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Way OT and Way TMI and umm, well, embarrassing maybe

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Sometimes, when you are not in the mood for tea, it helps to dress the tea up. Put it in some fine china or a lovely tea pot. When a man sees the dressed up tea, you don't have to do a lot of the brewing, the dressed up tea does alot of the work for you. :D











Translation: Lingerie.;) It sends the message that you are interested, even if you're not. Helps to get the tea brewing.



:lol::rofl: Not even sure you want to know what picture this brought to mind but it wasn't YOU in fine china or a lovely pot. There was a very fine tea hat and some pearls involved though and that was before I even got to the translation. Darn near spit me real tea all over the computer screen.

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One last quick suggestion from me. I find that I'm far more in the mood for tea during the day. Early in the morning, when DH likes to wake me for tea? At that point, the tea is just ticking me off. If it gets too late at night, even the idea of tea is overwhelming. But if there are a few stolen moments for tea during the day, my body responds much more willingly. I know that's far easier said than done with kids in the house, but maybe you could sneak a few minutes here and there. Videos are your friend...



Videos for you or for the kids?

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I don't have much to add, but I wanted to say that this is the most creative way to bring up a subject that we all beat around the bush about..ROFL



:iagree: I actually thought the topic was on TEA!! I started reading the thread wondering why anyone would feel embarrassed about tea of all things. :001_huh: And then lo and behold my brain engaged... Ya'll are soo creative and SO funny! :lol:


As for the OP...You're not alone. Sometimes I just don't WANT any tea, and when I am feeling forced to drink the tea I really don't WANT :glare: I get rather cranky.


It's hormones pure and simple. Progesterone helps keep me thirsty. ;)

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Well....tea is good for you...you know...anti-oxidants and all...:tongue_smilie: It is good for your physical AND emotional well being....so even when you really can't even stand the thought of tea....you should still have some anyhow. And *USUALLY* once you take the first sip or two....you start to remember that you do actually like tea... sometimes you find that you forgot just how much you love tea! :lol:



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Thanks for that confirmation. I have some that I keep forgetting to use at the right time. I really need to stick with it, for this reason and others.


I stopped using it a while back due to running out and forgetting to repurchase. Once I started it again, it took a couple of months before I felt an adequate thirst. Not a gotta have tea daily thirst, or even a gotta have tea every other day thirst. But, more of an adequate un-cranky type of thirst when my hubbys need for tea arises ...;)

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Here's my broken record suggestion once more.


Despite it's name, chaste berry can really help with hormonal disruptions, if that's the issue. You need to take it daily, except during your cycle, for at least two months before you feel the results but it is worth it. It shapes up your cycle, gets you ovulating and desirin' a little love....I highly, highly recommend it to all women who are not beyond menopause.





Ok, so you guys aren't talking about tea, right? I'm so fracking confused. You're talking about sex?


If so, can you tell me if chaste berry gives the same benefits if you are actually in the years of menopause? My hormones are totally wacked out but I'm 48 and that's life now. Will it work pre/peri or beginning menopause?

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Ok, so you guys aren't talking about tea, right? I'm so fracking confused. You're talking about sex?


If so, can you tell me if chaste berry gives the same benefits if you are actually in the years of menopause? My hormones are totally wacked out but I'm 48 and that's life now. Will it work pre/peri or beginning menopause?


I don't know about the chaste berry, but it couldn't hurt to try. The progesterone cream is generally HIGHLY recommended for pre/peri menopause. I have no links, unfortunately, but I'm certain you'll find something if you Google.

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Ok, so you guys aren't talking about tea, right? I'm so fracking confused. You're talking about sex?


If so, can you tell me if chaste berry gives the same benefits if you are actually in the years of menopause? My hormones are totally wacked out but I'm 48 and that's life now. Will it work pre/peri or beginning menopause?


"Tea" is slightly more specific than "sex":



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Earlier in a marriage lack of tea may win out over lack of sleep but in time lack of sleep will win. Sleep will not be denied indefinitely and I know so few women who get enough sleep and consequently so few men who get enough tea.


