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I fainted during my daughter's medical procedure.

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She was having a wart on her finger removed, and I was holding her head. She was crying. The doctor was cauterizing the wart, cutting it off, and cauterizing some more (she had two shots and it was numb).


All of a sudden the world just began to fade away and I said "I think I'm fainting" and a nurse came and grabbed me from behind and got me sitting on a chair. I was okay pretty soon after that.


Of course my 4yo was right there too, very interested in the whole procedure, no problem for her.


I feel like such. a. dork.

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Lol! You poor thing! You know, two years ago, ds had to have an MRI and they had to sedate him. Long story short, I thought I was fine, till they wheeled him out of the room (my baby! unconscious! on an IV! to see if he had a brain tumor!) and I stepped out of the radiology wing to call and check on dd. I got off the phone and suddenly wobbled. A lot. I ended up leaning against the wall for a while, and when I could move again, I made my way to the cafeteria and had something to eat and drink so I'd stop shaking uncontrollably.


But the point was, it occurred to me then that the Children's Hospital was probably *used* to parents fainting all over the place! I could just imagine if they came across me in the hall, "Look, Myrtle, there's another one!" ... I wondered if they had a special closet for stashing the unconscious parents. ;) Of course, maybe they should have given *us* bracelets too, so they'd know which child to return us to while they waited for us to come to...


Anyway, lol, I know you feel "like a dork", but I bet you're in pretty good company. ;)

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I almost fainted when my ds was waking up in the recovery room after eye surgery. He was about 5 and I was worried sick about them putting him under. When he was waking, eyes fluttering a little... some blood dripped from his eye...and like you said...it all started fading. They got me a chair and something to drink and told me that a man had fainted just a little earlier over something similar. They probably have to deal with this a lot. I'm not at all squimish ...I think it was more relief that my baby was waking up and ok than the blood. But I'm sure that contributed.


Don't feel bad. It happens.

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I could just imagine if they came across me in the hall, "Look, Myrtle, there's another one!" ... I wondered if they had a special closet for stashing the unconscious parents. ;) Of course, maybe they should have given *us* bracelets too, so they'd know which child to return us to while they waited for us to come to...




:lol: Too funny!

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I would say that this isn't unusual. I had to be taken to the ER last February in an ambulance. Ds20 went with me since dh was not home and Dd15 needed to stay with the little ones. When they got me all situated in the examination room, Ds20 passed out cold on the floor. I think he was just overwhelmed with the ordeal. They put him in the exam room next to mine and dh, when he finally arrived, had to go back and forth between the two rooms checking on us both.:)


I think it is harder for us moms to see our "babies" be treated medically, though. Like they say, when you become a mom you wear your heart on the outside of your body.

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I fainted after then 4yo dd had stitches put in her chin. The nurse said that was relatively common. For me, it was due to the rush of adrenaline out of my body after it was all over.


The annoying thing was that I was nauseous when I came to and had to vomit. Since I vomited, they had to admit me as an ER patient and watch me for an hour afterwards.


I have fainted a lot over the years. It usually happens when I have a really sharp pain like whacking the funny bone on my elbow--the kind of thing where the pain shoots up your arm. It happens to my mom too, so it must be some kind of neurological abnormality we have. At least now I know when it's going to happen.

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:grouphug: You are not a dork!


Dh had to have some skin cancer removed from his ear a few years back. When the dr brought me in to show me the wound and how to care for it, I nearly fainted - dh had to get up off the table so I could lie down. :lol:


When dd7 needed stitches in her forehead (she cut it on an ethernet card, LOL) they put her on a papoose board so I didn't have to hold her. I was so proud that I felt sweaty and a little light headed but didn't have to sit down.


I can't take blood and stuff, when it's happening to someone I love. Just can't. It's OK.

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My mom, pediatric nurse extraordinaire, solid as a rock when other people's babies are bleeding, goes wonky when her own babies are hurting.


