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Is 24 just more of the same?

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I watched the pilot and first episode this past weekend. Meh.


I expected something . . . I don't know, different. I expected the "real time" bit actually to change the experience of TV watching. I expected it to feel different.


But with all the cuts and story lines and everything, it's just a regular action flick. That happens to be a TV-season long.


Is this going to change at all with subsequent episodes? Is there a reason to keep watching?


(Other than that you're going to sic Jack Bauer on me if I don't? :D)

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I agree, it's just another action show. The only way the "real action" time frame affected our viewing was when we would comment on how fast he was able to travel around. In L.A.? Seriously, he should have spent at least one entire episode in traffic.


But we faithfully watched the entire first season on DVD, because we heard seasons 2 and 3 were the best.


But then, in the final episode, the writers did something with one particular character that was so outrageous we both lost the desire to watch anymore. I don't mean that it was morally offensive. It was clear that the writers had written the character one way all season long, and the actor had clearly acted the character in that way, and then in the final episode they flipped the character. Not in a "oh, now it all makes sense" way or even in a "wow, I didn't see that coming, but now that I look back, I can see the foreshadowing" way. No, it was a "hmm, we need something shocking for the final episode, so we're going to ignore an entire season's worth of characterization so we can drop a bombshell" way.


I *hate* when writers do that. If I agree to enter your fictional world, you need to live up to the faith I put in you.


Hmm. Guess I need one of these: :rant:

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I watched the pilot and first episode this past weekend. Meh.


I expected something . . . I don't know, different. I expected the "real time" bit actually to change the experience of TV watching. I expected it to feel different.


But with all the cuts and story lines and everything, it's just a regular action flick. That happens to be a TV-season long.


Is this going to change at all with subsequent episodes? Is there a reason to keep watching?


(Other than that you're going to sic Jack Bauer on me if I don't? :D)


Well I am a 24 fan and I don't know if it is or isn't I just know I love the show!! It's been sooooo long since its been on......:tongue_smilie:

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I watched the pilot and first episode this past weekend. Meh.


I expected something . . . I don't know, different. I expected the "real time" bit actually to change the experience of TV watching. I expected it to feel different.


But with all the cuts and story lines and everything, it's just a regular action flick. That happens to be a TV-season long.


Is this going to change at all with subsequent episodes? Is there a reason to keep watching?


(Other than that you're going to sic Jack Bauer on me if I don't? :D)


is don't tell Anj! :D


I can't believe you actually said it! :svengo:



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My dh and I are HUGE 24 fans! The first season kept me on my seat but I really disliked his wife. She was just too annoying. It is my least favorite. Season 2 was much better. Seasons 3 and on were awesome. I mean, I'm a 10:00 to bed person and it was 1:00am and I'm telling dh, hit it again, we can watch just ONE more episode. Do I always agree with the writing or who they kill off, no way, but it's a heart stopping ride all the way ;)

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I agree, it's just another action show. The only way the "real action" time frame affected our viewing was when we would comment on how fast he was able to travel around. In L.A.? Seriously, he should have spent at least one entire episode in traffic.


But we faithfully watched the entire first season on DVD, because we heard seasons 2 and 3 were the best.


But then, in the final episode, the writers did something with one particular character that was so outrageous we both lost the desire to watch anymore. I don't mean that it was morally offensive. It was clear that the writers had written the character one way all season long, and the actor had clearly acted the character in that way, and then in the final episode they flipped the character. Not in a "oh, now it all makes sense" way or even in a "wow, I didn't see that coming, but now that I look back, I can see the foreshadowing" way. No, it was a "hmm, we need something shocking for the final episode, so we're going to ignore an entire season's worth of characterization so we can drop a bombshell" way.


I *hate* when writers do that. If I agree to enter your fictional world, you need to live up to the faith I put in you.


Hmm. Guess I need one of these: :rant:


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Okay I must be clueless. I got out Season 1 on DVD when we lived in Europe. I drove all my family nuts as I watched the 24 hours over a weekend. Anyway, all except watch it now. Where is the new season first episode or whatever? I was so uinhappy when I never got a season last year. Yes, I am an action fan junkie though I like good action like Die Hard or Dirty Harry and not mindless stuff. 24 is obviously not realistic (driving around LA so quickly with hardly any traffic), (getting stabbed in a major nerve bundle and miraculously being healed in a few hours) etc, etc. So do tell where I can see.

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You guys better watch out, anj is going to see this and whup up on all of you.


OMG - forget *anj* (luv ya!) - y'all better watch out for the krazzymommy!!!! We LOVE 24 in this house!!! And have you all seen the trailer/preview for season 7?!?!?!? (You have to have seen previous seasons to fully appreciate it.) Oh.my.goodness. January has never come so slow. Although I've heard rumors that we get a 2 hour prequel in November - what a tease!!!

