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So ds applied a few places EA.  One is competitive, but very attractive, and we won't know for 6 more weeks.  He's busy with classes and other things, but I am already finding the wait very, very difficult.  (Do we have a foot tapping smiley?)


Just thought I'd start a thread for others in the same boat!

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Oh, I too get it. We did hear from three of his colleges with acceptances so some of the pressure is off, but we haven't heard from two others and the wild card, U of Rochester, I do not know enough about to have any idea when we will know. I think he will seriously consider them if accepted, but I am very nervous about finances because he has decent schaolarships at less pricey schools. Yet, he is very intrigued by U of R. Waiting is not fun.

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We haven't heard back from any. My dd has finished her application for two NY schools and is working on her 3rd. She is also finishing her application for one in-state school. We got her cc transcript sent off for that today.


Hofstra sent her an email saying they had made a decision, but they won't tell anybody what the decision is until December 15th. I don't know when Pace will let us know.  The important part is finding out how much aid they are willing to offer.

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Thanks, Sue!  This is me  :toetap05:


For us one has a date of Jan 9, one "mid-January," and the others are late December.  There are two rolling admission that he was going to apply to by now, but with all the EA deadlines and DE classes, he's burned out.  He'll look at those after finals.

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Hofstra sent her an email saying they had made a decision, but they won't tell anybody what the decision is until December 15th. I don't know when Pace will let us know.  The important part is finding out how much aid they are willing to offer.



That's just mean.

agreed! That IS mean!  :P


DD is enjoying the waiting period. :001_smile:  She still has a two apps to finish and two honors college apps/essays to do - hopefully by Sunday she will be 100% done with everything and can just blissfully put it all out of her head for a few weeks at least.


(while *I* check the portals daily for new information! lol I am way more obsessive than she is. :blush: She's more than happy to just sit and wait for the letters to arrive in the mail/email while I am checking the portals for any new information or for anything that looks like progress. :willy_nilly: She tells me I need to :chillpill:  but it's not really in my nature. :001_tt2: )

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Oh, I too get it. We did hear from three of his colleges with acceptances so some of the pressure is off, but we haven't heard from two others and the wild card, U of Rochester, I do not know enough about to have any idea when we will know. I think he will seriously consider them if accepted, but I am very nervous about finances because he has decent schaolarships at less pricey schools. Yet, he is very intrigued by U of R. Waiting is not fun.


URoc let us know my guy's acceptance in Feb, but we didn't know the finances until later, either March or early April.  I think it was March.


In general (to all)... waiting seems so long, but once spring comes, you realize it was all over in a flash and wonder where the time went.  I recall writing about that paradox once.


Enjoy the times.  Seize the day.  If I could back up time it would remain 2006 forever...

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My oldest (2013 grad) completed her final college visit on April 29, so the decision was the day before the due date! The "winner" was a school that had given her an acceptance and scholarship info a few months prior, but there were so many factors in play (including a geographical location that makes for challenging visit logistics.)


I suspect we have a similar situation this year. This daughter is casting a wide net for financial and program reasons, and we still live in that relatively remote location (without a viable in-state option that offers her choice of major/minor.) She's received several acceptances, but there are multiple admission and scholarship apps that are still outstanding (three in particular would be very attractive options.) It's been a tremendous amount of work for her. This morning she looked at yet another "Why This Program?" 500 word essay for a scholarship and lamented, "That's just mean." LOL.


The hope is that in the end she is in a program in a location she enjoys (or finds tolerable, haha) and leaves her with minimal debt. Even with a strong possibility that she will be an NMF, it's no simple task.

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Ds app EA to some schools that give responses quickly (before Christmas) but three that don't notify until mid January or February.  One of his favorites is one of the latest to notify and one that I think will be most expensive.  It seems he has almost forgotten about this particular school.  As other acceptances have come in with scholarships and invitations to apply to honors programs and additional scholarships (and letters saying how wonderful he is and how much they love him) this other school seems to have faded to the background.  It definitely has worked in the favor of the early notification schools.  He knows he can afford them and has already started to picture himself at a couple of them.  I'll discourage him from making any final decisions until all the information is in but these schools that have notified and awarded scholarships early definitely have his attention.  


I wonder how many schools lose a kid just because some other school stepped in and showed love during the waiting period.  


I know of one student who chose Alabama over another similar school that came out the same financially and had been her previous favorite just because Alabama showed so much interest so early and the other school just dragged it out.  She and her parents were already settled in with UA before the other offer eventually rolled in.  



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One of my son's top choices has no EA, and everyone who applies will find out in mid-March.  Absolute torture.  We are still waiting for a couple of his EA to respond. I honestly think it puts me more on edge than my son.


It's definitely more me than ds!  He's just going on with his busy life, now that he is taking a break from essay writing.  I've checked again and it looks like the dates are 12/15, 12/30, 1/9, "by the end of the year," and "sometime between Jan. 8 and 20."  I wish he'd gotten the rolling admissions in already so I could serve my time concurrently!


I probably shouldn't blame it on waiting.  I think I'm just nervous about the whole thing.  This is a stressful part of homeschooling.*






*and I have some complaints about this season of life corresponding with menopause, but I haven't yet found anywhere to lodge said complaint! 

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 Hofstra sent her an email saying they had made a decision, but they won't tell anybody what the decision is until December 15th. I don't know when Pace will let us know.  The important part is finding out how much aid they are willing to offer.


Why on earth would they do that?? How does that help, lol? 


Ds app EA to some schools that give responses quickly (before Christmas) but three that don't notify until mid January or February.  One of his favorites is one of the latest to notify and one that I think will be most expensive.  It seems he has almost forgotten about this particular school.  As other acceptances have come in with scholarships and invitations to apply to honors programs and additional scholarships (and letters saying how wonderful he is and how much they love him) this other school seems to have faded to the background.  It definitely has worked in the favor of the early notification schools.  He knows he can afford them and has already started to picture himself at a couple of them.  I'll discourage him from making any final decisions until all the information is in but these schools that have notified and awarded scholarships early definitely have his attention.  


I wonder how many schools lose a kid just because some other school stepped in and showed love during the waiting period.  


I know of one student who chose Alabama over another similar school that came out the same financially and had been her previous favorite just because Alabama showed so much interest so early and the other school just dragged it out.  She and her parents were already settled in with UA before the other offer eventually rolled in.  




I can testify that UA and UAH do a fabulous job courting potential students. UA did a local honors reception, and the new president of the school was not only there but spent a good hour walking around, talking to individual families.


Oh, and they both have the great scholarship matrix that means you know your initial offer as soon as you are accepted. 


dd has one school that won't notify until mid-December. In addition to being annoyed with the wait itself, I'm not sure how motivated she will be to start more paperwork for scholarships, etc, when she will be finishing that for her other schools by then. And then to know that final notification will be delayed correspondingly also? 


In contrast, their big rival about 2 hours away accepted dd at least 6 weeks ago, made their initial offer, and let her know she would be invited to apply for their big competitive scholarship in early December (before the other school even accepts her, lol). 


I think showing the love definitely has an impact. 

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We have two earlies to wait on which will hopefully come out in mid-December. One is fairly certain, but the other has a dispiriting admissions rate and dd doesn't really fit their mold at all. :/ I was surprised when she wanted to apply. Another school's acceptance is here, but it's the local safety so not terribly exciting. This week we finish essays for the regular application schools. All of the interviews and visits are done. After next week, it's just the waiting.... :(

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