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My 10 year old's brains are leaking out of his ears...


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My oldest has never been observant. Someday he will learn to carry a broom into the kitchen without almost hitting someone or something with it. For the past few weeks, however, he has been super spacey, even for him. I think half the stuff I say gets turned into gibberish in his head. He's had big growth spurts before, but never become a space cadet because of it.


How long does it last and how do we survive?

Edited by HoppyTheToad
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It's been going on for a few years with my youngest. The oldest isn't as bad. But the youngest! Oh my! I find myself saying, "Oh, nevermind!" to him a lot. I get so tired of repeating myself. I've considered installing video cameras to prove to him that I already told him things (twice!) and he just didn't hear them. He's so sure that I never tell him things; but I do tell him. Over and over and over...

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My oldest has never been observant. Someday he will learn to carry a broom into the kitchen without almost hitting someone or something with it. For the past few weeks, however, he has been super spacey, even for him. I think half the stuff I say gets turned into gibberish in his head. He's had big growth spurts before, but never become a space cadet because of it.


How long does it last and how do we survive?

I know!!!! DS had always been scattered but around 10 or 11 it got crazy bad..... He really started doing much better, even better than I could have hoped this past year.  He still has bad days but on the whole the magic # here was age 14-ish.  

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Well tonight dh told me that he explained borrowing to ds in math. Umm, you mean that thing introduced chapters back and done in this chapter recently with me? :banghead:


We're not in the two digit ages yet. I labeled the inside of his shoe with a sharpie the other day because he was wearing his shoes on the wrong feet again and somehow doesn't even notice. That just can't feel right. Maybe we'll get out of this phase earlier if we're in it earlier?? Or maybe this is normal for boys his age.

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I think you're being quite optimistic.


-- Mom of a 17 year old who is just beginning to come back to planet Earth.  


OK, OK, I was trying to be nice.  Ds is 18 now, and mostly through that phase.  You guys will understand when I say that my biggest worry for him going off to college was that he might walk in front of a car.


For those entering it, it really gets better, just because you get used to it.  You repeat yourself, text them, write things on giant stickies and paste them to the screen, doorknob, or whatever it takes.  Mine is so sweet and tries really hard, but the brain is hard at work elsewhere.


Sometimes humor is the best medicine:

Me: "DS....DS...Did you hear me?"

DH: "DS is not here right now.  Please leave a message at the beep."

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Lol. I see it come in waves. Mine started around 10, and I think I posted on this board about it because it was so extreme. I think I used the same phrase too, lol. He has gone on and off ever since. But, in our case anyway, it seems to be that the dips in the waves are countered by the peaks. The peaks are the times where ds knocks me for a loop with an insight or a deep care for others or something else that makes me so glad he is mine :wub: I hope that gives you hope.


He is 14 now. The waves are getting longer. Earlier this year, I was ready to take him out, lol. Every day, Dh would come home, and I would be at the end of my rope. He forgot everything, bashed into everything, argued about everything, ate everything, and grumbled all.the.time. I adjusted my attitude a bit so I wasn't feeding the beast;-) and waited. I think he came out of the dip, and now we are in a phase where we are laughing all the time. Plus, in the car the other day, we had a discussion about teleology and science. And he's cuddly and not prickly.


From what I have heard from those who have btdt, another dip will come, but for now, I am enjoying the peak.it gives me strength to keep the boat moving forward, lol. Dumb analogy, but I hope our experience gives you some hope :grouphug:


Oh, and I agree with Joules. I think some of it is getting used to it and planning for it. If I want to have the best chance of an instruction carried out, I make him come and look at me when I give it. I send emails with reminders. We have a checklist of equipment/necessaries for sports, etc. It is no fun to get to the tennis club for lessons and realize he left his card in a sock at home :huh: :lol:

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LOL! Alvin is really leaking right now. As is puddles all over the house. Here's the conversation we had yesterday.


"Alvin, please pick up the large stick right there (I'm pointing to a stick 2 feet away from him.)"


Alvin turns around in a circle and says, "What stick?"


"The stick I'm still pointing at, son."


"This one?"


"No, Alvin, the big one right there."


"This one, Mom?"


"No, Alvin. The one you stepped on as you walked past it and tripped over on your way back to show me the you're holding."


"Oh, that one. Yeah, I guess that one should be picked up, too."

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Things got much better for my DS when he turned 13. I don't think he's any less spacey, but it's just easier to recognize and deal with. He turns 14 in a couple weeks, and the last year has been MUCH better than ages 11 or 12. Work on getting the right combination of food (more than you think), exercise (more than you think), and sleep (more than HE thinks he needs).

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