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Do you assign a certain # of pages or amount of time for reading?

Sue G in PA

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We've gone back and forth. I haven't quite "hit it" w/ the number of pages corresponding w/ the amount of time I'd like them to read. If I have my ds9, for instance, read for x amount of time...he might only get 5 pages in depending on his focus. Dd11 reads very well and so can get so much more done in x amount of time. So, how do you all do it? Amount of time vs. # of pages. Is it different for each child? FYI...I'd like my dd11 to read an hour each day (school-related books), ds9 45 min., ds8 30 min., ds6 20-30 min. (mostly reading to me). BUT, I also want them to read a certain # of pages in that time (like I said, ds9 could "read" for 45 minutes and only get in 5 pages. KWIM? What are you thoughts?

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I actually do both. For school reading, I will assign x number of pages or chapters or a section from a book. Plus, I require x number of minutes of "free" reading each day from a basket, plus I require each of the older children to read aloud a book to the youngest child - her choice.


If I don't do x chapters or pages for school subject reading, then my schedule gets off. I just make sure the amount is appropriate for the child.

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I do about the same as Karen. For school reading I assign a certain number of pages or chapters. For free reading, I require 60 minutes.


As for determining how much to assign, I usually check to see if there is an audio version of the book. If I want my child to read about 30 minutes of one book, I look at the running times for each chapter on the audio version. So if Chapter 1 runs 15 minutes, and Chapter 2 runs 20 minutes, I would usually assign chapters 1 & 2 for that day's reading.



AllSmiles :)

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Well, if I had a dawdler, then I think I would assign a certain number of pages or chapters. Otherwise, I think I would just assign a certain amount of time. I always carefully gauged how much my older son read, in general, every day. After not too long I was able to get a hard and fast number of what he should be able to accomplish in reading most books. So, when he was older, he could generally read about 50 pages an hour from most any book. If I'd check in with him and find that he wasn't doing that, then I knew that he wasn't focusing and his reading time would get extended until he did at least that much....



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I initially assigned a certain number of pages, but lately I haven't had to do that. My recovering reluctant reader is doing a good job of getting in and getting it done. I've noticed he's actually reading more each day on his own than he would if I were assigning pages.


We haven't advanced to free reading yet. I'm hoping to next year, but I don't want to push him too hard. He's not devouring books yet, but he's definitely not fighting me on it anymore and I want to move in on him slowly.


I knew we were making progress when he started asking me if he could do reading before math, rather than the other way around. :-)

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For their required literature reading that is tied in with the historical period we are studying, I assign a certain number of pages each day so that I know that we will make it through all of the books I have planned. However, if they want to read ahead, they can. In addition, to the assigned literature reading, they also have to read 30 minutes a day from our good book reading list; this is an assigned time period with no required number of pages. However, whenever they reach a certain number of pages read, they get to have a "donuts with dad" Saturday. The number of pages depends on the boy.

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I only assign "school" reading by chapters /day,usually 1 or 2 a day from one or two books/day.Older dd's assigned reading is usually history or science related but sometimes it's just something I think she might like but wouldn't choose to read on her own.6 yo dd ,who just started reading this year, either reads aloud to me or is allowed to read to herself from a book of her own choosing.

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DS is assigned 30 minutes of school reading each day. It's too hard for me to figure out how many pages to assign, I find it easier to go by time. Yes, there are days he dawdles or goofs around, but that's just the story of my life, with DS and DH both raging ADHD.


I am thinking of starting a book basket, with various good reads he could choose from for an additional half hour each day. Otherwise, DS does not read outside school time.

Michelle T

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Depends on the kid. My 14yo and 12yo are mostly assigned books that go with history. I generally have a stack of 2-4 books for them to choose from.


I assign 35-50 pages/day for my 14yo who is a fast reader. I assign the material at a slower pace if the print is tiny or if the subject matter is not likely to be of great interest to her.


I assign 25-40 pages/day for my 12yo who reads much slower than the 14yo. Like for my oldest, I assign the material at a slower pace if the print is tiny ro the subject matter not of as much interest to her.


My 9yo is dyslexic. For her I assign 30 minutes daily silent reading from a book of her choice that's at her independent reading level. I also have her read out loud to me for 25 minutes/day from a book at her instructional level. When the timer goes off, I read out loud to her until we get to the next stopping point. She just finished reading No Talking for silent reading and is read Day of the Djinn Warriors to me.

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We also do both at our house. We have assigned books for literature that have to be read in a certain amout of time so I divide up the chapters accordingly. They start their day off with this reading while I tend to the house and the little brothers. In the evening after chores they are required to read for at least 30 minutes from an approved book. They usually end reading longer than 30 minutes though.

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Up until recently, the plan has been to finish the readings within the week.

Since our schedule has become really tight, I've had to assign a certain # of pages/chapters per day. It is working out really, really well. I think it has helped my dd to keep on track with her reading.

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  • 2 months later...

Coming in late on this one-I haven't had a chance to read through all the responses, but for non-fiction or text books I do assign page numbers, but for fiction reading I assign time limits or chapters.


I used to do pages but stopped for 2 reasons. First dd is a slow reader, so page #'s were intimidating and it might take her a really long time to read 5 full pages. And second, both kids got to the point that they were focusing on page #'s only-They became page counters. I heard a lot of "This chapter has (alot of) pages :-(..." And I was getting a lot of page by page updates...


Of course these just might be my kids, but that's what we do here and why.

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