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No sugar! 30 day challenge. Who is with me?

Desert Strawberry

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We're also doing some yeast/parasite cleansing, so those are more the supplies I'm talking about. I had to order the stevia from our food co-op and had to wait for the monthly order deadline and then for it to get here.





I'm doing a para-cleanse now.  the instructions are to do a digestive cleanse (not the same as a yeast cleanse) at the same time.  I'm not quite a week into it (it's 18 days.).  I want to do a liver cleanse, and they encourage doing __ ___ ___ first.  I will skip the seperate candida cleanse becasue I did a big one earlier this year (after three rounds of antibiotics) and had been doing a maintenance candida cleanse supplement along with my probiotics.


I also do a yoga practice with a fair number of twisting type postures - because it really stimulates internal organs to clean themselves.  the annoying thing is, I've had it where things were good - then got injured (car accident last time, a nasty fall before that) and had to basically start over as well as therapy to get my leg to heal.


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What about foods that have some sugar in them?  BBQ sauces on meat, milk with natural sugars, etc....


no bbq sauce.  too many added sugars.  spices are good.  I don't do milk (except for the *plain* greek yogurt because I want the probiotics).  I limit fruit.  (last time I did this, I had no milk products - except butter - and no fruit.)  I'd been adding strawberries to my yogurt, then I read it can depress thyroid function.  my thyroid doens't need any help to be depressed.


there are alot of veggies that have sugar.  carrots, beets, etc.  but I make them a priority because they're supposedly good for the liver - and mine needs help.

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I will give it a try!  My biggest problem comes from my part time job - there are always lots of yummy treats in the breakroom.  Any suggestions for how to cope when temptation is unavoidable?  


make sure you get enough protein as they help curb cravings.  have something around you can munch on.  have prepared veggies ready to grab.

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I'm considering popping in here. I ran out of blood glucose strips and then life became busy and I got lazy with watching what I eat. I didn't go crazy but my body doesn't tolerate much(life seems unfair when I already eat a fraction of the carbs and sugars of other people and my bg levels are still higher). I'm working now to get my glucose levels back. So, I've had hardly any sugar for about 3 weeks now, trying to get my numbers down. Unfortunately for me it is more my overall carb level, not just sugars, just as I had perfected the roasted potato of course. My only goal is to go low enough with my food to get my numbers where they need to be, fasting levels under 100(my after meal levels are pretty good- ideally I'd prefer fasting in the lower 90s but I'm just trying to get under 100 first- I hit 95 today lowest it has been since before I ran out of strips a few months ago). I'm trying to decide if I want a few splurges on Thanksgiving..... It seems perhaps that I can tolerate more carbs and sugar for lunch, while supper needs to be very low, and since we have our official meal at lunch I'm thinking of making some kind of dessert that is pretty low carb but still a treat.

What does a typical day's of carbs look like for you when your at the 90s mark? Sorry, just super curious.

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What does a typical day's of carbs look like for you when your at the 90s mark? Sorry, just super curious.

Um, let me see if I can remember I only slept about 3 hrs Sat night and was super groggy all day. I also ate more than usual because I was sooooo very tired- so my overal carb count wasn't lower than I had hit previous days but I think my timing was better.


breakfast-sm. apple chopped with walnuts, unsweetened coconut flakes and califia farms milk (1 g carb per cup)- topped with grassfed gelatin for extra protein and 1 tsp of cinnamon- I eat this like granola (it seems some carbs in the am helps as my bg levels rise in the am until I eat some carbs- although too much and I stay too high)

lunch-lunchmeat- cashews and orange

snack-lunchmeat- almonds

supper- meatza- turkey italian sausage topped with olives, carmelized red onions, mushrooms and a bit of pepperoni


My quick check is about 60 g net carbs I think- my apple was a small fuji and orange was small as well.


A day around 100-150 g carbs and my fasting level is 105-120

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I will give it a try!  My biggest problem comes from my part time job - there are always lots of yummy treats in the breakroom.  Any suggestions for how to cope when temptation is unavoidable?  


Be prepared and have alternate snacks available.  Nuts are great and very portable.  You could bring other yummy treats to keep in the breakroom fridge - cheese, deviled eggs.  It's hard to feel deprived if you are enjoying delicious wholesome food!

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I skimmed the replies so I don't have the whole scoop. OP will you be doing stevia? And for those that don't, please share what your objections are, as it doesn't raise blood sugar and is herbally sourced. Perhaps that it's been altered from that form?


Eta: I'm happy to join in, and besides occasional stevia, I've been sugar free for about six months.

I feel way better this way.

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What about foods that have some sugar in them?  BBQ sauces on meat, milk with natural sugars, etc....


I'm trying to be a bit gradual with it, so yes, I'm still using sauces and other sweetish foods. I'm just not going all out in the beginning.

