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moms of girls 10+ wwyd


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I only intervened if we were going somewhere it mattered. Same with my boys. If we were playing at home, wear whatever the hell you like. The ugly "I'm Irish!" Tee shirt, sweatshorts with a chlorine bleach splatter from cleaning the pool - no matter. If we're going to church, or grandma's, I would suggest an outfit change.

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If your Dd wears something that doesn't match at this age, purple tie die shorts, orangey, corally, top for example. Do you say something to save her from the mean girl comments? I did tell Dd that I put her denim shorts on her dresser, just in case she just did not see them and grabbed the purple ones. But no she wants to wear what she has on..... I love my smart, confident, artsy, creative girl.


Yes. Because 10yo dc are still learning to understand what fashion is, what looks best on them, what is appropriate for different situations and what is not.

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I haven't cared if any of my girls matched since they turned 3 and started to choose their own clothes. They've all mostly figured it out by now.


The one who always clashed the most, now frequently gets compliments on her outfits and she never even tries to look nice! She's just developed her own flair for putting certain items together. 

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Are you kidding?  That sounds like something I would wear.  If kids will be mean about the clothes, that's a pretty good indication of who not to give a rat's patoot about cultivating a friendship with.  Plus, following your own fashion sense seems to be "in" right now with lots of strange fashion.  

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My DD went to seventh grade last fall with a very eclectic/bright/loud/mismatched wardrobe. It was well received where we were. She got compliments on her style.


I only make her change if it's dirty (not overly rare, but getting better) or not appropriate for where we'll be (very, very rare).

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 9 times out of 10 the outfit I think looks ridiculous is actually extremely fashionable for the tween girl set so I don't comment anymore.


My boys don't really care that much about clothes yet. My oldest though only wears black socks with shorts and athletic shoes or Crocs. I think they look ridiculous and have told him that. His personality is such that he thinks it's funny that it bugs me so I'm not crushing his sense of style or anything. Then we were at a party where a friend's tween boy was also wearing black socks and she commented how she thinks it looks so weird but how it's apparently the cool thing to wear and that white socks are "dorky" in her son's words. I actually kind of find it funny that my son happened upon the cool look accidentally (at least I'm pretty sure it's accidental, maybe he's more aware of what is cool than I realized). 


My daughter is almost 6 and has a very strong sense of her own style. I haven't picked out her clothes since she was 2. Even then she would refuse to wear certain things and it wasn't really a battle I cared about. She frequently dresses fairly crazily but as long as it's clean and appropriate for the occasion I'm ok with it.


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