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Speaking of Petty / Why would this bother me?


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We have several "early college" programs in our state.  They are high schools that pay for dual enrollment.  In fact, they allow students to stay longer (an extra year or two even) and get college credits that are still paid for.  


DD is in 11th grade this year, and tested ready to take whatever college classes she wants to take.  So next year, she is enrolling in one of the early college high schools, but she will be attending the community college full time (paid for). She may even stay an extra year, if it fits with her plans, in order to benefit from getting that paid for.


So, technically, she will graduate high school from XY Early College High School.  I always thought she would just graduate as a homeschooler.


The thing is, and this is where it gets really petty, I was kind of proud that I homeschooled her through high school. And I did really... although this is a high school technically, she is not taking any high school courses there.  She is only taking college courses.


So... is it still appropriate for me to say I homeschooled her through high school?  Somehow it feels dishonest now that she will have a high school diploma from some XY public school.  And... how silly that this would matter to me, right?  Except... I gave up a lot of personal goals to homeschool.  I do feel proud of what we accomplished together.  I homeschooled a child into college readiness at 11th grade.  It feels nice to have an accomplishment to say out loud in place of the personal goals I gave up. *sigh*  That sounds petty though, doesn't it?

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This is not petty. It is all at once your life's work, your families journey, budding legacy and your child. All things that most people take tremendous pride in because of how hard they work for those things.


Personally, I put long, tireless hours into planning, worrying about, thinking of, and actually teaching, training, coaching, directing my students (sons) individual growth. I have sleepless nights and weeks over these kids, their futures and live in constant distress over the idea that I am ruining them for life. Mine are only in 3rd grade. I'd be so proud, and also a good bit sad if after all I'd done and how I'd grown so very attached to our bond, our process, our journey, if I'd gotten my child to within sight of the finish line and it suddenly looked like I'd have my personal glory snatched away/shared on a technicality.


If I were you, I would try to focus on the FACT that you homeschooled your child until college. It doesn't matter how they get to college, you and your daughter have gotten there together. Without XY Schools help or support. XY School is just your kids gate into college.


This is not petty at all. I feel you.

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I don't think I know ANY homeschoolers who "homeschooled through high school" who didn't enroll in any outside classes. Completing some other program while homeschooling doesn't cancel out the work you did at home. Think of it as a double major? Or your own version of dual enrollment.

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Would someone who's child graduated at 15 and enrolled in college early say that they didn't homeschool through high school? You've done EXACTLY that, she just happened to enrol in college through a more unusual means, through another school


You homeschooled through high school

You homeschooled all the way through until college


Nothing takes that away from you. And nope, it's not petty either

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Goldberry, I'm a relic, :p  a former homeschooler with three young adult kids.  Our experience ranges from one child with no dual credit to one with 24 hours, and one in between.  Whenever I people ask me about homeschooling, I tell them that we homeschooled all the way to college, and that I graduated three kids. I know your dd's program is technically a high school program, but it is clearly college, so I'd be proud that you educated her into college readiness.  I'd have zero worries about hiring professors to finish your homeschooling job in your stead--if you are like me, you'll want to keep up with what is going on in her classes.  LOL!   


[ETA:  When people ask,] I tell them that, as my kids got older, my role as a homeschooler changed from being the primary teacher to becoming, instead, a coach and educational advocate, someone who encouraged, gave perspective, hired (and fired) teachers and tutors, sought out the best venues for each student's ongoing education, and generally, oversaw their education to its completion.  My role changed as my students and their needs changed. But we homeschooled all the way to college.  I'm proud of our accomplishment, and you should be proud of yours!


Congrats, Goldberry!



Edited by Halftime Hope
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