I skimmed the replies so I don't have the whole scoop. OP will you be doing stevia? And for those that don't, please share what your objections are, as it doesn't raise blood sugar and is herbally sourced. Perhaps that it's been altered from that form?


Eta: I'm happy to join in, and besides occasional stevia, I've been sugar free for about six months.

I feel way better this way.

I'm not using stevia because I don't like it. It's bitter to me.

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I skimmed the replies so I don't have the whole scoop. OP will you be doing stevia? And for those that don't, please share what your objections are, as it doesn't raise blood sugar and is herbally sourced. Perhaps that it's been altered from that form?


Eta: I'm happy to join in, and besides occasional stevia, I've been sugar free for about six months.

I feel way better this way.



it's still a sweetener and training the brain to WANT sweets. if you don't eat things sweet - it's amazing how much more enjoyable plain veggies are (among other things.).  that's the biggest reason why I won't use any type of sweetener.  even the natural stuff was never meant to be a daily part of our diets. what it does to blood sugar, liver enzymes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. - is just another objection.


I recall some woman who made a "sugar free" cookbook - and to promote it, told about her year of living sugar free.  . . .honey - fructose is sugar . . . . . 

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Be prepared and have alternate snacks available.  Nuts are great and very portable.  You could bring other yummy treats to keep in the breakroom fridge - cheese, deviled eggs.  It's hard to feel deprived if you are enjoying delicious wholesome food!


nuts also have some protein (good for curbing cravings).  almonds are especially beneficial. (pay attention to what's on them.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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I'm trying to be a bit gradual with it, so yes, I'm still using sauces and other sweetish foods. I'm just not going all out in the beginning.

I'm not using stevia because I don't like it. It's bitter to me.



Going out to eat can be so tricky.  I go out a lot and meet up with my girlfriends or go out with church folks.  We can't do the "no eating out for a while " thing.


I went out yesterday with a friend, I had been promising her a birthday lunch for a while.  We went to Pei Wei.  Their sauces I am sure have sugar, in fact, I found out their lettuce wraps have sugar in the sauce on the chicken!  ARGH!


Today we are meeting up with my son's friend and his mom for lunch at Chick Fil A.  I need to look at the menu before I go.  


ETA:  Ok, I had the Thai Dynamite Chicken and just looked up the nutritional information.  The sugar content is 9 grams.  I ate about 1/3 the amount on the plate and brought the rest home to my son, so maybe I didn't do too badly.

Edited by DawnM
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Good day yesterday, my fasting level was at 88 today- woot! So glad to see my am levels going down. I'd guess my carb level was about the same as the day before, although I had some dressing with sugar in an early supper(we have a weird schedule due to activities) my later supper was nearly carb free. I'll have to do some experimenting to see how much I can eat during the day while keeping my night time carbs super low and keep my fasting numbers at a good level.

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I agree honey is sugar and a no no. Same with agave, which some say is just bad for you for different reasons. I can't remember why. I experimented with different brands of stevia and I don't find it bitter. Maybe it's an acquired taste. I also don't find that I have a sweet tooth anymore. We make that skinny chocolate with coconut oil, cocoa and stevia and have it as an occasional treat. I totally crave veggies and meat, nuts etc. now, so I'm not "jonesing" with a sugar addiction anymore with some stevia in my diet.


I hope ya'll have a good "sugar free day" and that life rolls with you on this adventure with no tough days for the rest of the week! :-)

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Made it through Costco. Walked right past the salted caramel samples like a boss.

I'm considering making some homemade toffe topped with pistachios for a Thanksgiving treat, I had some from CVS I think and it is right up there with Salted Caramel- which is why I'm trying to decide if it is a good idea. If I make it I will be sharing a few different places so I don't get much.

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Not a wine expert, but I think wine may have a glycemic impact because of the natural sugar. But hey there's no "added sugar!"

Depends how strict you want to be with yourself. It's almost Thanksgiving, so my advice...don't get too strict. ;-)


Fwiw, pecans roasted on a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil Pam (and sprayed on top) or braised with olive oil and sprinkled with Truvia when they come out, are pretty yummy.


I started the day with pumpkin pancakes that one of my kids made that were delish, but I realized later that there was a bit of honey in them. So I started the day having blown it.


Dinner was chicken salad rolled up in seaweed like a sushi hand roll.

Edited by TwoEdgedSword
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No sugar yesterday but I had carbs- plain potato chips(I forgot to pack myself some nuts for our lunch out) and then I made some butternut squash soap for an early supper. 1 hr after my soup I was just at 105. Overall I've been eating smaller meals but more frequently, it seems to be working at this moment. Under 100 again today- 3 days in a row (after Thanksgiving will be the big test). I'm stoked that I was able to eat both potatoes and butternut squash during the day yesterday and still have ok levels. I've been eating more fruit too and doing ok with it. I haven't ate any chocolate :)

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I'll be starting on Friday. Only problem is, I need to go shopping beforehand for and it is the day before Thanksgiving!. I didn't think this over well. I think I'll go late tonight and spend tomorrow morning making a few freezer meals to get us through the weekend.

