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How sick is sick enough to back off of schoolwork...

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Nobody is really, really sick. We just have head colds. Everybody's throat is raw and swollen. Everyone has runny noses. Everyone alternates between too hot and too cold.


But everyone, including the TeacherMom, is having trouble just thinking in a coherent fashion. All we really want to do is sit around the living room and drink hot tea and moan.


Are we wimps? Or should I let us back off of school a wee bit for the day? Am I focused and committed? Or am I being a cruel taskmaster? What say ye, oh wise members of the hive?

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Well, I say you officially qualify for a sick day! Anytime your thinking gets muddled, you really can't learn well. I just put my son to bed because he has a low grade temp and just can't focus....not really sick, but not learning. on the other hand, I've had my dd do school with a 102 temp because she was thinking clearly, just a little tired (she did nap, i'm not a complete ogre:))


Enjoy your day off, and get well soon!

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Only you can answer this. If you think you and the kids are up to a little school, you can proceed gently and with patience. Be prepared to take breaks as needed or leave assignments unfinished if you are just not up to it.


There is nothing wrong with curling up on the couch to read, or watch a movie with the kids either ;)

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When my boys are not really sick, but just feeling generally lousy, we call it a reading day.

They spend the majority of their day on the couch or on someone's bed reading whatever it is they feel like reading.


Everyone gets just enough of a break that they feel like they are recuperating, and I don't feel as if the whole day is lost.


:grouphug: Hope you're all feeling better soon.

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I say you qualify for a sick day. But if you want to redeem the time ( after everyone gets a good nap)..play some fun math games, or put in a good movie you can enjoy together. You could assign some fun Reading for everyone to do on their own..something they don't usually get to read during normal school hours.. Reading out loud is probably out of the question with sore throats and all. Have the younger ones build something with Lego's..

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Educational videos, audio books, curl up on the couch and suffer together. Would you have sent anyone to public school with such a cold? If not - it is a sick day at home, too. I do note to kids that if they are well enough to be on computer or watch bad tv, then they are well enough for school.

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Nobody is really, really sick. We just have head colds. Everybody's throat is raw and swollen. Everyone has runny noses. Everyone alternates between too hot and too cold.


But everyone, including the TeacherMom, is having trouble just thinking in a coherent fashion. All we really want to do is sit around the living room and drink hot tea and moan.


Are we wimps? Or should I let us back off of school a wee bit for the day? Am I focused and committed? Or am I being a cruel taskmaster? What say ye, oh wise members of the hive?


I don't think you're wimps! I know I say this a lot, but this just came up today, here, too. I've been sick for two weeks, and it looks like The Kid is finally feeling it today, too.


I don't know how wise I am, but I say take the day off -- maybe two. You don't really do your best work when you're feeling crummy anyway. Aside from the fact that it's inefficient -- everything takes two or three times as long! -- sick people are grumpy. :D


Here comes the "blah blah blah" part -- so feel free to move on! LOL!


When we were kids, if we were sick enough to stay home from school, we were in bed. Period. The thing was, we *did* stay home and we *did* stay in bed, and we usually got over it in a day or two and were fine, while our friends who were not "wimps" soldiered on and were sick for much longer, not to mention all the "sharing" that went on.


Sitting around the living room, drinking hot tea and moaning? That's healing. ;)

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My kids are old enough to decide for themselves. The consequence is just like for anyone else in the world: The work still needs to be done by a certain time so consider that along with how sick you feel.


My ds took a half day on Friday and my daughter took off almost all of Mon and Tues. We're passing around TWO viruses.

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Well, we got in our math and our history, including some map work and two unitedstreaming videos. My 13 year old did a couple of keyword outlines in preparation for writing class on Monday and he got two paragraphs of penmanship done. He was more productive than the rest of us. We decided to let grammar and science slide. I think it will be okay.


Now one kid is on the wii, one is on the computer, and one is on the gamecube.


Now can I have permission to keep everyone home from church tonight? I just don't think I can sit through the service, I feel like I cannot keep my eyes open that long.

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Educational videos, audio books, curl up on the couch and suffer together. Would you have sent anyone to public school with such a cold? If not - it is a sick day at home, too. I do note to kids that if they are well enough to be on computer or watch bad tv, then they are well enough for school.

:iagree: That sounds just like what I do for dd if either one of us is sick. Of course, if it is me that is sick she gets computer time.

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Well, we got in our math and our history, including some map work and two unitedstreaming videos. My 13 year old did a couple of keyword outlines in preparation for writing class on Monday and he got two paragraphs of penmanship done. He was more productive than the rest of us. We decided to let grammar and science slide. I think it will be okay.


Now one kid is on the wii, one is on the computer, and one is on the gamecube.


Now can I have permission to keep everyone home from church tonight? I just don't think I can sit through the service, I feel like I cannot keep my eyes open that long.



Oh, no, Kelli! You're getting all :willy_nilly: with the sick rules!


When one is too sick for text books, one is too sick for the Wii, the Gamecube, the XBox, the Nintendo DS, and the general PC game.


What are you doing, woman?



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On days like this, which we had a week of recently, I cut out the maths, latin etc, and do extra read alouds, and take the opportunity to watch documentaries, which we normally rarely get to, but have a whole stash of. If I am sick too, and don't feel like doing much reading aloud, it's extra tv!

I know its hard to stop the work- I find it hard- but I think its important we dont get stuck in the role of teacher, and allow ourselves to be the mother/nurturer/healer at times when it's called for.

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Are we wimps? Or should I let us back off of school a wee bit for the day? Am I focused and committed? Or am I being a cruel taskmaster? What say ye, oh wise members of the hive?


Goodness, woman, take the rest of the week off then hit the ground running again Monday. (Math for everyone on Saturday, though. Only because it makes me CRAZY to get behind in math.)

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