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Protein bars/meal replacement ?


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Several nights a week I work at a dojo and don't have time to eat a meal between when I stop working and when I take my own MMA classes.  I've been packing protein bars and a bannana- but the bars are all too sweet and expensive not to mention not exactly a whole food.


Any suggestions for something easy to pack and eat without utensils that's full of lots of calories and protein?  

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My son swam for years on bean/cheese burritos.  It was good fuel for his body (gas isn't a problem for him). 


I bought them on the way to practice from a local authentic Mexican restaurant, but they would be easy to make ahead and toss in a thermos. 


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EAS Carb Control shakes.   They are ready-made shakes.  The numbers are:



100 calories

17g protein

3g total carbs

(at least on the flavor I have in my desk. )


I buy them at Sam's for a little over $1 per shake.  They don't have many calories, but they have lots of protein and calories are easy to add in other ways.  

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Today for lunch I had a banana, a single-serve squeeze package of some PB/hazelnut spread (from Trader Joe's), and a small chunk of cheese.  

I normally eat more, LOL, but I had a big breakfast from the local diner, haha.  But the above are the sorts of things we take when we travel.  We also take cheese/deli meat/nut packs, plus olives and fruit and veggie slices.  Those are our normal "field trip" lunches.

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Thanks everyone, I appreciate the responses.   Before the bars I used to always depend on nuts but now we have severely severally nut allergic kids and I worry about breathing on them during clinch drills after having  a quick bite.  


Bean burritos made me think of tamales too. Not sure if gas would be a problem..... worth trying though.


I've never tried beef jerky.  After reading all the answers I'm starving.

Edited by rieshy
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can you  make a smoothie?  I have some pint and quart canning jars with lids and I have been using them for years to transport/drink smoothies. 


I have to make nutritionally dense and easy to transport food for my ballet dancing boys all the time.  I find a nutrient dense smoothie can really make life easier.  I like them for myself b/c I can drink them when I am driving to yet another activity. 


I use whey protein powder to supplement my smoothies but there is a LOT of different types of protein powders to try and experiment with. They really add staying power to your smoothie. But I know people who add white beans to their smoothie to add protein and fiber and nutrition. I am sure it would be undetectable, and it would be inexpensive.


ds1 likes some solid food along with his smoothie, so I usually make him a quick 'roll up' of refried beans spread on a wrap, with a bit of salsa, then I roll it up, lol. He only has about 10 mins to change and eat between school and ballet so it's got to be a lot of nutrition that goes down easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I work very near a Trader Joes and just last week I discovered their Turkey Jerky.  It is pretty tasty.  It tastes a little sweet but the carbs are very reasonable.  I don't know about the others, but at least the turkey jerky isn't ...   I don't know what the word is but eating most beef jerky feels like a jaw exercise routine, this turkey jerky isn't like that.  

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