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If you could eat just one thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week, what

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Now, about that seafood fra diavolo thing?????? :p





Well I'd post a recipe but I don't make it, having no access to fresh seafood out in the boonies...but it is basically a thin red sauce, clams in the shell, mussels, shrimp, green peppers, onion, and seasoned with red pepper flakes so it is quite spicy. It's a lot like jambalaya but without sausage and chicken. Mmmmmm.:o

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I know it's technically 3 things, but they would be eaten simultaneously, thus making it one thing, LOL. It makes sense in my head anyway...:)


Otherwise, if truly it were only one thing, it would be guacamole. I don't even need anything with it - I would just eat it out of the bowl. Yum!!

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It must be lunch time, because that literally made my mouth water. Now where can I get Thai duck, that's the question...


Oh, it's unbelievable: wide rice noodles, peppers, onions, basil, egg, and chunks of tender duck with crispy skin. With some chili fish sauce on the side and a Thai iced tea? There are no words... :)

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