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I' ve missed you all!

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Well, we made it out of Ike, and our power is now on for almost 24 hours. We've been so busy trying to get things in order again, but they are still a mess.

We started school up again yesterday, and I think the dc really needed some routine again. However, they acted like a bunch of little thuglettes! I know they've been stressed through all this as well. It's been a difficult time, but we are so grateful for the time we've had together as a family to work together, and to help others around us. Anyway, I'm glad to be back on the boards again.

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There you are! :grouphug: I'm so glad that you've returned to the wonderful world of electricity! :D


It is a great place to be! It was kind of amazing though how you can adapt to your surroundings when you're forced to. We learned a lot through this...especially that a Flat-Iron is a gift from God!!!!

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