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Not if you're Baptist! My butt was in the pew asap. One time I left church early because I had to go back to the hospital (retained placenta). Orthodoxy, I got my 40 days and loved it! I took it for my miscarriages also.

I was referring to the Duggar's (ATI?) proclamation to abstain from sex for 40/80 days after the birth of a child. Otherwise the wife is not supposed to decline.

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Sorry, switched them while phone typing.


Well, good thing Anna had a girl recently. ;) The cherry-picking laws is so odd to me. Did Gothard just throw a whole bunch of stuff together and see how far he could push things? I'm going to tell people not to eat pork and abstain from sex on these days but not any other restrictions, and oh yeah! Long, curly hair. Let's put that in too!


P.S. Isn't the NIV one of the direct portals to hell per ATI? I don't know if they follow that either.

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Sorry, switched them while phone typing.


Well, good thing Anna had a girl recently. ;) The cherry-picking laws is so odd to me. Did Gothard just throw a whole bunch of stuff together and see how far he could push things? I'm going to tell people not to eat pork and abstain from sex on these days but not any other restrictions, and oh yeah! Long, curly hair. Let's put that in too!


P.S. Isn't the NIV one of the direct portals to hell per ATI? I don't know if they follow that either.

Oh, he has a whole bunch of crazy! One of my all time favorites is his home birthing instruction - from a man without an ounce of medical training mind you - that c sections can be avoided by removing demonic items from the home such as cabbage patch and troll dolls, certain stuffed animals, etc.


This guy is the Daffy Duck of the religious Looney Tunes Show!


And yes, in Gothard's mind the original texts of the Bible were written in King James English! (Facepalm)....actually, I'd love to whack the guy on the head with his huge IBLP Advanced Training Manual because that is the only legitimate use of the thing.

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I think you need to pick a different word in order to distance yourself from association with the Duggars. Try Reebok.

I like Addidas myself. I think it sounds naughtier. Though, ya know, it wouldn't have to be a sports shoe...something like "pumps" might work. Then one could be specific so the poor male knows exactly what he needs to miss. In my case when out and about in a t shirt "FLATS" would be correct!

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I think you need to pick a different word in order to distance yourself from association with the Duggars. Try Reebok.


I was just thinking the Duggars themselves should have picked a different shoe brand to reference. Greek goddesses are not known for modest clothing, and surely bringing such a personage constantly to mind is causing those poor boys to stumble...

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there is now a p*rn 'star' claiming to have had two very rough 'terrifying and traumatic' sessions with him.

no idea how credible it is.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3210828/Porn-star-says-terrifying-rough-sex-disgraced-Josh-Duggar-TWICE-wife-pregnant-fourth-child.html#comments

though the interview was done by intouch (which first broke the duggar scandals) with a lie detector.

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As the mother of five boys, I really can't imagine walking in front of them yelling out something every time I see something that might "defraud" them. What a strange existence for boys/young men/grown men. There have been a few occasions where we have come across someone dressed in such a way as to leave very little to the imagination and I might say something along the line of, "That was an eyeful." But, that's about it.

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The longer abstention time after birthing a girl is because it's so much harder on the woman's nether regions to push out a girl than it is to push out a boy. Boys don't rip you up the same as girls do. Everyone knows that. Duh.



Not Jewish, but I think this is to honor that the daughter will also have a son...  Nothing to do with anything other than how wonderful it is to have boys.  :confused1:




Also, to those who were questioning a well child check, I don't have a link but CPS has visited them repeatedly since the first scandal broke.  At one point a CPS investigator called 911 to get a police escort onto their compound because they weren't being let in.  I think the city just lost a FOIA lawsuit because they refused to release the call, but the call still hasn't been released.