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Well, we didn't close on the house yet. We can't access our funds. Apparently, there are a lot of hoops to jump through, and we suck at that. I'm having a break down over it. 

We're also pretty much our of food. Not helping.

I almost gave up last night and made cupcakes, but we're out of butter. 

I spent about an hour exercising today, which I pretty much never do these days. I have to do something for m myself. I'm a mess.


Eta: I slept two hours, twice last night, because Luna...I don't even know what is going on  with Luna. I set up the crib so she at least can't pull my hair to wake me up at night. She's been happily playing in it while I exercised and now while I'm resting. Hopefully this improves our lives.

Edited by Desert Strawberry
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Well, we didn't close on the house yet. We can't access our funds. Apparently, there are a lot of hoops to jump through, and we suck at that. I'm having a break down over it. 

We're also pretty much our of food. Not helping.

I almost gave up last night and made cupcakes, but we're out of butter. 

I spent about an hour exercising today, which I pretty much never do these days. I have to do something for m myself. I'm a mess.


Eta: I slept two hours, twice last night, because Luna...I don't even know what is going on  with Luna. I set up the crib so she at least can't pull my hair to wake me up at night. She's been happily playing in it while I exercised and now while I'm resting. Hopefully this improves our lives.


You're having a tough week- hope it improves!  :grouphug:

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This morning was coffee with chocolate almond milk. And dairy free scrambled eggs. Forget there a bit of sweetener in the coco almond milk. Oh well.

Lunch I always skip, too busy.

5pm ish had a couple of sushi wraps with prosciutto, healthy mayo, lettuce and hemp seeds. Yum. I'm addicted to those wraps. I just hope they aren't contaminated by the nuclear disaster in Japan years ago! Try to be healthy and ya never know!


Dinner will be 9ish. Late and light. Probably a salad and lots and lots of water.

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(hugs Desert Strawberry)- Sometimes times are rough and you just got to make it through the best you can :(


Good bg again this am, so at least I'm starting the day good :) I ate supper later than I planned as I was working on T-Day prep,

Supper- flank steak w/ a bit of portobello and onions and a bunch of cauliflower

afternoon snack- smoothie - coco almond milk- 1g c- canned coco milk, cherries and almond butter- no sugar, spinach

lunch- soup- zucchini noodles w/ a bit of beef and spices over a big thing of broccoli- something about this made my bg rise a little more than I expected- perhaps the coconut aminos-not sure

breakfast-warm apple "granola"-coconut chips(unsweet), toasted walnuts, coco almond milk and cinnamon 


I think I've decided against the toffee I don't know that I have enough power to resist it right now. I am making Apple Crisp and roasted potatoes. The crisp will have real sugar and I will enjoy some! Otherwise it will be brussell sprouts and salad with turkey.

Edited by soror
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Luna loves her crib and we all slept so well last night! Hallelujah amen.


D bought frozen Asian feast for us. We had that for dinner. It was delicious. Carby-fried rice, pad Thai, egg rolls-but so good. I shared a fortune cookie with Luna. 


I made my desserts. I did eat a 1 inch square of the cereal treat to test it. It's meh. Cinnamon cornflake squares with Autumn mix. 

My cherry-vanilla mousse parfait is uninspired and a bit grainy. I'll pass on that, too.

I don't think I'll have dessert today unless someone brings something extra yummy.

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My apple crisp was to die for, on the plus side it was nearly wiped out. I had one serving for lunch and one for supper but I ate an early supper and didn't hardly eat any other carbs. There is now just one serving left which I might eat for lunch if DH doesn't. Otherwise I ate my scrumptious smoke brined turkey, roasted Brussels sprouts and a few roasted potatoes for lunch. My BG was 100 today, which sadly isn't bad for me especially considering the amount of sugar in the yummy crisp.


Today will be yummy leftover turkey and some veggies, I ate all my Brussels sprouts so I think I'll make some roasted cauliflower maybe.

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My apple crisp was to die for, on the plus side it was nearly wiped out. I had one serving for lunch and one for supper but I ate an early supper and didn't hardly eat any other carbs. There is now just one serving left which I might eat for lunch if DH doesn't. Otherwise I ate my scrumptious smoke brined turkey, roasted Brussels sprouts and a few roasted potatoes for lunch. My BG was 100 today, which sadly isn't bad for me especially considering the amount of sugar in the yummy crisp.


