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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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Agenda for Thursday

- go back to bed for a bit

- take hubby to work

- go to the library and finish off my printing credits for May

- take eldest daughter to DMV (I'd rather chew broken glass)

- work 4 hours/pick up hubby

-pick up meds at Walgreens

-cook something edible

-finish entering lesson plans into planner for our first summer session (5/30 - 7/1)

-edit eldest daughters transcripts (accidently left off two classes)

- ride the children to complete chores/laundry


even though I technically ended our school year on 5/6 they never really stop they have been asking for this next terms work already I am going to have to re configure some things in my planner.


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Ugh. I have been up for a while, so might as well get my list going. :)


For Today:

Done Misc. lessons with Youngers

Done Pay mortgage!

Done Girls to ortho

Done Drink water

Strength & stretching exercises

Done Email new violin teacher re: books & cello teacher

Done Get hair cut

Done Drink water

Done Organize rabbit supply corner

Help ds11 sort through his drawers


Lunch - cottage cheese & fruit

Dinner - tater tot casserole

Edited by Susan in TN
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Hello everyone!


Today is the last meeting for the co-op, so last day for teaching Latin for the year.  I get to proctor final exams!  I think I'll stop by the store and buy a big bag of chocolate kisses to make the exams easier to endure.  



Breakfast school 

Latin with my own kids


pick up chocolate kisses


I think I'll read/write for my Theo courses while proctoring exams.

home again - babysit cutest baby in the world

Dinner is left overs and I might bake up some chicken for the meat eaters.

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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats



To Do:

more coffee

breakfast for the rest of us (including a friend ds has over)

laundry, lots of laundry (packing for trip tomorrow)

take ds to piano

take ds and friend to meet friend's mom, they are going there for the afternoon and she'll take them to swim

shopping with dd

tidy house



pick ds up from swim


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Nice quiet day here.


dd to ortho appt

kitchen clean up

tidy up

garbage out

take a little nap

big phone meeting 10:30

do some work stuff that I don't wanna do

go on a walk/run



laundry x2 x x

weigh in

drink all my water

stay on plan with food

dinner:  hamburgers

orchestra concert for ds

Edited by wendy not in HI
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I've got a DH out of town, an older one in the middle of finals, a younger one who thinks he should be able to sit on the couch and watch TV all day because he is done with school, and inlaws arriving from out of town tomorrow a week in advance of graduation (and they have never been to this house in the 4 years we have lived here).  I have a lot to do.


-get oldest off to school

-laundry (3 loads)

-work out (cardio leg day)

-make meatballs (ugh, the frying and the mess it creates)

-straighten up the entire house

-weed flower beds in pool cage

-shop for a dress for graduation (this involves going to a large mall in Tampa.  Ugh).

-help DS study for tomorrow's finals (he needs a lot of encouragement and handholding)

-get corned beef in crockpot for dinner


At 2 pm I can see the writing on the wall here, no dress shopping happening today.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Happy Thursday!  I got up early and got some work out.  Unfortunately I also got my kids up late, and one of them wasn't happy with the shorts she has to wear (it's field day and "dress code" options are limited, but she chose these shorts at Target 2 weeks ago).  Then I had a dicey conversation with work partner about work/life balance.  Bring on the guilt trip for daring to exercise (or take my kids for exercise) when I could be working.  (I could always be working.)  So it hasn't been a banner morning so far.  :P


Here's hoping I get back on a roll and end the day better.


The list:

  • Work in the early morning.  [done]
  • Kids up & off to the school bus.  [done]
  • Pet care.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Laundry.
  • Kids' work.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good Morning! Other than a bit of school, my day will be mostly trip/camp preparation. 


math, piano, and writing


make a couple calls

begin packing kids' bags


clean out the fridge

print directions (uncertain cell phone use in the mountains!)

walk the dog



dinner - Chick Fil A for youth group fundraiser.

pool after dinner?




Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

We are keeping on with our "regular" week. Two more days of "real" school and then a switch to summer stuff. Last day of interim practices, as we have a meet this weekend, starting on a predicted cold, maybe rainy, Friday night outside.


To do:

School stuff

Some internet stuff

Some house administration stuff

Make a list of projects

Put together a shelving unit

Figure out driving practices tonight

General pickup/bathrooms/floor

Finish library book (library tomorrow, I hope)

Dh to judo/meeting for trip


Have a great day!

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I was sure today was Friday. :/







Help DS #2 manage his room 

Clean little girls' room and TRULY put away their laundry

Clean sheets

Get sheets back on his beds

Purge the winter clothes that escaped my earlier efforts

Get kiddos dressed

Public Library

Homeschool Library


Grocery Store



Weed flower garden

Pick up something that can go on the grill and doesn't involve heating our house in ANY way.

Edited by BlsdMama
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