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The last two concern me the most. Speaks softly like Michelle (told you so...chose a stand-in for his mother for him). Never gets angry. So very, very not healthy. I'm betting the hurt and anger is there and it's all being smothered. She will blow one day. Dictatorship and no discussion of sex. Well, for one, something had to be discussed, because they have a code word. Secondly, the whole thing is being handled in a very warped and unhealthy manner. Nothing wrong with a guy averting his eyes, but to have the women in the family dictate when you should avert your eyes and most likely over small crap (oh my, you can see her form!), etc...unhealthy, unhealthy, unhealthy.

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How is the "Nike" thing shocking? It's been featured on more than one of their shows. They brag about doing it, how godly and pure it keeps them. Yeah, right. Just like the locked doors and Internet block worked.


All of this has been featured on their shows. Now suddenly people (and People) think it's a bit weird?

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You know what really scares me for the Duggar girls? They have been pregroomed for sexual abuse. Anna won't even get angry because God forbid she have an unhappy emotion, Jessa blames Anna, Jill and Jessa insist the molestation was no big whoop and everyone should get off poor Joshie's back, the parents are sex whackos on top of not doing the right thing when Josh was molesting them, and everyone is just supposed to pray, forgive, and forget...go on like nothing happened and keep on smiling. No consequences for the perp. King daddy being a total whack job loon in charge of keeping those females in line makes sure they are submissive for the "cause".


I would think every bachelor perv in ATI/Vision Forum land will be lining up to "court" the Duggar girls because they don't have to go to any effort to groom a victim.


Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.

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You know what really scares me for the Duggar girls? They have been pregroomed for sexual abuse. Anna won't even get angry because God forbid she have an unhappy emotion, Jessa blames Anna, Jill and Jessa insist the molestation was no big whoop and everyone should get off poor Joshie's back, the parents are sex whackos on top of not doing the right thing when Josh was molesting them, and everyone is just supposed to pray, forgive, and forget...go on like nothing happened and keep on smiling. No consequences for the perp. King daddy being a total whack job loon in charge of keeping those females in line makes sure they are submissive for the "cause".


I would think every bachelor perv in ATI/Vision Forum land will be lining up to "court" the Duggar girls because they don't have to go to any effort to groom a victim.


Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.


It's a very awkward, unhealthy relationship, isn't it? Wives/mothers are essentially treated like children to be looked after, protected, and f*****d. 


How can a boy relate to a girl with any kind of respect knowing she'll grow up to be a servant?


I think what's particularly interesting in all this is how the focus invariably leads back to Jesus. All the time. Church sermons, references to being closer to god through these ordeals, choosing behavior based on what god would approve of. It's all very formulaic for this family - all focus goes to Jesus, and men are his stand in as necessary. I don't mean reactions here, but by the Duggars themselves. Their grooming has been so complete that not only do they accept these disgusting gender roles as ethical, but all sympathy, all compassion is reserved for Jesus. They will take any opportunity to talk about him and deflect the spotlight off them. When the first scandal broke, that's all they talked about - we're sorry Jesus, we're closer to Jesus, we hope others come closer to Jesus. No accountability. All Jesus, all the time. 

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It's a very awkward, unhealthy relationship, isn't it? Wives/mothers are essentially treated like children to be looked after, protected, and f*****d. 


How can a boy relate to a girl with any kind of respect knowing she'll grow up to be a servant?


I think what's particularly interesting in all this is how the focus invariably leads back to Jesus. All the time. Church sermons, references to being closer to god through these ordeals, choosing behavior based on what god would approve of. It's all very formulaic for this family - all focus goes to Jesus, and men are his stand in as necessary. I don't mean reactions here, but by the Duggars themselves. Their grooming has been so complete that not only do they accept these disgusting gender roles as ethical, but all sympathy, all compassion is reserved for Jesus. They will take any opportunity to talk about him and deflect the spotlight off them. When the first scandal broke, that's all they talked about - we're sorry Jesus, we're closer to Jesus, we hope others come closer to Jesus. No accountability. All Jesus, all the time. 


And honestly, it makes sense in some of the choices JD made. A woman that is independent, sexually open, and yet feel the need to be rough with her. Oh, yeah, this would be pure fodder for a psychology class.