When you add in the physical drains of motherhood (pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, house cleaning, homeschooling), fluctuating hormones, anti-depressants and other meds well I say that the deck is really stacked against us in the tea department. I can honestly say that I am amazed that so many woman are so enthusiastic about tea. And of course, I envy them. After all no one wishes they had less desire. If you are the person with less desire then you wish you had more and if your spouse is the one with less desire then you wish they had more. It's a cruel, cruel world I tell ya. I am an optimist at heart though. I like to think it is the season we are in and as we age our desires will equalize. :)

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Sometimes, when you are not in the mood for tea, it helps to dress the tea up. Put it in some fine china or a lovely tea pot. When a man sees the dressed up tea, you don't have to do a lot of the brewing, the dressed up tea does alot of the work for you. :D











Translation: Lingerie.;) It sends the message that you are interested, even if you're not. Helps to get the tea brewing.


Weeeeeeell, this brings up yet ANOTHER question. Seems like most frillies are made for near-perfect fillies. I mean, how can you project "When I get all steamed up then I shout" when you're feeling all "short and stout"?


To be specific, if you're a buxom woman who, after 2 hungry babies and the ensuing post-baby weight loss, um, wears an underwire during the day, um, is there any fine china out there for you that still gives you a...lift?? Because I look at these tissue paper-like garments in the lingerie department and just laugh. I can't be the only one--can I? :001_huh: Anybody got a source for some gravity-defying fine china? :bigear:

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I know exactly what you mean! Not only does my teapot need structure on top, but the middle is not attractive after stretch marks and 10 lb babies! So many tea cozy's are made to show off the middle now! No thanks! Fredrick's of Hollywood has some old fashioned girdle types (bustiers and corsets) that get DH all steamed up! One in particular seemed too large on me when I first bought it, but after my huge DS came along it fits great and does the job well. I can probably find it and send a link along PM. Let me know. Also, I always layer the flimsy stuff under the structured stuff because I always have unattractive spillage if the structured stuff is worn alone. (Let me know if you need clarification for any terms above.):smilielol5:

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Weeeeeeell, this brings up yet ANOTHER question. Seems like most frillies are made for near-perfect fillies. I mean, how can you project "When I get all steamed up then I shout" when you're feeling all "short and stout"?


To be specific, if you're a buxom woman who, after 2 hungry babies and the ensuing post-baby weight loss, um, wears an underwire during the day, um, is there any fine china out there for you that still gives you a...lift?? Because I look at these tissue paper-like garments in the lingerie department and just laugh. I can't be the only one--can I? :001_huh: Anybody got a source for some gravity-defying fine china? :bigear:


Absolute Corsets. Just google it. I'm sure my employer would be most unhappy if I surfed over there to get the URL. Definitely NSFW, but no "exposure", if I'm making any sense.


Underbust may suit the needs you've described, but a well-fitted overbust might do the same. Depends on personal preference and the desired effect. Take partner preference into consideration.


They're not cheap, but they're very worth it.


Never underestimate the value of a well-fitted corset with stockings. IIRC, Fredrick's has reasonably-priced, decent quality, hosiery for the...ahem...womanly woman in all of us (you?). ahem...




But before you consider springing anything on your partner, get him to describe what helps him to understand you're coming to a boil. You may find that what you think he wants to see is not what he wants to see. KWIM?


I'm sure others have suggestions, too. I'm not a fan of the flimsy stuff. I can't, however, speak for other men. That's one topic I don't think I've ever heard discussed in a locker room, etc. The wrapping of the package, while critical since we're so intensely visual, is of secondary importance to most men, at least in their public adolescent discourse, than the contents of the wrapping.


But it's been a long time since I discussed this with anyone other than my wife. YMMV

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I don't know about the chaste berry, but it couldn't hurt to try. The progesterone cream is generally HIGHLY recommended for pre/peri menopause. I have no links, unfortunately, but I'm certain you'll find something if you Google.


Yes, I've looked into progesterone cream but all I can find down here is pure chemicals. It will have to wait until we make a trip to the US.

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"Tea" is slightly more specific than "sex":




Oh. Ok. (shaking head) Thanks for the pointer. I didn't read any of the linked thread so I was quite out of the loop.


If nothing else, I'm going to look into chasteberry. And get another cup of cawfee (because I still haven't connected the dots and I'm not sure I have the energy to do so).

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Wow, Chris--you get major snaps for bravery. I really appreciate your offering us your...*unique* perspective. Thanks! :001_smile:


Ha! And this is the man who claimed, in another thread, that he can't stand that song, "All you need is love, LOVE!" when in fact, he appears to be rather knowledgeable about getting the fires going.


