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Don't y'all talk about Dr Who anymore?


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The new season started last week.  Somewhere (here?) I'd read/heard that Amazon wasn't going to be streaming it this year. That's how we've always watched it.  So we were bummed.   Yesterday, for some reason I decided to check Amazon and it's there!   My family is so excited; we always watch together* so we're gearing up to watch tonight.


(*We aren't always all together for subsequent viewings, but the first time we always have to be together.) 


But I haven't seen much buzz about it; either here or elsewhere.  Maybe I'm just not noticing it.  I hope the doctor's popularity isn't waning.

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My husband has seen all 700 or 800 episodes a few times (From 1963 forward).  We go to Doctor Who conventions (we bought our tickets for the next one 9 months in advance just to be sure we could get them.)  We will remain fans for a very long time. Probably until we die.


Doctor Who is like Star Trek and Star Wars.  There will always be some people who hate it, some who don't care, some who get caught up in it for a while and then move on, and some who will be die hard fans and love it forever and ever and ever.  (That sounds like the parable of the farmer sowing the wheat on different types of ground...)


So, in a few years, I'd expect that the majority of people will move on or the writing will get bad or something will happen to stop the show.  Most people will remember it fondly.  Those who are die hard fans will just re-watch the shows over and over and still attend the conventions and write fan fiction, etc.

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Is it just me, or are Daleks beginning to seem a bit too precious?


I'm thinking I should only watch episodes that are not written by Moffat.  This one.... I dunno.  My dreams tend to be more connected.  First we're here, then we're there.  No explanation as to how we got there.


I like the new Dr.  But the writing...

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I watched the new episode, but I guess I don't have anything to say about it. The whole "The Doctor is responsible for everything that goes wrong ever" thing is getting a little old. 


Yeah, I'm getting weary of it too.  The writing is lame... but I'll still watch it because it's the Doctor.  The old ones don't have perfect episodes every time either.

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My husband has seen all 700 or 800 episodes a few times (From 1963 forward).  We go to Doctor Who conventions (we bought our tickets for the next one 9 months in advance just to be sure we could get them.)  We will remain fans for a very long time. Probably until we die.


Doctor Who is like Star Trek and Star Wars.  There will always be some people who hate it, some who don't care, some who get caught up in it for a while and then move on, and some who will be die hard fans and love it forever and ever and ever.  (That sounds like the parable of the farmer sowing the wheat on different types of ground...)


So, in a few years, I'd expect that the majority of people will move on or the writing will get bad or something will happen to stop the show.  Most people will remember it fondly.  Those who are die hard fans will just re-watch the shows over and over and still attend the conventions and write fan fiction, etc.


I'm a Doctor Who fan...but not a Moffat fan.  It makes for some frustrating viewing.


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Yeah, I'm getting weary of it too.  The writing is lame... but I'll still watch it because it's the Doctor.  The old ones don't have perfect episodes every time either.


Oh yeah, I'll still watch it. ;) I just wish they could expand (contract?) the Doctor's role a bit beyond "f*cker-upper and subsequent savior of all mankind and often the entire universe on a weekly basis." 

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Probably should put this in the social group thread but I already typed it here, oh well. Spoils ahead.


It met expectations. Heh.


I had a good laugh about kid Davros. It's not a bad plot idea that reaches back to both classic Who and the RTD-era. Keeping Gallifrey in one piece had consequences. Skaro's existence is one of them. Glad we finally got to that!


But... Moffat. Geez. I accept inaccuracies and plot devices are a part of sci-fi and fantasy, but when the writing invalidates itself over and over, I stop caring.


I shouldn't have to watch something two or three times to understand what happened and why. I never even get to nuance at this rate.


I'm hard on this show, because I know it can be better than this. And I'm still PO'd about the Time War retcon.

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We liked it here because this episode harkened back to an old one with the 4th doctor. He had the chance to kill Davros, but let him live. They played a 2 second clip of the 4th doctor saying, "If by killing a baby you could save millions...would you kill the baby?" (or something like that.) In that episode all those years ago, the Doctor rescued Davros. So, for him to be faced with the same decision, knowing that Davros was what ended up killing ALL the other time lords (except The Master), this time he would "let the baby die."


We enjoyed that part. I did have to stop and try to figure out how UNIT was figuring out where the doctor was. Seemed pretty easy for them to pinpoint where/when he was.


I agree with everyone else that things bounce around too much and it's very hard to follow how they get from point A to point B. It's frustrating. I wish the writing was better, too. But I still love the show.

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I watched the new episode, but I guess I don't have anything to say about it. The whole "The Doctor is responsible for everything that goes wrong ever" thing is getting a little old. 


Yeah, we lost interest a while back. Also all that angst The Doctor is going through has gotten old. We might buy the episode from Amazon and see what we think.

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