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Oh, he has a whole bunch of crazy! One of my all time favorites is his home birthing instruction - from a man without an ounce of medical training mind you - that c sections can be avoided by removing demonic items from the home such as cabbage patch and troll dolls, certain stuffed animals, etc.


This guy is the Daffy Duck of the religious Looney Tunes Show!


And yes, in Gothard's mind the original texts of the Bible were written in King James English! (Facepalm)....actually, I'd love to whack the guy on the head with his huge IBLP Advanced Training Manual because that is the only legitimate use of the thing.

Clearly THE REASON I have had two c-sections is that when I was a child I coveted the CPK that was dressed in a Scottish outfit and my parents foolishly saved all their pennies and found me one for Christmas. That was the first and last doll I ever loved. Oh, and my brother who I shared a room with until I left home collected troll dolls. The demons dwell within me because I loved that doll so much and slept in the presence of the dastardly little nekkid trolls. ;)

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People says Josh has checked into "long term rehab." Hopefully it's not run by ATI.



Look up ATI's "treatment centers". Abusive. Given that he's a guy, he'll get off easy. For wives that have been locked up in them, it's a nightmare. There is a book that was published about one such wife (and makes you wonder if this is not another reason that Anna won't leave). There are also plenty of testimonies of people that had been locked up in Gothard's juvenile centers.

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Also hoping it's not run by ATI. And hoping, in a weird way, that Anna will not be moving in with family while he's there. I think it would be a difficult but extremely valuable for her to experience life on her own and see that yes, she CAN actually do it by herself and that she is strong.

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People says Josh has checked into "long term rehab." Hopefully it's not run by ATI.



I wonder if "long term" is code for "Anna and I are separating for the time being."


Just a thought that popped into my head. In any case, I do hope Anna takes advantage of the opportunity to exercise some independence and autonomy. It should be good for her, good for her kids. 

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People says Josh has checked into "long term rehab." Hopefully it's not run by ATI.



Courtesy of Free Jinger, it seems likely that Josh has checked into Reformers Unanimous in Rockford, Il. The Duggar plane landed at the Rockford airport just after midnight (the wee hours of yesterday morning) and took off ten minutes later.  The Duggars had previously visited RU - don't recall exactly when, but FJ sleuths often post when the plane travels so we already knew about the previous visit to Rockford. 

I live 25 miles from Rockford, which is why I remembered their visit. 


Anyway....RU is not a Gothard center. But it's one of those 'disciple' centers that appears to focus on using former addicts to treat current addicts. 


I might be totally off base about this being where Josh is 'recovering' but FJ is usually pretty spot on with this kind of sleuthing. 

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Look up ATI's "treatment centers". Abusive. Given that he's a guy, he'll get off easy. For wives that have been locked up in them, it's a nightmare. There is a book that was published about one such wife (and makes you wonder if this is not another reason that Anna won't leave). There are also plenty of testimonies of people that had been locked up in Gothard's juvenile centers.

Do you have a link to that book and/or women's testimonies? I recall a woman who was sent to one for PPD (and not getting up before her husband and making him breakfast, SOOO sad for him) and it left quite an impression on me because of the contrast to how tenderly my husband wrapped me up in love and fiercely protected me and cared for me while I was in the thick of severe PPD and anxiety and grief over my mother's impending death. I haven't been able to find it again.

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Do you have a link to that book and/or women's testimonies? I recall a woman who was sent to one for PPD (and not getting up before her husband and making him breakfast, SOOO sad for him) and it left quite an impression on me because of the contrast to how tenderly my husband wrapped me up in love and fiercely protected me and cared for me while I was in the thick of severe PPD and anxiery and grief over my mother's impending death. I haven't been able to find it again.

Your dh sounds like an awesome man!

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Look up ATI's "treatment centers". Abusive. Given that he's a guy, he'll get off easy. For wives that have been locked up in them, it's a nightmare. There is a book that was published about one such wife (and makes you wonder if this is not another reason that Anna won't leave). There are also plenty of testimonies of people that had been locked up in Gothard's juvenile centers.

