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What is making me feel sick in this food?


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I usually have an iron stomach, and often I have plain yogurt and granola for breakfast.


But about two weeks ago I began eating a new brand of both yogurt and granola (for me).  The first morning I ate it, I felt sick.  I figured it was a coincidence and ate it two more mornings.  Sick all morning both times.  I took three days off, felt fine, ate it again, sick.  Took one week off, tried it one more time, sick again.  So I think I can correctly assume it's something in one of these two products!



I'm not sure if I can say the granola brand here?  But apart from the brand name, it's "Chia Plus, Coconut Chia Granola."


Ingredients:  Rolled oats, cane sugar, soy oil, dried coconut, brown rice flour, chia seeds, oat syrup solid, natural coconut flavor, sea salt, molasses, natural vanilla flavor.


The yogurt is organic, smooth & creamy, fat free plain yogurt.


It also says:


"Our family recipe:  cultured pasteurized organic nonfat milk, pectin, vitamin D3.  Contains six live cultures: S. THERMOPHILUSL. BULGARICUSL. ACIDOPHILUSBIFIDUSL. CASEI, AND L. RHAMNOSUS"



I can't imagine what I'm reacting to.  Maybe six live cultures??   :confused1:

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That's a pretty tough question.  For me it would be the coconut, but I've been allergic to that for years.  Now even coconut oil bothers me.  Probably not dairy since you eat yogurt all the time.  Maybe the cultures, maybe even the soy oil.


I would try a different brand.  If the problem persists, you can look for common ingredients.  Life's too short for an upset stomach all morning.

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I've reacted with mild nausea to Greek-style yogurt, particularly if it is fat-free. (And also a child too.) I think it might be too high of a concentration of milk protein without the naturally-occurring other components that are usually there in dairy products.


I don't know for sure, but the problem did go away when I went back to more conventional yogurt (less protein, some fat).

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That's a pretty tough question.  For me it would be the coconut, but I've been allergic to that for years.  Now even coconut oil bothers me.  Probably not dairy since you eat yogurt all the time.  Maybe the cultures, maybe even the soy oil.


I would try a different brand.  If the problem persists, you can look for common ingredients.  Life's too short for an upset stomach all morning.

  Actually, I've had another type of granola by the same company, but with different yogurt, and that didn't bother me.  I should compare the two types of granola and see if the ingredients are mostly the same.  Coconut hasn't bothered me in the past.

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For me it would be the soy oil.

Have you tried adding one back in to see what would happen?


Hmm, soy oil.  I wonder about that...  I would assume I've had that in other things before, but I don't know.


I really should try adding one back, I know.  I'm just nervous now.

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Do you normally eat all the ingredients in the granola?


My older dd developed a severe intolerance to rice last winter (she also has a soy allergy). My younger dd became coconut-intolerant a few years ago.


I guess I usually don't check ingredients too carefully in my granola.  I do eat rice and coconut fairly regularly though.  I wonder if the added natural coconut flavoring could make a difference?

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I've reacted with mild nausea to Greek-style yogurt, particularly if it is fat-free. (And also a child too.) I think it might be too high of a concentration of milk protein without the naturally-occurring other components that are usually there in dairy products.


I don't know for sure, but the problem did go away when I went back to more conventional yogurt (less protein, some fat).


Hmm, that's interesting.  The texture of this yogurt is definitely different than others I've had.  When I first tried it, I I thought the texture seemed strange.


Maybe I should start by trying different yogurt with the same granola.

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The wording on the ingredients of the yogurt, makes me think it is Stonyfield brand.  They are pretty reputable.  If that is causing the problem, then I would guess it was a bad container. Maybe someone left it in a shopping cart too long and then it got put back on the shelf?


Yogurt is pretty cheap, so I would buy another of the brand you are used to buying and test that with the granola.  


If you get sick then try the reverse.  I would suspect that you will find the culprit pretty easy if you do this.  



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The wording on the ingredients of the yogurt, makes me think it is Stonyfield brand.  They are pretty reputable.  If that is causing the problem, then I would guess it was a bad container. Maybe someone left it in a shopping cart too long and then it got put back on the shelf?


Yogurt is pretty cheap, so I would buy another of the brand you are used to buying and test that with the granola.  


If you get sick then try the reverse.  I would suspect that you will find the culprit pretty easy if you do this.  


You are a good detective.  ;)   Yeah, I threw it away today, but will try it again sometime.  In the meantime, I'll try the granola with some milk.

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The expiration is May 2016.  Could it still be moldy?


It's not really about how old it is.  Age will make something rot, not mold.


If it's moldy it's because at some point some component of the grain was exposed to mold spores (which isn't hard since the stuff floats around in the air) and grew on it, possibly because it wasn't baked at a high enough temp or for long enough to drive off moisture.

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If it is Stonyfield, I got a very strange batch of it a few weeks ago.  It tasted extremely grassy.  I ended up feeding it to my chickens..lol.  


I would bet that it is the container of yogurt, if you've been eating from the same one every time you feel sick.  

Edited by The Girls' Mom
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