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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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twins and I the only ones at home today.


vacuumed whole house


baked lots of things using eggs as there was 8 doz in the cupboard ( I have been away a lot the last 2 weeks)


twins played beautifully all day long. they are behaving more and more like normal happy kids who can play imaginative games for lengths of time longer than 15 minutes. absolutely amazing

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Also remind myself the day of the week :)


Create New Year card


Change smoke detector batteries-done

Decide on declutter strategy-done

Utensil drawer-done

Pots and pans cabinet-done

Print pictures for photo ornaments (this year and last)

Also completed:

Declutter all of kitchen including fridge & pantry, all my clothes drawers, kids to grow into clothes & shoes

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Pet-sitting job - done

Laundry - done

Install new doorstops - done

Start prepping for back to work on Monday 😥 - done

Pick up Redbox movies - changed our minds

Maybe visit my grandmom - not happening


DS - finish Lord of the Flies - done


Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

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- Work morning until early afternoon (I'm actually waiting for my student right now.)

- Start putting away Christmas stuff

- Check in with my son, who is trying to help his girlfriend navigate college application stuff and who knocked on my bedroom door at 11:30 last night with questions

- Respond to any new emails from my online students


- Do something fun?

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Paint scenery for musical (already started this morning; waiting for first item to dry for next coat)


Drive younger dd to audition


Drive younger dd to rehearsal; pick up several hours later


Dye 10 yards of 60 inch wide fabric (last batches!  whoot!)


Start ripping fabric into strips 10-20 feet by 6 inches

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I hope you all had a great New Year!




sorted laundry to do one load

paid bills


To Do:

start laundry


get dressed and go to ds' first basketball game of the season


finish laundry


call a friend about picking up eggs for me from a local seller on Monday because I won't be here


pack for a trip to the beach (staying with my sister for a couple of nights; She went there rather than be home throughout the anniversary of her dh's suicide and burial.)


Pick up ds' friend who is going with us to the beach


drive 4.5 hours to get there



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Good morning

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- fold laundry- nope

- dishes- in dishwasher

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school stuff/ finish bedroom- Done

- perhaps try to start living room deep clean- done :)

- dinner- meat thawed

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- printed stuff for passports (dh's boss wants us to have passports) took a nap with dd2

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Holidays confuse me too.  Laying in bed this morning I was trying to figure out what day it was :laugh:


I need to play along today.  Yesterday I was lazy. Today I need to do something.


Figure out meals -- at least for today and hopefully for the next few days

Empty vacuum


Pick a spot and dejunk and organize

Work on homebinder

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Good morning! Back home from taking ds2 to a class, which had been cancelled. But that was okay, as he did some work at the house, while I paid for the storage unit.


To do:

Pay some bills

Organize my moving list

Reserve truck

Take girls shopping

Mass later ?


Have a great day!

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