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Plaid Dad needs our prayers and good thoughts!

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My son and I totaled our vehicle two years ago, and we were basically uninjured as well. But we were knocked around pretty bad and my son slept a lot the first couple of days. (We rolled the car into a snowbank and ended up upside down hanging from our seatbelts.)


She (dd) may want to talk about it a lot, so please give her the space to do that. I know you will. My son kept asking, "Wasn't that scary?" for a long time afterwards. He was really sore. It gave us both a new appreciation for the short time that we have together here.


Best wishes to your family. You are special friends on this message board -- to all of us.



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This is Drew's wife, Anne. Thank you all SO much for all the prayers and good thoughts. He and the kiddo ended up renting a car and going to school today, just to have some normalcy, and they're doing fine, all things considered. We have alerted the insurance people and they're going to make their decision at some unknown time, so I'd appreciate your P&PT for that whole process as well!


Luckily we have one friend who's a car expert, one who used to be a state cop, and one who just had her own car totaled, so we have lots of good people to lean on and give advice. Also luckily, we haven't had any expensive maintenance done on the car recently. :) And best of all, my family is fine and not injured.


Thanks again -



Anne, I'm happy to hear that Drew and said kiddo are good. I've been worried and alternating between prayer and wringing hands even though I've heard they are fine. Y'all are in our prayers. :grouphug: and it's time for me to go take a :chillpill:

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The next time someone tells me that "the Internet isn't real community," I'll have to send them to this thread. You folks are just wonderful!


Dd and I have come through this remarkably well, all things considered. There were four vehicles and six people involved in two related accidents, yet everyone walked away unharmed. It was nothing short of a miracle.


The scariest thing was that the back of my seat snapped all the way down onto the back seat on impact and stuck there. Thank God dd's car seat was on the other side. I don't even what to think about what would have happened to her had she been behind me.


I got word this afternoon that the other person's insurance company is accepting liability and will even pay our collision deductible if necessary. But I'm hoping they decide to total the car; it was pretty banged up and I just wouldn't feel safe in it again, even with repairs. I also spoke with the assessor for my insurance company, and while he couldn't tell me for sure what they'd decide, he did say that the car was "in tough shape."


I'm really, really tired of talking to insurance adjustors, rental car agents, and state troopers, but grateful that everyone has been so on the ball. Vermonters, I salute you! Your tax dollars are paying some really great people.


The world is such a beautiful place when you've had a brush like this. Hug those kids, people. They are so precious and life is so fragile.

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The next time someone tells me that "the Internet isn't real community," I'll have to send them to this thread. You folks are just wonderful!


Dd and I have come through this remarkably well, all things considered. There were four vehicles and six people involved in two related accidents, yet everyone walked away unharmed. It was nothing short of a miracle.


The scariest thing was that the back of my seat snapped all the way down onto the back seat on impact and stuck there. Thank God dd's car seat was on the other side. I don't even what to think about what would have happened to her had she been behind me.


I got word this afternoon that the other person's insurance company is accepting liability and will even pay our collision deductible if necessary. But I'm hoping they decide to total the car; it was pretty banged up and I just wouldn't feel safe in it again, even with repairs. I also spoke with the assessor for my insurance company, and while he couldn't tell me for sure what they'd decide, he did say that the car was "in tough shape."


I'm really, really tired of talking to insurance adjustors, rental car agents, and state troopers, but grateful that everyone has been so on the ball. Vermonters, I salute you! Your tax dollars are paying some really great people.


The world is such a beautiful place when you've had a brush like this. Hug those kids, people. They are so precious and life is so fragile.


That is *so* amazing! It's so good to see you posting and I'm glad everyone is okay, aside from the aches and pains and hassles, of course. Whew!!! :)

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