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30 Day Meal challenge--join me!!


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I've vented on this board one or two (or six) times about my dislike for dinner, cooking, shopping, feeding the picky children, all of it.  I picked up a copy of Dinner The Playbook by Jenny Rosenstrach and I have to say, I'm inspired!!  Basically, she got tired of picky eaters sucking the fun out of dinner and issued herself a 30 day challenge to cook only new food for 30 days.  The kids had to try one bite of everything and then grade it.


Ok, I am not a food blogger so I have no intention of cooking 30 new meals.  But, I am going to quit serving dinner based on the lowest bar set by the picky eaters.  I have one child who will eat anything as long as it is made of Ramen noodles and my other picky eater also takes medicine that screws up his appetite.  Why am I trying to make them happy with dinner??  That isn't a thing!! 


Reading this book has made me realize (again) that I must have a written plan and I need a set day to grocery shop.  Today is Thursday, my DH's birthday is tomorrow.  I went to the store yesterday for milk and I need to go again today for carrots for the carrot cake I make for him every year.  How insane is that???  Had I bothered to make a plan for the week, I would save myself an hour today.  Insane!!


The book says to start on the next Sunday so that is when the challenge starts.  If you are brave enough to take the challenge, sit down, write out a list of meals and a shopping list and decide when to shop.  If anyone wants to join me, we can start a daily 'what's for dinner?' thread to inspire one another.


The author has a blog with lots of recipes.  http://www.dinneralovestory.com/  I have tried a few from The Playbook and, keeping it real here, they aren't really for my family.  But www.allrecipes.com works great!   


We start Sunday!  Who is in??

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So is the challenge to incorporate new recipes or just to plan meals? I plan our dinners for the week each Sunday, and I like to try a new recipe or two each week :)

Whatever you want??  For me, the challenge is a written plan including food my foodie husband will enjoy and one main shopping trip each week. 

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Other great (IMO) recipe blogs for family food are:


Deep South Dish

Mel's Kitchen Cafe

Budget Bytes


And I love the book $10 Dinners by Melissa D'arabian. She has recipes with variations, so like a chicken with pan sauce and a bunch of variations.


In that vein, the point of How to Cook without a Book by Pamela Anderson is to learn a basic technique and how to vary it.

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I can do this!


I already do a grocery shop on mondays, but I drop by other days too. I sometimes meal-plan, and it's always better when I do. I don't mind cooking, but I have a hard time thinking and deciding on a plan each evening. I don't have any eaters that are pickier than I am. If they are not thrilled with a meal, are always welcome to make themselves a microwave egg, or gather their own substitute items for other food groups -- so that's no big deal for me.


I'll start brainstorming here, and come back to edit...



Leftover rotisserie chicken, possibly in a sauce

3 veggies: cooked carrots, frozen beans, cucumber slices

Fruit: watermelon

(Protein for tomorrow's lunches: leftover tacos)


Friday: eating away


Saturday or Sunday (option 1):

Pan fried Hake (fish)

3 veggies: sweet potato fries, broccoli, tomato wedges

Fruit: peaches or pears


Saturday or Sunday (option 2):

Tomato Soup

Cheese cubes, cold meats

2 more veggies: pickles, cold carrots

Optional crackers (maybe biscuits)

Fruit: Apples



Canadian Thanksgiving... Massive Turkey dinner, all fixings

(Protein for tomorrow's lunches: steak)



Thanksgiving leftovers

3 veggies: whatever is left

Fruit: ?

(Protein for tomorrow's lunches: sandwich meat)



Not turkey

3 veggies: ?

Fruit: ?

(Protein for tomorrow's lunches: turkey!)

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This is a simple meal plan that has sort of revolutionized planning at my house. I finished a book about simplicity and the author suggests having a meal plan like this:


Monday: beef

Tuesday: tacos

Wednesday: soup

Thursday: crock pot

Friday: chicken

Saturday: grill out


The premise is that you have 3-4 options from each category and you simply just rotate them in and out. It's so easy, it's great!!!


Not sure if this will help anyone but it's been wonderful for me. I loathe meal planning and this makes it easy.

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I do something similar, taking into account the days when dinner either has to be really quicky made or has to be eaten separately. Dh takes Chinese classes MTW 5-7 and a kickboxing class on Thurs evening. Dd has extracurriculars MTWTh beginning anytime after 5 and going up until 9.


Su: beef/pork (dd eats neither) or a complicated fish recipe

M: ground turkey

Tu: eggs

W: easy/quick chicken

Th: salmon (cooks quickly; we eat promptly at 7:40 when they walk through the door)

F: vegetarian/beans

Sa: chicken

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Even though - due to evening work schedules - I don't do this anymore, for years I used to make a meal plan and shop accordingly. This will save you time and aggravation and I think you are right not to let the pickiest eater dictate the menu. The others have a right to expect something appetizing.

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I'm going to try to do this.  I'm swamped with college application stuff for DS so it would be nice to use my brain power to write my counselors letter rather than try to think about what to make for supper every day..  The good news for me is that I don't have much shopping to do.  I always stockpile for the winter (cause I hate the cold), and we just returned for our last trip of the season to the Amish. I had the kids carry everything in.  Eldest DS was sitting down and I asked why he wasn't helping.  He said I already carried in  300 pounds of food, I figured that was my share.  I thought he was exaggerating and then we tallied what he did carry in and yes it was almost 300 pounds.  What he failed to mention was that he left another 300 pounds for all the smaller people in the house to try to figure out how to bring in.  Yes I really did buy 600 pounds of food today.  Add this to the two freezers I have full of meat and fruit, I really only need to buy milk, eggs and fresh veggies for the foreseeable future.

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I'm in! I made a schedule where everyone had a cooking night, and I fill in the other days. It has totally change/improved dinner time. I'm no longer feeling cranky about being in the kitchen, I'm trying new recipes, the kids are making good food, and my husband is doing Saturdays, so I know I'll have a killer meal that night. 


Now I want to work on meal planning, reducing waste, and re-stocking my pantry. 


Moxie, is there a new thread for this week?

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I'm in! I made a schedule where everyone had a cooking night, and I fill in the other days. It has totally change/improved dinner time. I'm no longer feeling cranky about being in the kitchen, I'm trying new recipes, the kids are making good food, and my husband is doing Saturdays, so I know I'll have a killer meal that night.


Now I want to work on meal planning, reducing waste, and re-stocking my pantry.


Moxie, is there a new thread for this week?

Yes, and if I knew how to link threads from my phone, I cod help you out!

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I'm in! I made a schedule where everyone had a cooking night, and I fill in the other days. It has totally change/improved dinner time. I'm no longer feeling cranky about being in the kitchen, I'm trying new recipes, the kids are making good food, and my husband is doing Saturdays, so I know I'll have a killer meal that night. 


Now I want to work on meal planning, reducing waste, and re-stocking my pantry. 


Moxie, is there a new thread for this week?


Yes, and if I knew how to link threads from my phone, I cod help you out!

Here you go http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/567059-30-day-meal-plan-challenge-day-1-7/

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