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Another mouse question.

Read post first, then tell me what you would do with the mouse.  

  1. 1. Read post first, then tell me what you would do with the mouse.

    • Suck it up and dispose of the vermin.
    • Humble yourself and ask a male friend to take care of it.
    • Leave it in the storage area until Tuesday and let dh deal with it.
    • Other

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I know, in Kate's centipede post, I promised not to complain about mice anymore. So I'm not complaining. I'm just asking what you would do in this situation.


If dh were away until Tuesday, and there were a mouse, dead, in a trap in the storage area that's adjacent to your bedroom, what would you do?

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I voted other. I would use tongs to take the trap and mouse out of the room and dispose of both of them into a trashbag for DH to deal with later. Half taking care of it in a wimpy way. lol


I'd do the same. Of course if there were rats in the house, I'd really wimp it and move out until they were gone! I'm getting pathetic in my old age.



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I pay my boys 20 c per mouse they catch, and kill.

they have traps everywhere, in the chook pens, in the shed around the house.

I would leave it for my boys to dispose of.


The 10yo and 12yo are with dh, and I seriously doubt I could convince the 6yo or 4yo to do it.;)


I think the older boys would want far more than 20c per mouse, too. You're getting a real bargain!

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The 10yo and 12yo are with dh, and I seriously doubt I could convince the 6yo or 4yo to do it.;)


I think the older boys would want far more than 20c per mouse, too. You're getting a real bargain!


See, I've got the completely opposite problem with my children. Our dogs killed a mouse last week, my 8yodd & 5yo dd both spotted the dead mouse on the driveway. It was absolutely pouring with rain (so not only was the mouse dead, it was half drowned too) and both girls were fighting each other to get to the mouse first! They ended up sharing the mouse disposal duty, one picked it up and carried it half way to the bin then the other took it the rest of the way.


Needless to say, I was glad that they disposed of it but I was very insistent on hand-washing when they returned :tongue_smilie:

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LOL - can I vote "other"? ;)


When we catch one of the vermin, I get my oldest daughter to come and get them! I can't stand them.


It's an agreement we have because she is terrified of spiders, which don't bother me.


So she deals with the mice and I deal with the spiders. :D

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It's an agreement we have because she is terrified of spiders, which don't bother me.


So she deals with the mice and I deal with the spiders. :D


My dh and I have an agreement like this. For some reason, my big, strong man has an aversion to frogs and lizards. Our agreement is that I take care of the frogs and lizards, and he takes care of everything else.


In 18 years of marriage, I've had to handle exactly one frog and one lizard. I can't tell you how many critters he's had to handle!


But in answer to the OP, I'd probably suck it up and throw the trap away along with the mouse. If you wait until Tuesday, that thing's going to stink something awful!

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I am on my own here lol, but I am walking across the street to the big, strong man to come and get that nasty critter. Heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Of course, I am the same person who had to pull over to a gas station almost causing an accident when a HUGE, really, I mean HUGE stink bug flew into my car while driving. It landed on the steering wheel. It's funny now, but rest assured it wasn't so funny when it happen. I do not like those types of things, and that so falls under the Man job catagory.:001_smile:

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And they'd all run and and look at it. I'd cheer, put on gloves and tug the vermin out of the trap and toss it outside somewhere for the cats (if they will eat it) or in the woods.


Now if you asked me before we moved to the farm, it would have been left there for hubby, fershur! LOL! Farm life as an effect on us, I guess...



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one time one of our cats brought into the house a live musk rat and released it. I tried to chase it out, but no success so then I trapped it in our family room, put towels under the door so it could not escape into the rest of the house and opened the sliding glass door from the family room to the outdoors and it still would not go outside. So I put my female cats in there with it and in a couple of minutes I went in to find a dead musk rat. I used a stick to flip it into a bucket and threw it outside. (I am terriefied of mice and rats) but dh was gone for a couple of days so what else could I do!

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Well, I'm a real wimp. I went with option 2. There was a prayer meeting here this morning (the church office is in my house) and when they were done praying I asked if anyone would please rid my house of the mouse. My wonderful pastor volunteered. Yea!


I can't believe how many of you would actually have disposed of it yourselves. I'm very impressed with you, and feeling like I'm going to have to go through some therapy or something so I, too, can suck it up if I have to face a dead mouse in the future. :001_smile:

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That is definitely dh dept. I handle no critters. We are plugging in the electronic thingies this weekend. It cant hurt. I dont want to deal w/dead mice, that just creeps me out.


So happy it is gone, I would have nightmares. I need to start getting friendly w/ the neighbors, for when dh is gone.

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I am on my own here lol, but I am walking across the street to the big, strong man to come and get that nasty critter. Heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Of course, I am the same person who had to pull over to a gas station almost causing an accident when a HUGE, really, I mean HUGE stink bug flew into my car while driving. It landed on the steering wheel. It's funny now, but rest assured it wasn't so funny when it happen. I do not like those types of things, and that so falls under the Man job catagory.:001_smile:

If I had a big, strong, handsome (you did say handsome, right?) man across the street, I would pick that option too....but then I may find more things for him to do while my dh was gone! We live in the country so I must do these things for myself...but I would throw the trap away with the mouse. And I would wear disposable latex gloves.

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What kind of trap? I'd toss the trap and the mouse if there was anything gory about removing the mouse from the trap first.


I recommend the rat zapper in every conversation about getting rid of mice. It's effective, it's quick for the mouse, and you can just slide the little dead bodies out into a bag without touching or even looking at them.

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that waited around for DH to take care of business lol...this actually happened to me on sat. It was in the kitchen actually and I guess the little guy died from some poison. I had one of those glue traps so I took it and but the sticky part on top of it, that way when I lifted it up it was already stuck to the trap. Last time I waited for him he was like, "Oh come on just throw the thing away!"


I say suck it up and do it :D



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What kind of trap? I'd toss the trap and the mouse if there was anything gory about removing the mouse from the trap first.


I recommend the rat zapper in every conversation about getting rid of mice. It's effective, it's quick for the mouse, and you can just slide the little dead bodies out into a bag without touching or even looking at them.


That rat zapper looks awesome. I've just e-mailed the company to find out about shipping to England. I was just wondering what I was going to do about the mouse situation. while dh is in South Africa for 10 days. This may be the perfect solution. Thanks.

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why would you not dispose of it? Did I miss something....although I didn't read all the other posts, LOL.




I guess it's just that I'm a complete wimp and can't quite face the prospect of touching a dead mouse. Though most people suggested that I toss the mouse with the trap still attached, I hadn't really wanted to throw away the trap. I was just wondering what other people would do. That's all. Cheers. :001_smile:

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my response was based on two things:

1. I wouldn't want a male friend to know I had mice.

2. I'm afraid it would smell by Tuesday.



I don't know if I could sleep knowing I had a dead rodent close by, I would just know it was faking it and would visit me during the night!


I'm sure this doesn't help, but.....



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