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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

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  • Some early morning work maybe  [nope, worked until 5am and couldn't get up early]


Clean house because I just found out tonight that the monthly maid service is coming tomorrow morning.  :/  [got about 80% done before learning they aren't coming after all]


Get kids to morning gymnastics camp; work while they are at camp  [yeah, except it's a pm camp]


Bring kids home and give them their work for the day [done]


Work some more


Dinner, some housework




Kids to their first tennis lesson


Kids to bed


Work until midnight


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Pick up some fresh flowers from HD and plant them.

Laundry- 1 load of lights and darks.

Quick tidy of the house and vacuum the main floor.

Fix my exercise area.

Work on grading and lesson plans for next year.

Cook something healthy and delicious for dinner.


Have a great day!


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--hope these clouds go away (and it just started to rain :eek:)

--walk to/from gym for training session

--help ds and dh move furniture back into place from party

--help ds move into his summer sublet just off-campus (where he can walk to his summer job)

--plan meals for this week

--plan week

--quick weed of veggie, fruit, and perennial gardens

--maybe pick up some more annuals to fill space in the bed I doubled in size

--almost forgot, regular daily things

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Good morning! We had an exhausting but very successful weekend. Moving on to Monday...


To do:

AM practice (drive girls to mom's)

Remind dd1 she has a call at noon


Pick up ds1 from airport yay!

Home things

Chores, school, etc.

PM practice

Leftovers for dinner


Have a great day!

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Morning chores

Pool and swim practice



Figure out SWAPS supplies needed for AHG


buy a new swimsuit for dd

update budget, pay bills


dinner - something with the chx I have thawing


continue working on school planning

desperately need to work in the garden this week!!

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Good morning

- tidy house- done

- get ready for school and dd2 ready for day care- done

- put dh's shot gun and shells into my trunk- done

- drop d2 off at day care- done

- drop gun and shells off at dh's work (he's going to dear in laws after work to take care of some nuisance animals)- done

- school- done

- pick up dd2 - done

- dishes

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dd1 Girl Scouts- done

- while dd1 is at Girl Scouts return library books and take cans back for deposit- forgot the library books but cans were retuned

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

- school work

- anything else I get done- load of laundry going in dryer

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Schoolwork-Bible, history and math.

A couple of loads of laundry.

Straighten up various rooms, such as clear paperwork and such off of the dining room table.

Grab a workbook on grammar for practice through out the summer.

Make some phone calls.


Grab a couple items from the grocery store.

Make chicken burrito bake and a salad for dinner.


Have a great day, ya'll.

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I don't know how I managed to screw this up, but the kids' camp today is at 1pm, not 9am.  Of course I discovered this upon dropping them off.  :/


Worked until 5am, set my alarm for 7am, kept hitting the snooze until 8am, cleaned my room super quick, got the kids up and ready (with only a little snapping), cleaned their room, cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, and started moving the crap in their play area as fast as I could.  Then I was informed that the maids are not coming today after all.  :/  Took a shower and got ready as the kids ate, then rushed late to the gym.  We would have been 20 minutes late for camp if we hadn't been almost 4 hours early.  :/


In short, the day is not going exactly as planned.  :P


So now I am back to work until 12:30 when we will try again.  I have a few time-sensitive things to try to get out before then.

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It's Monday!  With 3 kids in different schools and a college age kid home from the summer, we have had a couple of crazy weeks of programs and end of season parties and concerts and birthdays and track meets.  This week is looking a little quieter, and I am so glad!  


SKL - I'm so sorry about your crazy morning!  I've done the same thing... I hope the afternoon drop off goes better!


to do:

tidy up


laundry out

pull chicken out of freezer


mow the lawn

finish quilts

deliver quilts to ?

violin practice

violin lessons 

dd babysit at 5:50 - make sure someone can give her a ride

dinner - grill some chicken for cobb salads

go on a walk/jog



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Got a few important things out via email.  Of course I attached the wrong file to one of them, so I had to re-send it from Panera after dropping the kids off.  I have learned that internet at Panera is not all it's cracked up to be.  :P


But the cheese danish makes up for it.  :)  (I have to work some exercise into my schedule today.)


Now I will be switching between WTM and work for the next hour or so, before I head back and pick up my kids.  I will try to get there a little early so I can see the results of their back handspring practice.  Miss A loves to show off.  :)

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I've been taking it easy for the last week as we settle back into daily life without my nephew being g around. Itself wonderful and horrible all at once. I like not having my nephew around so we can focus on just us but getting used to a new routine sucks. Any who,today I'm back into the swing of not just lounging around.



-grocery store

- wash cloth diapers

- laundry washed, folded, away

- clean downstairs

- clean my room

-pet sit

- kids clean their room

- dinner done by 5:30

- kids in bed by 8

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Back from gymnastics camp.


I am stressed out.  I have a possible deadline.  It might be due today or not.  It is incomplete because the government's website is under construction.  Client said "maybe we should send it as a draft."  I asked the recipient (banker) if she wants it, and she said "I will check and get back to you."  But it is past 5pm, so that probably won't happen today.  Ugh.


I also have 2 requests from clients to have a call with them.  Double and triple ugh.  Ugh ugh ugh.  Ugh.


I am tired (2 hrs sleep) and there's no way I'm going to be able to do any useful work after my kids go to bed today.  And yet I have so much to do.  I think I hate this time of year.


Sorry, that sounds like a lot of whining!  I need a better attitude.

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Tennis lesson was fun, but Miss A suddenly got a very bad stomachache followed by the pukes.  I still don't know what is behind that.  She doesn't have a fever.  Right now she's sleeping on the floor next to the bathroom.  (Her request.)  I hope she is well enough to follow the program tomorrow.


I'm going to turn in early tonight and catch up on some sleep.  I hope I will also get up early and start my work.

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SKL and Susan, hope your day gets better. :grouphug: :grouphug:

Haven't been here in awhile to post, but I check in to make sure you guys are ok. ;)


Deep cleaned our bedroom today, whew!  Many dust bunnies were vacuumed from under the bed. Water bottles under the bed, 30, humungous spider valiantly killed by ME, 1, but it counts as at least 3, mess from stupid rabbit when it gets loose in my room, OVER, stray socks under bed, uncountable, Pledged, Lysoled, and I am through.


Took youngest to babysitting job after she finished school.


thawed chicken for dinner, I am thinking pasta salad with it.


Been working with doctor since 10am to get insurance company to pay for refill of prescription that is finally working for oldest.  such a hassle, they had better authorize it!


Running sheets and towel in the laundry currently.


Now I need to shower and the ice my shoulder which is mad from reaching under the bed.

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