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Nap Question

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Dd16mos has not taken her morning nap in a week. She's been teething, & 3 of the 4 molars are in. I've been figuring (hoping) she'd be back on schedule once that last one comes in, kwim?


But some irl friends said their babies outgrew their AM naps around this age or earlier. Her afternoon nap is only an hr, & they've suggested that she'll sleep longer in the afternoon & go to bed earlier if I just keep her up in the AM.


What do y'all think? Experiences? Because I'm tellin' ya--I was looking at mother's day out programs today. And ps. And day care. And I told dh I wanted to get a job. And for once, he told me that might be a good idea! :blink:


So. Encouraging words for 1yo moms? Has anyone here actually *successfully* hs'd w/ dc the ages of my littles? Because if it's not poss, you should tell me before I go over the edge, lol. And if it is, tell me the secret. Some days I feel like I know it. Then I wake up! :lol:


I'm afraid things went a little too smoothly one too many days in a row, & I got my expectations a smidge high. But yest we did nothing, & ds7 got sent to bed. Today we did science, & ds7 got sent to bed. :glare: 1 subj every 2 days isn't...really...my ideal, kwim?


Ok, sorry. This thread is officially about naps, not ds. He's ok. It can also be about how to hs w/ a 1yo & newbie. TY!

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Ok...been there...but not quite done that.

When we started homeschooling Dd was 5, Ds was 2 and I had a 6 week old baby. We had some ROUGH days. But with lots of prayer and a few well "placed" friends we did ok. Not sure we did great, but we did ok. Ds NEVER napped unless I was napping with him.

Take your time with these years. The kids will be ok, school time doesn't have to fit a "schedule", it just has to work for your family.

When Dd #4 was added to our family 3 years later we were schooling 5th, 2nd, PK and had a toddler underfoot. At that time we used the high chair to contain Dd and offered lots of hands on activities for her. Time in the high chair coloring or playing with play do was amazing!



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Hi Aubrey~


My littlest transitioned to one nap/day at about 14 months and let me tell 'ya, it's awesome. He now naps 3-4 hours every afternoon. Now, I'm not saying your little one will go this long, but she will probably go much longer than she is now. It's amazing how much can get done around here with 3-4 toddler-free hours. We do most of our "Mommy needs to be engaged" subjects, like Classical Writing, Science, and History.


Now that the toddler is awake all morning we try and keep him very busy doing appropriate things :-) such as playing with older sibs (they all take turns) and playpen time. We also spend 1/2 hour outside tiring him out so he sleeps better.


It's been a while since I've had 2 littles at the same time, but you definitely have my compassion. You can do it. As my husband says all the time, "Most of life is about managing expectations." I would set your expectations lower for now. You'll be much happier.


It's a season. Enjoy it as much as you can, cause it will be over so very soon.


Blessings to you.

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Dd16mos has not taken her morning nap in a week. She's been teething, & 3 of the 4 molars are in. I've been figuring (hoping) she'd be back on schedule once that last one comes in, kwim?


But some irl friends said their babies outgrew their AM naps around this age or earlier. Her afternoon nap is only an hr, & they've suggested that she'll sleep longer in the afternoon & go to bed earlier if I just keep her up in the AM.


What do y'all think? Experiences? Because I'm tellin' ya--I was looking at mother's day out programs today. And ps. And day care. And I told dh I wanted to get a job. And for once, he told me that might be a good idea! :blink:


So. Encouraging words for 1yo moms? Has anyone here actually *successfully* hs'd w/ dc the ages of my littles? Because if it's not poss, you should tell me before I go over the edge, lol. And if it is, tell me the secret. Some days I feel like I know it. Then I wake up! :lol:


I'm afraid things went a little too smoothly one too many days in a row, & I got my expectations a smidge high. But yest we did nothing, & ds7 got sent to bed. Today we did science, & ds7 got sent to bed. :glare: 1 subj every 2 days isn't...really...my ideal, kwim?