This woman was locked up in the Indianapolis treatment center by her husband and brother. It was gut wrenching to read what she went through.


There was an expose` done about a decade ago by one of the news channels - local - in Indianapolis. They used to be on youtube though I do know if they are still out there. A couple of local juvenile court judges were sentencing youth to the facility so Billie Boy and ATI were getting public dollars to "rehabilitate" these youths. It wad NOT pretty!


I can not get my kindle to copy and paste. So you will have to look for it, but www.homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com has an article that is quite factual dated June 25, 2014. It is consistent with what Michganders who live near the Northwoods Camp and the Flint facility know to be true.


Helps you understand the depth of crap the Duggars are into by following Gothard's teachings.

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Clearly THE REASON I have had two c-sections is that when I was a child I coveted the CPK that was dressed in a Scottish outfit and my parents foolishly saved all their pennies and found me one for Christmas. That was the first and last doll I ever loved. Oh, and my brother who I shared a room with until I left home collected troll dolls. The demons dwell within me because I loved that doll so much and slept in the presence of the dastardly little nekkid trolls. ;)

See??? Mr.Gothard is dang helpful now isn't he! $&@$@$#@$$@$

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See??? Mr.Gothard is dang helpful now isn't he! $&@$@$#@$$@$

Well, he can't save me. I'm on eBay looking for my CPK doll.


My parents did not really have the money to afford such a doll but they made it happen. The Christmas of 1985 was a special one indeed.



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Look up ATI's "treatment centers". Abusive. Given that he's a guy, he'll get off easy. For wives that have been locked up in them, it's a nightmare. There is a book that was published about one such wife (and makes you wonder if this is not another reason that Anna won't leave). There are also plenty of testimonies of people that had been locked up in Gothard's juvenile centers.

I know. That was why I said I hoped it wasn't ATI-affiliated. The first go-round of impatient treatment he had with an ATI group went so swimmingly. It's disturbing and sad. Josh has been screwed from birth, and he's so entrenched he won't even save himself.

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Someone once told me the longer abstinence for girls was to give girl babies more time to get a good start in life because they might not be as well looked after and taken care of as boys. So they get to spend twice as long with their mother, getting undivided attention from her and so on. Maybe this person was just looking for a positive spin on the whole thing though.

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I get that there are crazy people. What I don't get is how do the crazy people get such a following??


That's my question. How in the world did they manage to find people that thought their ideas sound just grand?


How is the "Nike" thing shocking? It's been featured on more than one of their shows. They brag about doing it, how godly and pure it keeps them. Yeah, right. Just like the locked doors and Internet block worked.


All of this has been featured on their shows. Now suddenly people (and People) think it's a bit weird?


People has been giving Duggars exactly the press that they want all this time (because that's what People does) and now that everything is falling apart and a pro Duggar article would be ludicrous, they're just trying to recycle the same information they've had all along and package it in a new and "shocking" way.

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If the FJ Reforming Recoveries thing is correct, their treatment program is six months long.  And it talks about codependence.  Hopefully it will be a real treatment program, a good break for both of them, and help them both out. Maybe he'll be the first one out of the cult.

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Well, he can't save me. I'm on eBay looking for my CPK doll.


My parents did not really have the money to afford such a doll but they made it happen. The Christmas of 1985 was a special one indeed.




Katie, I just moved my 80's toys from storage (air-conditioned, in-house storage) a few days ago. I have a 1985 Scottish CPK doll in the box, still with her original outfit, accessories, paperwork, etc.  I never played with her, just displayed her.  Unfortunately she has brown hair.  However, I also have a red-haired CPK (with braids), also still in the box.  She wasn't played with much if at all.  I can't check her eye color right now but would be happy to later.  I can also PM you some photos.  You are very welcome to them if you would like them! You can switch the clothes after you get them, or I can switch the clothes and just mail you what you want.  If you'd rather keep looking for one just like yours on eBay, I totally understand.  :)

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