Oh, but short and stout! (I couldn't rep you for that one, but I hope someone does!) Now I'll have that song in my head all day, and will be giggling about, too.


Here's the thing. In my experience, men are delighted with the pot no matter what it looks like. Gravity, time, babies, who cares if the general movement of the equipment is decidedly southerly! So it seems like those accoutrements are really more for the ladies, and not for the gentlemen. If you feel you need a little support in your tea making, then find the tea cozy that makes you feel supported and less southerly. Though Chris is absolutely correct that one should consult one's tea making buddy about his preferences as well. Also, in my experience, tea buddies are very, very happy to take instruction about how to get the fires going, though many women feel apprehensive about discussing their kindling needs. And some of us didn't really figure out what type of kindling worked for us until we were in our 30s.


So Chris, you've offered a fine public service here. I wonder if there will be a run on those items you mentioned. I noticed that many of the items on the other sites that were linked in the other thread are out of stock. Makes you wonder how many well trained mommies are expanding their tea repertoire?

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Weeeeeeell, this brings up yet ANOTHER question. Seems like most frillies are made for near-perfect fillies. I mean, how can you project "When I get all steamed up then I shout" when you're feeling all "short and stout"?


To be specific, if you're a buxom woman who, after 2 hungry babies and the ensuing post-baby weight loss, um, wears an underwire during the day, um, is there any fine china out there for you that still gives you a...lift?? Because I look at these tissue paper-like garments in the lingerie department and just laugh. I can't be the only one--can I? :001_huh: Anybody got a source for some gravity-defying fine china? :bigear:


I'll second or third the corset recommendation. I have also see many might fine full length and full support boudoir gowns and robes. And they make tons of quite attractive and highly supportive basic undergarments. The first two items also provide the added attraction of making the tea pot easily accessible without the need to remove the cozy.

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Absolute Corsets. Just google it. I'm sure my employer would be most unhappy if I surfed over there to get the URL. Definitely NSFW, but no "exposure", if I'm making any sense.


Underbust may suit the needs you've described, but a well-fitted overbust might do the same. Depends on personal preference and the desired effect. Take partner preference into consideration.


They're not cheap, but they're very worth it.


Never underestimate the value of a well-fitted corset with stockings. IIRC, Fredrick's has reasonably-priced, decent quality, hosiery for the...ahem...womanly woman in all of us (you?). ahem...




But before you consider springing anything on your partner, get him to describe what helps him to understand you're coming to a boil. You may find that what you think he wants to see is not what he wants to see. KWIM?


I'm sure others have suggestions, too. I'm not a fan of the flimsy stuff. I can't, however, speak for other men. That's one topic I don't think I've ever heard discussed in a locker room, etc. The wrapping of the package, while critical since we're so intensely visual, is of secondary importance to most men, at least in their public adolescent discourse, than the contents of the wrapping.


But it's been a long time since I discussed this with anyone other than my wife. YMMV


If I hadn't already repped you then I certainly would now. Thanks again for you input.

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I have to add that DH actually told me he did not like a particular red, ruffly, flimsy cosy that I had, so mine for one, cares how the tea is dressed...


Also, high heels! The higher the better. Changes your whole body shape. They don't last long but looking in the mirror with these and a corset and whoa! A whole new sense of your stout self could emerge.

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Okay, I tried to stay out (people IRL know me here, after all :seeya:,) but I'm wading in because this is an important topic...


The point of the tea cozy is not so much what the kettle looks like in it. The point is that, when he sees it, he thinks, "Wow, she actually put some effort into this tea making." When you see the look in his eye that results from his appreciation, then you feel further encouraged. That is how tea cozies can fix a lack of thirst for tea.


I'm of the "fake it 'til you make it" sometimes camp. I thought Ginger's (blueridge) post was spot on, too.


Okay, now I go out on a limb... If you cannot get to the boiling point when you make tea, shall we say, I can see how that would make it less enticing. I think first priority would be figuring out how to help dh make your kettle whistle. Boiling tea can make everything in life better. :blushing:


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Okay, I tried to stay out (people IRL know me here, after all :seeya:,) but I'm wading in because this is an important topic...


The point of the tea cozy is not so much what the kettle looks like in it. The point is that, when he sees it, he thinks, "Wow, she actually put some effort into this tea making." When you see the look in his eye that results from his appreciation, then you feel further encouraged. That is how tea cozies can fix a lack of thirst for tea.