Ok, sorry. This thread is officially about naps, not ds. He's ok. It can also be about how to hs w/ a 1yo & newbie. TY!


Oh, hon, my kiddos are almost exactly yours' ages (except my third child is 3 and my baby is 21 mos -- well, OK, maybe "exactly" really isn't accurate :tongue_smilie:). My youngest gave up his morning nap right around 12-13 months. And, like your 1yo, he's always teethed in groups of 3 or 4 and it has made life absolutely miserable. His 2 yo molars are currently coming in right now -- all 4 of them. UGH!!


The other thing, erm person, who's made (my) life absolutely miserable is, you'll never guess, my ds7. I think you have 2 different issues whose synergy is sometimes overwhelming. As far as 1 yo, 2 of mine (including current baby) increased their afternoon naps & went to bed earlier when those morning naps went the way of the do-do bird (coincidentally, the 2 were my boys). My girls, well, apparently they didn't believe in sleeping. And, there's nothing wrong with an MDO if your sanity is on the line. I don't have one convienent in my area.


Ds7 -- well, hmmm, um, erm...yeah. <ahem> I feel your pain and frustration. Just remember, he's 7...he does that...and this too shall pass. And not finishing every subject you have scheduled will not hurt him in the long run. There are days (like yesterday) where he's finished his math. Or his cursive practice. Or his Latin. Note the *or* not *and*.


So, yes, I think you can successfully homeschool with your crew. But successful might look a wee bit different in this season than what you planned. My secret? Well, chocolate, wine (not necessarily during school time), time-outs (for me). Not very helpful, huh? Just wanted you to know that I completely empathize with you.

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My littlest is 16mths (05/06/07) and she stopped taking AM naps about 12 weeks or so ago. She's now taking one longer PM nap (about 2-2 1/2hrs), heading to bed a bit earlier (around 7:30pm) and sleeping longer (until about 8AM). I so miss the double naps, but it's been a tradeoff for one longer stretch and an extended night/morning. Although I've tried to follow the same routine, each of mine has had very different sleeping habits moving into the second year.


While littlest seems to be getting enough sleep this new schedule of hers is not great for school. I've honestly looked into our church's MDO and a few others, but they are all full! I've taken this as God's plan for us this year and realized that I've just got to find a way to get it to work. But it's truly hard most days and I've had horrible tension headaches by 10AM or so for the last few weeks. I can also sense the frustrations of my older girls from dealing with both a grouchy toddler and a grouchy mommy.


So hugs and prayers and if you figure out a good solution please do let me know.

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My 14 mo old has transitioned into one nap per day. He usually goes down around 11 or 12 and sometimes sleeps three or more hours, though it varies. It kind of limits what we can do during the day, but I have to agree with Nancy--it's been a very good thing. We put him down around 8pm, and he sleeps fine. For over six months now he has regularly awakened each night around 1, but goes back to sleep. He was doing that before going to one nap, so I don't think it is related.

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My youngest is transitioning into this phase right now at 12 months (the same age as oldest did). He probably still falls asleep in the morning about 3x a week. That said, the baby still goes in his crib at am nap time for 30 minutes. If he's awake at the end of that time, I get him up. If he's asleep, I let him sleep. Once he transitions to only one nap, we'll still have the 30-minute break in the am...he'll just play in his crib instead of sleep.

I have to admit though, that I'm big on this type of "break". The big kid gets a quiet-time during the am baby nap, and so do I.

Both kids have a 2-1/2 hour rest time in the afternoon...which I don't see stopping any time in the near future. This gives me a break to get my breath back!

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Sounds like you need to skip school in the mornings and just do it with the two oldest ones while the toddler is napping in the afternoon.


I don't know if you are a schedule person or not. If you can get on a daily schedule where mornings are cartoons, breakfast, circle time, lunch then nap. You'll be able to get to school in the afternoons. Late afternoon can be time for kids chores and dinner prep. Then have everyone take part in clean up time in the evening before you put the kids to bed.

