to do next...


ps  I always thought that was an Army slogan that would turn more OFF to joining than ON.   :lol:  My 20 year old youngest is still in bed... 


Yes, that was an Army slogan.  But they stole it from horse people.

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I do remember that slogan. :)



(I'm a morning person, but don't ask me what gets done after 11:00am.  I go downhill quick.)


I'm good until early afternoon.  By late afternoon or evening, unless it's fun stuff (that I sometimes need caffeine for anyway), it's not happening.  Other family members take over getting stuff done then if it needs to be done.

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I remember that! I'm a morning person too although my thyroid issues keep messing w/ my sleep. I hate it when I'm not up and ready to go early. 


This morning I'm being as lazy as possible, we just got back from a 2 wk vacation and I'm enjoying sitting in my own house. All the kids but one are catching up on some much needed sleep. It's good to be home.

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I remember that! I'm a morning person too although my thyroid issues keep messing w/ my sleep. I hate it when I'm not up and ready to go early. 


This morning I'm being as lazy as possible, we just got back from a 2 wk vacation and I'm enjoying sitting in my own house. All the kids but one are catching up on some much needed sleep. It's good to be home.


When we get back from trips I almost always allow myself a day just to chill.  I know I'm going to do it anyway barring anything really pressing that needs to happen (like school/work), so I might as well plan for it.


I hope you had a fun trip!  Where'd you go?

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I remember that. I also remember "travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and kill them" for the Marines. One of my brother's friends thought that Marine slogan was so cool. That's how he chose which service branch to join. The Marines kept that slogan for a while .

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I remember that. I also remember "travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and kill them" for the Marines. One of my brother's friends thought that Marine slogan was so cool. That's how he chose which service branch to join. The Marines kept that slogan for a while .


I don't think that slogan was an official one - just unofficial among some who joked about it.  I recall t-shirts, but not commercials.

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It's close to 3pm here and I'm at the point where I'm contemplating a nap.  I'll probably get some laundry going though.  We just finished lunch and watching The Mysterious Island.  It's a nice relatively lazy Saturday now.


Hmm, actually, I need to get the broccoli I picked earlier ready to freeze.  I got sidetracked from that this morning, so it's not finished (sigh).

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My dad always said that but I didn't know it was "from" anything. I can hear him saying it a lot in my head whenever I am productive in the morning. :)

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My dad always said that but I didn't know it was "from" anything. I can hear him saying it a lot in my head whenever I am productive in the morning. :)


My dad liked it too, but that was back when the commercials were actually on and shortly thereafter.  He was a morning person.  I don't know if he even remembers it now.

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  • 7 years later...

Yes I definitely remember this! There were ads on tv "back in the day" that used this slogan for recruiting. Decades later, I still call a productive morning an "army morning". But I have to explain this to a lot of people...they must not have watched the same shows I did!

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