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Can the owners upgrade to a better server & accept donations?

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Oh, please no ads! Pleaseohpleaseohplease! I'll give a PayPal donation just to avoid those.


Though I'd be happy to give one anyway. A little payback for all the help I've received seems appropriate. However, I don't like the fee to join idea. Too Sonlight for me, plus I think that there are many who just can't afford it. For me, I'd donate because I can but would like it voluntary because others may not be as fortunate.

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Oh, please no ads! Pleaseohpleaseohplease! I'll give a PayPal donation just to avoid those.


Though I'd be happy to give one anyway. A little payback for all the help I've received seems appropriate. However, I don't like the fee to join idea. Too Sonlight for me, plus I think that there are many who just can't afford it. For me, I'd donate because I can but would like it voluntary because others may not be as fortunate.


I agree! and


Me, too!



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Oh, please no ads! Pleaseohpleaseohplease! I'll give a PayPal donation just to avoid those.


Though I'd be happy to give one anyway. A little payback for all the help I've received seems appropriate. However, I don't like the fee to join idea. Too Sonlight for me, plus I think that there are many who just can't afford it. For me, I'd donate because I can but would like it voluntary because others may not be as fortunate.



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Yeah, I don't want ads, and I wouldn't like a required fee to join, but a donate paypal button would be great in my opinion.


I hesitate complaining about the server busy b/c it is free. I really think people would be good about donating. Just a buck or two a month (or more) from lots of people would add up, ya know?

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Yeah, I don't want ads, and I wouldn't like a required fee to join, but a donate paypal button would be great in my opinion.


I hesitate complaining about the server busy b/c it is free. I really think people would be good about donating. Just a buck or two a month (or more) from lots of people would add up, ya know?




Everything she said!

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Yeah, I don't want ads, and I wouldn't like a required fee to join, but a donate paypal button would be great in my opinion.


I hesitate complaining about the server busy b/c it is free. I really think people would be good about donating. Just a buck or two a month (or more) from lots of people would add up, ya know?


:iagree: I could do a couple of dollars a month.

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Ok.....I just went to the main page and added up all of the post made according to the rt hand column (not adding in the administrative board).......


If everyone pd 1 cent per post, they would bring in an average of $594 per month.


ETA to retype in my numbers.....I think I typed in wrong the first time.....brb. Yep, I was wrong the first time around. I need to go to bed. :)

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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That way we don't have the "server busy" message so much?


I'd be willing to donate! I know some forums have paypal donate buttons. :)

Without having costs disclosed, I'd be hesitant to donate money. This site is good for the WTM empire. Without fail, when I see someone ask about WTM they are (1) assured that the schedules in the book shouldn't be taken at fact value, and (2) told to go visit this board.


For me paying to be ad-free is less troublesome, and I do pay for the privilege of being ad-free on a very large board. However, should Peace Hill Press run ads from History Odyssey, Growing With Grammar, or other companies which sell competing products? [if they decided to run ads, I think they should.] If they went with Google ads, it's my understanding they wouldn't have control over the ads generated.


Edited to add: I don't think member fees would be appropriate because they would discourage potential new users.

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Without having costs disclosed, I'd be hesitant to donate money.


That's why I was suggesting that it be completely a free-will offering. It's something I would personally like to do regardless of how much money they make because of the boards. For example, www.screenit.com is free if you use the ad version, but I personally pay an annual fee, not b/c I care about the ads (I have an ad-blocker and never had a problem before), but because I personally want to support services I use.


No one here would no who donated, and there's no reason to feel bad for any reasons you wouldn't want to donate. But, I do think if the option were there, plenty of people would respond so that a better server could be obtained without ads, joining fees, etc.


I was donating on a scrapbooking forum b/c I wanted to see it stick around.

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I would hate to see a great source of support cut off for people because they couldn't afford it.


I agree. Please don't think I opened this thread b/c I wanted user fees. That really turned me off on the Sonlight forum b/c I felt I contributed so very much there, and then just chose not to post anymore. If it had been a donation situation that felt open to everyone, I would have been prone to support it.

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