Today will be yummy leftover turkey and some veggies, I ate all my Brussels sprouts so I think I'll make some roasted cauliflower maybe.



I know it's inappropriate to ask for a recipe on a no sugar thread, but I would LOVE to hear your apple crisp recipe.  Dh's mom gave me the one she uses and it's just....meh. And it's dh's favorite dessert- I'd love to make one for Christmas.  Pretty please? 

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I know it's inappropriate to ask for a recipe on a no sugar thread, but I would LOVE to hear your apple crisp recipe.  Dh's mom gave me the one she uses and it's just....meh. And it's dh's favorite dessert- I'd love to make one for Christmas.  Pretty please? 

No problem, this is the best one I've ever ate and it was a total favorite for my family, hardly any other desserts were touched, the lemon zest and juice was the perfect complement to the sweetness and spices, I think it will be my new dessert recipe. YMMV, I hope you love it as much :)


The New Best Recipe- America's Test Kitchen

- can double for a 13x9 in pan for 55 min at 375 degrees.


Apple Crisp

6 TBSP unbleached all-purpose flour(I used Gluten Free King Arthur Baking Mix)

1/4 c packed brown sugar

1/4 c white sugar

1/4 t cinnamon

1/4 t salt

5 TBSP cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 in. pieces

3/4 c. coarsely chopped nuts (I used pecans because they are a fav of everyone around here)



3 med Granny Smith Apples (about 1 1/4 lbs)

3 med McIntosh  apples (about 1 1/4 lbs)- I used Gala as I had read they were an acceptable sub and we don't have McIntosh here

1/2 tsp grated zest and 1 1/2 TBSP juice from lemon - I made fresh zest and juice

1/4 c white sugar


For the topping:

1. Combine flour, sugars, spices and salt in food processor and combine (I just used a spoon as my food processor died). Add butter and pulse about 10 times, 4 seconds each until it looks like coarse cornmeal (I used a pastry blender until the appropriate texture). Add nuts and process for 1 sec- 4 or 5 times. Should look like slightly clumpy wet sand. Do not overmix or it wil be too wet and homogenours. Refrigerate topping while preparing fruit, at least 15 min.


2. Adjust oven to the lower middle rack to 375 degrees.



1. Peel, quarter and core apples and cut into 1 in. chunks should be 6 cups total). Toss apples with zest, juice and sugar. Scrape fruit mix into a 8x8 dish/9 in deep pie plate with a rubber spatula.


2. To assemble and bake- distrubute topping evenly over fruit. Bake for 40 min. Increase the oven to 400 degrees and bake until fruit is bubbling and topping is a deep golden brown, about  minutes more. 

Edited by soror
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Thanks so much, Soror! I copied it so if you need to delete it to avoid corrupting the thread, I understand. g


America's Test Kitchen has such good recipes! Their recipe for taco meat changed my life. I serve it almost every Wednesday in some form- tacos, burritos, chimichangas, etc.  

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Thanks so much, Soror! I copied it so if you need to delete it to avoid corrupting the thread, I understand. g


America's Test Kitchen has such good recipes! Their recipe for taco meat changed my life. I serve it almost every Wednesday in some form- tacos, burritos, chimichangas, etc.  

I haven't made their taco meat, I'll have to check that one out. Every recipe I've made of theirs has been a homerun.

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I haven't made their taco meat, I'll have to check that one out. Every recipe I've made of theirs has been a homerun.


It's very good. I don't add the bit of sugar the recipe calls for- I use Penzey's chili powder and it tastes sweet to me. And I can't bring myself to add sugar to meat. g

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It's from the ATK Family Cookbook. I think it's the method that makes this so good. You sautĂƒÂ© the onions until soft then add the spices and let them toast in the pan, then cook the meat with it.  I think it really brings out the flavor in the spices. 


I rarely add the chicken stock- only if I have homemade on hand. I just use a small can of tomato sauce.  Sure wish I could make my own tomato sauce from scratch!


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Day1 of our whole30 is going well. We had scrambled eggs with sauted onions, sweet potato, and spinach. For lunch we had and amazing salad filled with veggies, avocado, turkey, and drizzled with balsamic vinegar. Dd had raw veggies and turkey with coconut aminos on it because she didn't want a salad. We'll have a fruit and veggies smoothie in a bit so the kids get more veggies and fat in them. Dinner tonight is spaghetti squash casserole.


Tomorrow will be hard for me. I have a bridal shower and bday party. Must eat before going to both events

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I ate very little dinner, and a little bit of dessert. My aunt made cupcakes for me because I don't like pie. Isn't that nice? I had two, gave some to the kids and brought the rest home.

I had one this morning, then Taurus helped me out by licking off all the frosting, so those went in the trash, and that's done. 

I need to make a shopping list and buy some food. We are doing our turkey tomorrow. We will eat leftovers forever.

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