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My oldest took 2 naps per day until she was 18 months old. The second, however, was down to 1 nap per day either by the time she was 1 or shortly thereafter. So, your dd1 is certainly of an age to give up that morning nap.


It's not necessarily an easy transition - sometimes she may *need* that morning nap or just be crabby as an old bear until she finally gets her afternoon one. But, having that longer afternoon nap is lovely.


The Snort is still taking 2 naps. I don't see any signs of him giving up his first one; he's either teething, or growing, or both, and he's definitely ready to lay down by 10 am. Bless his little heart. We would get *nothing* done if he didn't nap!


Unless you can do school with one of your older dc while the other entertains the 1yo, I'd hold off on school until that afternoon nap. I know you're in tight quarters, but do you have a pack n' play that she could hang out in so you could get a little bit done in the morning? I'm going to have to try that once Schmooey gives up the morning nap. My girls still occasionally nap in the afternoon and I shudder to think what will happen when he gives up his morning snooze and we *have* to school in the afternoon. I fear that will be the end of me.

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I can only feel glad I'm not homeschooling yet. I can't even remember the last time my 17 month old darling had a morning sleep (not counting in the car) and she rarely takes an afternoon nap either.

I realise it's not a major issue like with you, but I really wish she would go to bed so I can indulge in a punnet of strawberries without having to share!


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But some irl friends said their babies outgrew their AM naps around this age or earlier. Her afternoon nap is only an hr, & they've suggested that she'll sleep longer in the afternoon & go to bed earlier if I just keep her up in the AM.


Since we sleep in (at least, I do...the kids don't sleep so late anymore), neither of mine ever took morning naps since they were infants. Their afternoon naps were always long.

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Sounds like you need to skip school in the mornings and just do it with the two oldest ones while the toddler is napping in the afternoon.


I don't know if you are a schedule person or not. If you can get on a daily schedule where mornings are cartoons, breakfast, circle time, lunch then nap. You'll be able to get to school in the afternoons. Late afternoon can be time for kids chores and dinner prep. Then have everyone take part in clean up time in the evening before you put the kids to bed.


This is what I did when ds3 was under 1 and quit his morning nap. He wasn't quite 2 by the time he quit the afternoon nap too, although I'm sure that little bit wasn't helpful. :grouphug:

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We have a very light schedule. We do math and handwriting first, because she is a little behind there. Math is mostly independent. If that is all we do, I call it successful. Sometimes J will nurse and nap while we do read-alouds. Sometimes Daddy handles handwriting. I consider missing a full day every other week normal. Doing school outside with J in his swing works pretty well.


He is up until 2, sleeps until 10:30 or 11 and takes one or two naps. If it is two the first one is between 1 and 2:30. He does not sleep for any reliable length of time. If I skip the evening nap, which is anywhere from 6:30-9 it doesn't help. I am really trying to get some kind of schedule. He was like clockwork for a while and it was a lot easier.


I doubt that helps, but there you have it!

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You guys are AWESOME! It's like telling a dying man there might be a cure--doesn't matter if there *is* actually a cure, just the *hope* of one will sustain him for a little while.


Maybe skipping AM naps *on purpose,* lol, will be a disaster. But at least I'm looking forward to trying something new. At least I can go to bed tonight w/ HOPE for tomorrow. It gets me a few hrs closer to a time when sanity will indeed be reintroduced to me. Heh heh.


I think it will be good for all of us to not hear her crying about naptime. And my approach to the day will have to take a pretty radical shift if it's not centered around waiting for her to go down: Nap 1, Nap 2, & Bed.


So I'm thinking playdough, sugar cookies, & lots of outside time in the AM for the next couple of months. Yes? Funny...all the things a 1yo might like to do are all still things that my 7yo would LOVE to do.


Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouall. :D

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Most of the day cares in our area go to one nap per day for 12mth old babies and up. There are a few who have a rough transition, but most are fine. DD was down to one afternoon nap before 12mths. At her daycare they eat lunch at 11:00, nap at 11:30-12. They wake up about 2pm.


It is very hard to homeschool with littles. The one thing that keeps me sane is to remember that there is nothing that they will learn in the 1-3rd grade that they won't repeat in 4-6th.


Go slow, take your time. The education that will count is years off. What we are doing now is the foundation. It is about them learning how to learn, and the best way to do that is to help them get quality. A little bit of quality is worth heaps more than a stressed out mommy can cram into a day. The relationship that you are building with your babies is way more important that whether you study ancient history or in depth science programs. The relation ship that your children have with each other, will lay the foundation of their relationships for their lifetimes.


Let library books (even just picture books), books on tape, educational videos, and some simple lessons be your backbone. Think about what the Really need to know. Some natural science, like growing seeds to watch the process, how to read, how to write, some basic math. That is all they really Need right now. Set the rest aside. If you really want to cover history, then look at sections and concentrate on it. Set a monthly goal, and a bi-monthly goal. By having realistic, attainable goals, you will know that they learned something tangible for the month. You can easily add to your goal list each month if you have time left or take an extra day or two off and just enjoy some activity or just a quiet day at home.


When we were struggling with a little underfoot, we also liked to do larger sections at a time so we could cover more material on a single subject without loosing time and interest switching around.


I hope your find your mojo!



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You guys are AWESOME! It's like telling a dying man there might be a cure--doesn't matter if there *is* actually a cure, just the *hope* of one will sustain him for a little while.


Maybe skipping AM naps *on purpose,* lol, will be a disaster. But at least I'm looking forward to trying something new. At least I can go to bed tonight w/ HOPE for tomorrow. It gets me a few hrs closer to a time when sanity will indeed be reintroduced to me. Heh heh.


I think it will be good for all of us to not hear her crying about naptime. And my approach to the day will have to take a pretty radical shift if it's not centered around waiting for her to go down: Nap 1, Nap 2, & Bed.


So I'm thinking playdough, sugar cookies, & lots of outside time in the AM for the next couple of months. Yes? Funny...all the things a 1yo might like to do are all still things that my 7yo would LOVE to do.


Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouall. :D


YEP - wear them out in the morning. I'm a HUGE fan of naps, quiet time. If you can keep 'em moving all morning, snack, more moving, lunch and then nap time for everyone. All four of my kids napped until they were into the 4's. But, I made sure they were TIRED. Once they gave up the naps, I instituted quiet time (yes, it will happen for you too, Aubrey).


My older kids are in their teens and my youngest is about to turn nine and we all look forward to "quiet time" everyday. Me mostly, but they're not stoopid kids and know that I'm much nicer if I get my hour "alone/quiet" after lunch.


Hang in there. It will all come together - really!

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So I'm thinking playdough, sugar cookies, & lots of outside time in the AM for the next couple of months. Yes? Funny...all the things a 1yo might like to do are all still things that my 7yo would LOVE to do.



I do just this, especially during the HOT, SWELTERING summer months -- you know April through October (I'm in Central TX myself). We spend the morning outdoors in the garden, running around, generally getting good and *tired*. Then lunch, then mandatory nap/quiet time (depending on ages). While the youngers nap, I work with the 5 yo (who then goes down for a nap) and the 7 yo. While 5yo is doing her work, 7 yo is on the couch either reading or, I don't know, counting dust bunnies. The point is he's quiet. Occasionally, he'll fall asleep in which case I do a (very quiet) happy dance and lay down myself somewhere. We then do his work when he wakes up.


Having 4 young kids and trying to accomplish anything resembling yearly goals is one reason we school year round taking breaks when we need/want. The other big reason is that brains tend to atrophy when we take too much time off -- and I'm most definately including myself in this list. :D

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