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I can't believe you guys like Season 2!!!!!!! Dh and I thought that was the worst season ever!!


If you think it's not real time in Season 1, then you won't like the rest of it. They got a little tired of time constraints. Unless Chloe lives 5 feet from the office LOL!

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I can't believe you guys like Season 2!!!!!!! Dh and I thought that was the worst season ever!!


If you think it's not real time in Season 1, then you won't like the rest of it. They got a little tired of time constraints. Unless Chloe lives 5 feet from the office LOL!


I love 24 and I am in NO WAY bashing it.....but.......does Jack ever go to the bathroom or eat??? :001_huh:

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OMG - forget *anj* (luv ya!) - y'all better watch out for the krazzymommy!!!! We LOVE 24 in this house!!! And have you all seen the trailer/preview for season 7?!?!?!? (You have to have seen previous seasons to fully appreciate it.) Oh.my.goodness. January has never come so slow. Although I've heard rumors that we get a 2 hour prequel in November - what a tease!!!


Ack! I was content to wait until January...but no, you have to post a trailer. Yikes! I need a 24 fix. :D


(I hate to watch it on TV, though. It loses some of the intensity that you get when you marathon through the DVDs.)

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is don't tell Anj! :D


I can't believe you actually said it! :svengo:




You guys better watch out, anj is going to see this and whup up on all of you.


OMG - forget *anj* (luv ya!) - y'all better watch out for the krazzymommy!!!! We LOVE 24 in this house!!! And have you all seen the trailer/preview for season 7?!?!?!? (You have to have seen previous seasons to fully appreciate it.) Oh.my.goodness. January has never come so slow. Although I've heard rumors that we get a 2 hour prequel in November - what a tease!!!


I can't even think of anything pithy to say. How sad is that? And I don't have to whup up on anyone because Jack can defend himself. And he will be back, oh yes, he will. And Sarah, fortunately for you he'll be coming back at around the time that you'll be finished writing your dissertation and I think he'll give you another chance. ;):lol:;):lol:

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I watched the first one "live," most of the second, some of the third, then I couldn't watch any more (no DVR, 24 conflicted with something else...I forget what). A couple of summers ago I rented all of the seasons and spent several weeks watching them. I'm definitely a fan :-)

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The first season was terrible -- imho! Really raunchy :(


But each season it gets better & better & better &....


Our family is so into 24 that we actually pray for Jack Bauer at meal time :)


Raunchy?? :confused: maybe that word doesn't mean what I think it means???


How is season 1 raunchy? PM if you don't want to spoil it for anyone. I am truly confused.

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Season One was not raunchy - says this #1 fan of Jack Bauer. We love 24. You have to stick it out (and watching on dvd is WAY better) through at least season three. You might also want to check out Dave Barry's 24 blog (http://blogs.herald.com/dave_barrys_blog/24/index.html). It's worth working your way back through the blog. Funny, funny stuff.

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I love 24 and I am in NO WAY bashing it.....but.......does Jack ever go to the bathroom or eat??? :001_huh:


I am not a 24 fan. :leaving:


I find it a very stressful show to watch. And, the fact that there are no bathroom breaks or need for food in this "real time" show just drives me crazy.


I will say that I did see a man in the bathroom one time. It wasn't Jack Bauer, though.


Season One was not raunchy - says this #1 fan of Jack Bauer. We love 24. You have to stick it out (and watching on dvd is WAY better) through at least season three. You might also want to check out Dave Barry's 24 blog (http://blogs.herald.com/dave_barrys_blog/24/index.html). It's worth working your way back through the blog. Funny, funny stuff.


Even though I don't care for the show, I LOVE Dave Barry's blog! I giggle my way through it every time. My dh really likes the show, so I have to watch it or at least be around when it's on, so the blog makes it for more enjoyable for me.

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Raunchy?? :confused: maybe that word doesn't mean what I think it means???


How is season 1 raunchy? PM if you don't want to spoil it for anyone. I am truly confused.


. . . two couples having sex, and one guy trying to purchase the services of a boy prostitute. There's no skin, but they're definitely in the act.


I'd call that a little bit of raunch!

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We watch the series on dvd and kind of watch the whole season in a matter of a few weeks. We just started season three.


I have to say that some of the scenes in season two were a bit much for me but overall the show is fairly entertaining. And who knows, maybe some of the entertainment lies in mocking the whole 24 hour thing -- like how could all that happen in 24 hours. Like how does Jack recover from torture so quickly. And, of course, the whole bathroom, eating stuff too.

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