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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Another gorgeous morning! I was actually cold when I woke up :)


My day looks like this:

--physical therapy at 9am

--email dd at camp

--daily and Friday things

--make an appointment

--pick cukes and pickle them

--pick tomatoes; stare blankly at the mound (the dd at home doesn't eat tomatoes, silly girl)

--cruise paperwork online

--check into dh's reduced price for a subscription to The Economist so dd doesn't have to rely on the library all year

--decide on hiking socks; order (it would be much easier if stores here would carry women's small...)

--continue working on psych syllabus

--daily weeding, yuck

--make a veggie gratin to go with dinner (see tomatoes above lol)

--walk or hike w dh :)

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Good morning all! 




Costco run (Make menu, grocery list, and shop)

Take Abigail to Hobby Lobby for flowers 

Make wreath

Water my newly planted day lilies and the garden

Make Liz' new lampshade

Hit the Goodwill to look for a night table for Liz' night table

Buy a tetherball from Amazon

Paint the clay pots for the entry way door

Cleaning up an auditorium after an event tonight after the kiddies are in bed.  -So a nap may be called for this afternoon, lol.



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Friday! I am ready for whatever pollen is making us miserable to leave town.


For Today:

Done Get audition materials ready

Done Order grammar workbooks

Done Figure out crochet project

Get out SOTW 3 and look at book recommendations for 4 youngers

Done Check SAT/ACT testing dates

Done Fishbowl


Done Look into CYT classes

Done Check for ripe peaches


Lunch - cottage cheese, fruit

Dinner - spaghetti and meatballs

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Good morning! I am free today. Previous complicated plans have been cancelled. Woo hoo! I am not quite sure what I will do today, more decluttering, I think.


To do:


Some online stuff

Some house project

Watch results for state meet (great day yesterday for dd2)

Chill with ds2

Try not to dread tomorrow's meet.


Have a great day!

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Good Morning Ladies! It's Friday!

** breakfast and devotions

** take littles to swimming lessons

** Kon-Mari school books (how many bits and pieces of different phonics programs does one person need, anyway?)

** start planning for next school year.... it's gonna be different next year with one in parochial school!


Have a wonderful day!

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Good morning

- take shower and dress- done

- study a little (looking at PowerPoint slides of tissues)- done

- go take final exam when Dh get home- done passed with 80%

- dishes- done

- tidy house- done

- clean out camper (not taking to Missouri because we are not sure if has issues or not so we will take it to a much closer location for first camp)- cleaned the outside and sprayed ant killer inside (carpenter ants I think invaded it but they are no more)

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- dd1 is staying at inlaws

- anything else I get done

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Hi guys.  I have some deadlines today, so I hope I am super productive.  I am easily distractable these days with all the things the kids are doing, the house construction, etc.  So now I'm starting to get nervous that work is falling behind.  :/  Some days I wish I was a SAHM so I could really embrace all the family stuff without worrying about the work stuff.


Today's list:

  • Kids up & out to camp.  [done]  (Nanny will pick them up for afternoon Nanny Camp and then drop them home.)
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Help clean out a room for the construction guys to work in.  [done]
  • Work.  [ongoing]
  • Kids should be home at 5pm and need to be bathed & ready for theater performance by 6pm.  [done]
  • Kids to theater performance #1.  [done]
  • Dinner out.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.   [done] (They need to be at a swim meet by 7:?? a.m. Saturday and are behind on sleep, so let's hope they fall asleep right away.)
  • Work.  [ongoing]
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We're leaving this afternoon to watch dd's performance and spend the night, then come back tomorrow.


Clean kitchen

Pack overnight bag

Pack traveling snacks and water

Pack (my) school books. Yep, I have homework!

Don't forget chargers!

Print out map

Make last-ditch effort at finding glasses

Leave for trip

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Two doctors in collusion upped my meds.  (OK - they probably weren't in collusion - they just both really thought I should up my meds.)  Now I'm stumbling around like a drunk person.  Dh wanted me to drive to do an errand.  I explained why that would be a bad idea right now.  


So - tackle list so far:


It took a Herculean effort, but I'm out of bed.

I ate lunch.

I put up with my  kids laughing at me.



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Hi again.  I am sooo tired.  I promised to send something out Friday (which it still is in their neck of the woods - CT - for another 45 minutes).  And we are supposed to be at a swim meet at 7:45, meaning we must get up and start rushing around before 7am.  6 hours of sleep - doesn't sound so bad.  I don't have my regular alarm clock, so my phone alarm is it.  Which I didn't hear at all last time.  Yikes.


Today was pretty good.  The kids had their theater performance and that is always fun.


Tomorrow is going to be another long day.  I hope I get some good rest tonight and leap out of bed bright and early.

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Ha!  I sent out that bling blang email 8 minutes too late.  Hate when that happens.


Well, it wasn't an official deadline, we just told the client we were going to send them an update on our findings Friday.  But still.


Well, goodnight everyone.  I should get some sleep.  I hope you all get some good sleep too!

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