I feel inclined to point out that my attitude towards tea making changes when I take the time to get all done up (smelling nice, makeup, hair, tea cozy), even before DH sees me.

Okay, now I go out on a limb... If you cannot get to the boiling point when you make tea, shall we say, I can see how that would make it less enticing. I think first priority would be figuring out how to help dh make your kettle whistle. Boiling tea can make everything in life better. :blushing:


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I have to add that DH actually told me he did not like a particular red, ruffly, flimsy cosy that I had, so mine for one, cares how the tea is dressed...


Also, high heels! The higher the better. Changes your whole body shape. They don't last long but looking in the mirror with these and a corset and whoa! A whole new sense of your stout self could emerge.


I actually had DH laugh out loud at me in one get-up I purchased. Thought he'd like it but it looked ridiculous! I guess that's what you get when you purchase off the clearance rack at Walmart! :lol:


It hurt my feelings and put a damper on the "tea party" at first, but then we recovered.



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Okay, I tried to stay out (people IRL know me here, after all :seeya:,) but I'm wading in because this is an important topic...


The point of the tea cozy is not so much what the kettle looks like in it. The point is that, when he sees it, he thinks, "Wow, she actually put some effort into this tea making." When you see the look in his eye that results from his appreciation, then you feel further encouraged. That is how tea cozies can fix a lack of thirst for tea.


I'm of the "fake it 'til you make it" sometimes camp. I thought Ginger's (blueridge) post was spot on, too.


Okay, now I go out on a limb... If you cannot get to the boiling point when you make tea, shall we say, I can see how that would make it less enticing. I think first priority would be figuring out how to help dh make your kettle whistle. Boiling tea can make everything in life better. :blushing:



Absolutely, yes.


I think there is some confusion here. One can engaging in going through the motions of making tea without ever tasting the actual tea. "Tea" is the result, shall we say. Sometimes known as the "O". The idea of tea making can sometimes be daunting. But getting that kettle to whistle is the point here, eh? Otherwise it's just water with some stuff in it, not real tea.

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Yes, I think that our "code" has become so cryptic that, as someone SEVERAL pages back--and perhaps in The Other Thread?!--mentioned, a newbie to all this would need a key text to crack it at this point.


To make sure that we're all on the same...menu, "tea" here is not just hubbahubba--it's The Big O. And I think where we're getting lost is that we now have two separate but related threads--one on, um, using appliances to achieve boiling hot TEA, and one on the whole question of what to do if one party enjoys tea more/gets to tea faster/wants more tea than the other party.


But really, I think that these things are all related. I mean, both the tea-making appliance AND the tea cozy, while potentially enjoyable for the party of the second part, can help the party of the first part enjoy tea more/get to tea faster/want more tea/maybe even experience TEA for the first time!


Good grief. Now I'm not even sure what I'm saying anymore! Was that clear at all?!


I need some coffee. :D

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Absolutely, yes.


I think there is some confusion here. One can engaging in going through the motions of making tea without ever tasting the actual tea. "Tea" is the result, shall we say. Sometimes known as the "O". The idea of tea making can sometimes be daunting. But getting that kettle to whistle is the point here, eh? Otherwise it's just water with some stuff in it, not real tea.


Hmm, well, I was off on that one then. Oops!

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I think part of the genius of the metaphor is that it can refer to either the act in toto or the pinnacle of that act. So, while it might be more convenient to restrict its meaning as originally intended, the metaphor is flexible enough to accommodate both meanings without undue violence.


As such, we'll all just have to be clear in our usage whether or not we intend to construe the euphemism "tea" narrowly or broadly.


May I propose an alternate spelling in order to simplify? teA.

It will be in keeping with things like booKs, etc. where a variant in font serves as an indicator, even to the uninitiated, that there is more being discussed than would appear at first glance.



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Shelly, are you talkin'...actual tea? Or...TEA--wink wink, nudge nudge. We're getting to the level of WWII code crackers here, folks! Where's my Enigma machine?! :D

I've read the first 4 pages of this thread so far, and I think I initially misinterpreted the original post. No, I did not think it was talking about "actual tea". I was kinda thinking it was talking about drinking tea. Not consuming it in the ordinary way or making your own. You know...not like there's that much to drink, but enough for a sip or two. That's what I thought this was about. Guess not! :D


P.S. Tried it, don't care for it.