My sister once chopped her finger off (sorry! they got it back on!). My mom managed to call 911, but when they asked her her address, all she could say was, "I don't know, 911! 911! She's bleeding! 911!"

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Our youngest ds was born at home. When he was a week old, we took him to the dr.'s office to have him circumcised (dr. did use local anesthetic).


We were both in the room during the procedure, but dh, for some reason, decided to watch. Not too far into it, he said he was going to pass out, and the dr. told him to lay down on the floor. Immediately following, the nurse assisting with the procedure had to leave the room for the same reason. She later told me she had assisted with hundreds of surgical procedures and had never had that happen.

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My Mom almost fainted when I was having stitches put in my chin (I was about 8). I told her she should leave the room...I was fine because I always found medical stuff really interesting even when it was being done to me. :)


And a twist ..apparently when I was born there was a medical student present who started to faint. The OB yelled for someone to take him outside. My Dad (who was there even though it was fairly uncommon in the 70's for men to be at the delivery) took him outside and made sure he was ok before rushing back in to see my birth. :) My Dad said he felt really sorry for the studen because he could tell the OB was mad at him but my Dad also obviously didn't want to miss the birth. I tell my Dad today that him taking care of the student might have brought me good karma during my med student days.

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Nah, not a dork at all. I had a tumor removed from my finger. They had to do a bone graft from my wrist since it had eaten into the bone in the finger. I went in for stitches removal. He started doing them. I must have looked really pale. The next thing I know, he was putting my head down on the table really quickly and raising my feet!

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My son was getting a deep cavity filled. The room started closing in and I thought that I stood up and walked outside the exam room.


What I really did was fall of the stool I was sitting on. The dentist in the next room saw me on the floor through the connecting door.


The worst part was that this was at a German dentist, so I had to have all the conversations about being ok, just felt faint, I'll sit in the waiting room until you're done, in German.


My son loves to tease me about this.

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I was with my brother when he was getting his cast off. He was born with club feet and had to have spikes inserted into his leg and foot, then cast up.


They took off the cast and I could see the very tip of the spike in his foot. It really didn't look like anything much. Just like popped blister. It bled just a tiny bit. For some reason I just went woozy and had to sit down.


It happened again when dh had broken his nose (compound fracture) and the ER nurse was attending to his wound. I didn't know I could pale since I'm darkish. But the nurse and dh both turned to me and asked if I was OK.

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Dh always almost faints during any procedure involving the kids. I still swear that he fainted when ds was born but he vehemently denies it.


I wait till it's over and then feel like throwing up.


That reminds me when my surgery incision became infected, the surgeon saw us privately in his office late at night, and he brought his two yo son. He reopened them, it was that stitch tape that he put on two day prior. He had to remove eac one w/o meds. there was like twenty to thirty. Incision was belly button down.


Dh was watching and lil boys head was right there. As soon as it was open my brown dh turned white and was going for the floor. The doc look more worried about him, and he said sit down, because I cant catch you. Afterwards he insists he never fainted. Btw, lil boy thought my insides were so cool.

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No, not a dork. I'll tell you all a secret though. The first three or four times I changed my pierced earrings I almost passed out. I was in my early 20's when I had them pierced.


As for kids and blood I'm okay with that.


I hope you suffer no ill-effects and your dd's hand is better soon.


Why didn't the doc just freeze it off instead of shaving it?

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No, not a dork. I'll tell you all a secret though. The first three or four times I changed my pierced earrings I almost passed out. I was in my early 20's when I had them pierced.


As for kids and blood I'm okay with that.


I hope you suffer no ill-effects and your dd's hand is better soon.


Why didn't the doc just freeze it off instead of shaving it?


It was too big to freeze off. It was really a horrible wart!:ack2:


Freezing is what I thought they would do - the burning/cutting was so terrible I think I would have not done it in retrospect. But now that it's done, she is glad that it's gone.

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