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Also, high heels! The higher the better. Changes your whole body shape.


I love the idea of heels, but I look like Xena the Warrior Princess in them. Or with my coloring, perhaps Boudica the Celtic Warrior Queen would be a more apt description. When I talked about feeling "short and stout," I was most definitely speaking metaphorically. ;)


Also, if anyone has purchased from Absolute Corsets or something similar, would you PM me? This would be a SERIOUS investment--wow!--and I need a little guidance. (Chris, you're off the hook for this one, friend. :D)

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I love the idea of heels, but I look like Xena the Warrior Princess in them. Or with my coloring, perhaps Boudica the Celtic Warrior Queen would be a more apt description. When I talked about feeling "short and stout," I was most definitely speaking metaphorically. ;)


Also, if anyone has purchased from Absolute Corsets or something similar, would you PM me? This would be a SERIOUS investment--wow!--and I need a little guidance. (Chris, you're off the hook for this one, friend. :D)


A low heel might work to help with the posture and silhouette, without creating excessive lift.


And, if anyone else wants corset advice feel free to PM me. I'll PM back with my wife's email address. She used to design and construct them. Also, the AC folks have been very helpful when she's called.


Actually, I ordered one for her once several years ago and they called me because the information I'd given them made no sense. They're really good folks.

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I think part of the genius of the metaphor is that it can refer to either the act in toto or the pinnacle of that act. So, while it might be more convenient to restrict its meaning as originally intended, the metaphor is flexible enough to accommodate both meanings without undue violence.


As such, we'll all just have to be clear in our usage whether or not we intend to construe the euphemism "tea" narrowly or broadly.


May I propose an alternate spelling in order to simplify? teA.

It will be in keeping with things like booKs, etc. where a variant in font serves as an indicator, even to the uninitiated, that there is more being discussed than would appear at first glance.




I absolutely agree. I know that the original meaning was the second of the two as Nicole and Layla mentioned above but as more people got involved in the coversation the second meaning also came into play. I for one believe I am tracking people's vibes regardless of which meaning they are attaching to the metaphor and have been replying to people based on which way they appeared to be using it. Either way, it's all good.


If anyone finds themselves confused, perhaps it would be helpful to go back through the threads :eek: and consider them with the awareness that some people may have had the other meaning in mind. In any case, as long as a person realizes that we are using metaphor and not talking about an actual beverage then at least we are all in the same book even if not exactly the same page.


So yes, we should agree on an alternative spelling, either teA as Chris suggested or perhaps TEA as opposed to tea. I suspect that we may have to specify for quite awhile as even today we still sometimes have to specify if we mean booKs or books.

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I love the idea of heels, but I look like Xena the Warrior Princess in them. Or with my coloring, perhaps Boudica the Celtic Warrior Queen would be a more apt description. When I talked about feeling "short and stout," I was most definitely speaking metaphorically. ;)


Also, if anyone has purchased from Absolute Corsets or something similar, would you PM me? This would be a SERIOUS investment--wow!--and I need a little guidance. (Chris, you're off the hook for this one, friend. :D)


Good to know! I am on the tall side of average in height, so when you said short and stout I wasn't sure how much help I would be. DH is 6' 2" though, so I would need 7-8" heels to catch up with him.:lol:

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:glare:I missed the whole booKs discussion!! What's wrong with using quotes as in "tea"? Too obvious? We could call one usage "teA" and the other "TEA". :D I think we all know which would be which here. Are we really going to talk about it that much more that we need to make a serious jargon code?:tongue_smilie:


Yes. Yes! YES! (I couldn't resist)


I've been around here since January or February. It seems that this gets discussed in some fashion at least once every six weeks or so.

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May I propose an alternate spelling in order to simplify? teA.




That's true. I was thinking of "tea" vs. "Tea."


In the book Wicked, there is a differentiation between "animals" (non-human animal life that doesn't have a soul, can't speak, doesn't have intellect) and "Animals" (non-human animal life, but are very much like humans in all other ways.)


So maybe "tea" could be defined as the act itself including the boiling and brewing and steeping as opposed to "Tea" which is of course the torrential culmination of the brewing and such.


Of course, I haven't read any of the responses beyond Chris' here, so I may be babbling right now. ;)

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